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Hydra Is Recruiting! Hail Hydra


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Anyone looking for a great clan with at least 20 people playing at any given time, send us a message for an invite and you won't be sorry! 
We have 240 active members and always looking for more active members who are fun to play with and not full of S#&$!

We have pretty much everything researched and if you're thinking - "I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than having a really really ridiculously good looking Dojo" then keep looking, cos if gardens are your thing, our Dojo is your bling!


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Master Assasin checking in, joined the clan 2 weeks ago and haven't looked back since been playing the game since closed beta and been on two top clans and alliances but here in HYDRA it's a whole new breed of players from all ranges join and come witness some of what warframe has to offer and then become one of the best warframe has to offer


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Cleaned thread of unnecessary posting.


Just a reminder, bumping like this is not exactly something that should be done especially if the post adds nothing to the recruitment process.


Stay on topic, Tenno.

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" 'Ail Hy-druh!"


Welcome comrade! Fight for the glorious Hy-druh! A group of skilled Tenno who look to achieve peace...through domination of the galaxy of course!




Slaughter countless Grineer, Corpus, and Infested with the multitude of Hy-druh operatives! Watch as puny clans run in fear! Or join up with comrade's from mother Alliance, Arbiters Rage for even more possibilities of colonizing the solar chart for our own benefit!




Remember, if you're not with us not only are you against us but you will soon be fed to our Kubrow as soon as Dark Sectors return!




Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place! 'Ail Hy-druh!"





Edited by (XB1)Ugzilla
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Welcome Comrade!  


Please report to the cerebral conditioning chamber for "perfecting" your allegiance to glorious Hy-druh. Also, do not forget your nifty Hy-druh issued t-shirt!



Some call it propaganda, other's refer to it as "brain washing". These small-minded Tenno do not know the joys of crushing your enemies like insect while hoisting the magnificient flag of the Arbiters on their rail in triumph. Do not be like these mis-guided, unmotivated Tenno. We help each other. We strengthen each other. We are legion! We do not spew rhetoric about unity with "all Tenno" when the truth clearly states that we must evolve or die. To do so, we purge the undeserving; those lacking focus and the mental capacity to know who the liberators truly are. We have one goal, one focus, one mind! Cut one head, and two shall rise to take it's place! 'Ail Hy-druh!



And remember Comrade, recruit all that thirst for a new day! One filled with victory, empty of defeat and free of the Tenno that fight among their own. Become one of us: the hope for a brighter tomorrow! 'Ail Hy-druh!




Edited by (XB1)Ugzilla
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HAIL HYDRA! For anyone still looking for a clan invite please contact one of the Bosses I listed in the 1st post. Contact us either in game or through Xbone or you can message me directly on here. Open recruiting is winding to a close but I believe we can sneak a few more in. HAIL HYDRA!

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