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Suggestion For Electric/lightning Mods


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There are 3 enemy Factions at the moment and each have their weaknesses.

But the 1 element that does the least amount of damage to all factions is Electric/Lightning Mods, I know that it does 

amazing against Corpus but other than that it's weak. When Ranking a Mod the Electric/Lightning is 

also usally the weakest elemental Mod if fully Ranked. 


Now we come to my Suggestion. I am suggesting that Electric/Lightning Mods have a chance to 'jump'.

With decreasing it's damage let's say by 10% for each jump. Also if the damage decrease is not enough, 

we could create it that it only stuns the main target.

                                                                                         If you hit a wall, it would not 'jump'.


What do you guys think?

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That's a cool idea and might make me equip a electricity mod. Currently I don't even use them for Corpus missions, because I can only afford to put serration, armor piercing (important to headshot crewmen) and Cryorounds (tear down shields much faster) on my Gorgon.

This would be great, especially if it would jump to ospreys, because then I don't have curse at those mobile flying buggers.

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I think this is a good idea actually, it gives some "flavor" to electrical damage which, at the moment, is underpowered/lackluster compared to the others (melee mod is +5% / rank, while others are +15%, for example - with the same amount of mod-cost). Also, vs. corpus, armor pierce + cryo is usually better anyway.

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I feel the same way +'d.


Lightning seems to be the weakest element for the sword at least. For the guns dont they all do 15% damage? I've noticed in the case of the pistols it only does 5% armor piercing though for the rifle its 10% and sword its 15%. I wonder if this is specific for some reason or just some weird oversight. Personally I'd think all elements should do the same for all weapons. I guess I could understand the sword being the most effective for armor piercing but why is pistol less than rifle? My Lex should pierce armor more than my burston...


Just a bit of consistancy is all I ask.

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Hm, I like this suggestion. Would definitely make electric worth equipping if the jump could stun the enemies it jumps to as well, but for decreasing amounts of time.


For example, I fire at Target A, and it stuns him for 3-4 seconds (whatever the default is now). Then it jumps to Target B, but only stuns him for 2 secs. Target C for 1 sec.


They could add diminishing returns to it as well, so I couldn't just spray 1 target/group and stun-lock 5-10+ mobs.

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They could add diminishing returns to it as well, so I couldn't just spray 1 target/group and stun-lock 5-10+ mobs.

Yes stun locking a group would be a problem, but as I said maybe just give it a chance to jump.

That would also make it less possible to stun lock groups.

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"does the least amount of damage to all factions"

"amazing against Corpus"


Just a bit of a contradiction in your original post.


Now, this chain effect sounds pretty cool, and it would definitely give electric mods more flavor than they currently have.

However, chaining lightning attacks is already something Volt has, so it might be stepping on his toes.


I do not believe that giving it the chance to stun more than one target is a good idea.

This would be way too powerful for just having a mod on your gun, it's moving even more towards the job of Abilities.


Also, you would definitely want to reduce the chance to 'jump' on ranged weapons, while having a higher chance to 'jump' on melee weapons.

This way a Grakata wouldn't spit lightning everywhere and annihilate an entire platoon of crewmen in seconds, but someone running into that same group with melee would have a chance to down them all before dying.

Edited by LunarWind
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Also, you would definitely want to reduce the chance to 'jump' on ranged weapons, while having a higher chance to 'jump' on melee weapons.

This way a Grakata wouldn't spit lightning everywhere and annihilate an entire platoon of crewmen in seconds, but someone running into that same group with melee would have a chance to down them all before dying.


I would consider that a feature, not a problem >: )

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However, chaining lightning attacks is already something Volt has, so it might be stepping on his toes.



Although I know that volt has almost the same effect, it would do alot less damage and Electricity/Lightning is a elemental effect just like fire

and it's the same with Ember and fire, yes Ember's ability's are all fire but that doesn't mean we can't use the element at all. This is just something to add to Electricity to make it a 'good' choice to have as well. At the moment Fire, armor piercing and Frost is mostly picked because they all have good damage, but you only pick Electricity if your fighting against Corpus, giving the mod a 'jump' chance would increase it's value and give more playstyles to the game. (My opinion)


Also, you would definitely want to reduce the chance to 'jump' on ranged weapons, while having a higher chance to 'jump' on melee weapons.

This way a Grakata wouldn't spit lightning everywhere and annihilate an entire platoon of crewmen in seconds, but someone running into that same group with melee would have a chance to down them all before dying.


Yes I understand your point completely, that's why I said "Chance" to jump, and making the jump chance on long ranged weapons even lower would solve that issue yes, or even just lowering the chance on high firerate rifles, otherwise this mod would still be useless on low firerate weapons, like a Sniper for example. 

Edited by Amulame
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Does anybody know if electricity mods do extra damage to rollers (since they are robots)?


That might be reason enough to put it on my Fragor.

If you can hit it with Fragor you will one shot it anyway, no need for Eletrical damage.

And why waste a Electrical mod on Fragor for just this mob? Not a good idea.

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Have the chance to jump per projectile be based on the number of projectiles the gun is capable of spitting out per second.  This way, you don't get a single shotgun blast that flings 12 lightning bolts at random enemies (though this would be awesome) or high fire-rate weapons pulling off similar lightning-everywhere antics (though this would also be awesome to see happen).  Pretty simple solution - think of it kinda like the elemental effect chances on guns in Borderlands, except instead of a generic elemental explosion, it's a more flavorful lightning arc (in the case of electricity, anyway) - weapons like sniper rifles and revolvers are guaranteed to cause the effect, whereas assault rifles and shotguns have a comparatively-low chance just due to having a lot more individual rolls for it over time (SMGs being an exception, since the aforementioned Grakata scenario is exactly what they're intended to do in that game - and not much else).


As a Volt player, I would say that it's unlikely you'll find Volt players that would be against this, considering that it would logically be extended to all electrical damage they do with abilities as well - assuming the "lightning arcs off targets" thing is made into a standard effect of electrical damage, which I don't think would be all that problematic (it's kind of what electrical stuff does in games, especially RPGs, just in general - like ice damage slowing things or fire damage having damage-over-time effects).  Maybe Shock would be more useful as a result, since it's currently not really that great outside of stunning Corpus...

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I feel the same way +'d.


Lightning seems to be the weakest element for the sword at least. For the guns dont they all do 15% damage? I've noticed in the case of the pistols it only does 5% armor piercing though for the rifle its 10% and sword its 15%. I wonder if this is specific for some reason or just some weird oversight. Personally I'd think all elements should do the same for all weapons. I guess I could understand the sword being the most effective for armor piercing but why is pistol less than rifle? My Lex should pierce armor more than my burston...


Just a bit of consistancy is all I ask.


It's a matter of balance. Pistol AP mods used to be better, then they got nerfed because they were too good and basically made the game into Pistolframe: The Pistoling.

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Have the chance to jump per projectile be based on the number of projectiles the gun is capable of spitting out per second.  This way, you don't get a single shotgun blast that flings 12 lightning bolts at random enemies (though this would be awesome) or high fire-rate weapons pulling off similar lightning-everywhere antics (though this would also be awesome to see happen).  Pretty simple solution - think of it kinda like the elemental effect chances on guns in Borderlands, except instead of a generic elemental explosion, it's a more flavorful lightning arc (in the case of electricity, anyway) - weapons like sniper rifles and revolvers are guaranteed to cause the effect, whereas assault rifles and shotguns have a comparatively-low chance just due to having a lot more individual rolls for it over time (SMGs being an exception, since the aforementioned Grakata scenario is exactly what they're intended to do in that game - and not much else).


As a Volt player, I would say that it's unlikely you'll find Volt players that would be against this, considering that it would logically be extended to all electrical damage they do with abilities as well - assuming the "lightning arcs off targets" thing is made into a standard effect of electrical damage, which I don't think would be all that problematic (it's kind of what electrical stuff does in games, especially RPGs, just in general - like ice damage slowing things or fire damage having damage-over-time effects).  Maybe Shock would be more useful as a result, since it's currently not really that great outside of stunning Corpus...


Agree with everything you said.

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