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Mag Needs An Upgrade


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Ability 1: Pull- its all right to disorient a enemy and preform a decent amount of damage with the stabbing melee action that occurs when an enemy is down (which could be stronger)


Solution: more damage or stun time



2: Shield Polarize- Stripes or grants shield an to enemy or teammates 


Solution: Worst ability yet, which should be changed to push or something else magnetic. Even if it does not get change at least make it worth the energy spend by increasing its stats or taking away a enemies shield permanentlyn or 1/2 way of a boss...even restoring some or all of the shields to a cryopod (not sure on the spelling of that) in defense missions....the devs should make a suggestion or at least take a polling to change this. Better powers to me would be a power that deflects or stops all bulltes shot in the vicinity of you or impalement of an enemy or boss (with decent damage)


3: Bullet attractor - magnetize enemies causing nearby bullets to hit them


Solution: would be great if it upped the damage of bullets or certain attacks to an enemy or even 


4: Crush- magnetize the bones of nearby enemies causing them to collapse on themselves.


Solution: none its already great except for stun time on stronger enemies 


I mean i like mag but sometimes when i see a teammate slash through multiple piles of enemies and still have power i feel cheated. Please make some changes devs 


-just suggestions


question: is there like a jump or switch places power that is not an ability? cause it happens when i play with mag sometimes

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question: is there like a jump or switch places power that is not an ability? cause it happens when i play with mag sometimes


Were you going against Grineers? Because Grineer Commanders have the ability to switch teleport with you.

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question: is there like a jump or switch places power that is not an ability? cause it happens when i play with mag sometimes

Grineer Commanders have a power that is basically the same as Loki's Switch Teleport power.


OT: I took the Mag as my starter, and I agree with your point about Shield Polarize. It doesn't do enough to be worth the energy needed to use it in my opinion. Last time I tried, it did work on defense objectives though.


I think that the bullet attractor is fine because of how it works with powers like Excalibur's javalin. It also makes shotguns a lot better against bosses.

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Yes, there is a switch places power that which is the switch teleport of Loki
Mag, doesn't have anything that does that.



So far, I do agree that shield polarize should be buffed ever more or changed by a better ability since it is hardly usable and the energy it requires doesn't compensate for it's effect.

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I think Mag's Pull should be dynamic, meaning enemies will be pulled towards you based on where you aim (it'll travel in an arc). Now this would only be possible through an expansion of the lock-on radius around the targeting reticule, like Mass Effect's kind of.


Shield Polarize should def be reworked as you said, nothing more to say about that


Bullet Attractor should deflect bullets when placed on a friendly, and should increase all damage from bullet/bolt/whatever weaponry to the target. As for the synergy with Excalibur's Javelin or something like Nyx's Psychic Bolts...

I rarely play with players who use radial javelin. Most of them go for le old slash dash.


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Making Shield polarize a AoE thing probably would be nice. Right now based on how the UI works it's virtually impossible to know your team mates health unless they're sitting still, while most things aside from bosses don't have shields work using it on. A AoE could heal your team mates and make a big fight of shielded goons far easier.


Pull is also of... Questionable use. Most of the things you might actually want to pull, like big dangerous guys and not the mooks you can point and click for a second, don't seem to get knocked down and just teleport in your face. What fun to have a Gunner instantly knock you over!


I have not played other Frames, immediately, but it seems they have more readily availble attack powers, which the Mag only has crush. (Which, admittedly, is a rather great one, if expensive in every sort of way and really short range.) If pull was instead something like a push, for hilarious railing death themed things, it might be more viable. Right now you can do pretty much what push does on mooks just by flying kicking some guy in the face... Which works on all non-bosses, too!


It's all kind of pointless enough that I just run shield polarize and crush, with shield only used to bolster the objective in defense missions when needed. It's not a lot.

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