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Thank You For What You Created. Here's My Feedback And Some Suggestions.


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Dear DE, I want to thank you for creating this amazing game. Being a space-ninja with machine guns and superpowers has been for me one of the best gaming experience so far. I like this game, and I want to give you my personal feedback on some things that (surely just in my opinion) should be made a little diverse to make it more enjoyable.

1) Add the Liset customization menu on one of the ship's panels.
When I want to modify some mods or my equipment, I usually just go to the specific section of the ship and do my buisness. But if I want to modify the skins and colors of the Liset, I'm forced to use the game menu. A simple panel (maybe that one unused near the Syindicates menu) would do.
2) Make us return to the Cephalon Simaris room after a Mastery Test if we started it from there.
I tend to repeat already passed Tests to train, try and level up new frames and weapons before taking them in real missions. Every time I do a test (and if I want to repeat it to get affinity and understand properly how a given weapon works) I must then walk again through the whole Relay. We should simply be taken back to the room instead.

3) Add teleporters in the Relays like those we have in the Clan-Dojos.
This is on par with my suggestion number 2). Don't get me wrong: I like the environments you made in the stations (and in general in the whole game) so I don't mind usually walking inside it to go wherever I want or need to. But sometimes, when I'm in a hurry, it can get a little "frustrating" (I don't know if it's the right word, English isn't my first language) to be forced to go from the Angar to the room I need to go to every time.
4) Allow us to change weapons when we are inside the Relays.
This should also be a "lore" thing. The Relays are places where the Tennos meet, sell and buy stuff, train and also decide to go on missions. You added those big beautul rooms full of mission panels for us to use and the possibility to change our "configurations". But if we want or need to change our loadouts and we do not have a configuration ready to use, we are forced to return to the ship.
5) Bring back some old stuff you took away.
I understand that being this a ever evolving game, for balance and other reasons sometimes you decide that a given weapon/ Prime Frame or some other feature has to leave. I'm a new player, so I will never get any of the stuff you gave to player who rightfully earned it during events or special missions. What I ask is to simply made some of those weapons/ Prime Frames obtainable again. Maybe with some new difficult quests and missions to not make those who took their time and earned them when they were obtainable say rightfully "Hey it's not fair! We had to do hard things to get those!". Put us in the same conditions and make us earn them too the hard way.
6) add... I may call them "general assassination missions".

In this game assassinations are made against VIPs with names, dialogues and "personality". Those missions are pratically Boss Fights. The challenge is not only to get to the VIP killing his infinite mooks army, but also to confront him. You could implement "real assassination missions" where we must infiltrate (trying to keep the lowest profile possible) in enemy bases and then kill a generic mook (something like the capture mission). The difficulty should be that if we allert too much the enemy of our presence, the Target runs away (like in capture mission)... force us to use stealth to get to him maybe. Basically I'm suggesting something that stands between Spy, actual Assassination and Capture Missions, with a lot of security measures inside the whole maps and the usual infinite enemies.

Edit 1: As THND3RZ rightfully made me note, this kind mechanics, if put inside not just a room or two but a whole mission's map, would get problematic for players that want to use a not-stealthy Frame. To sort this thing out there should be (like there are in the usual Spy missions) hidden passages and shortcuts to get to the assassination target. Many thanks to THND3RZ for the feedback.


I hope to get some feedback from my fellows Tenno too on those suggestions. Thank you again for reading and your hard work in creating one of the best games I've ever played.

Edited by animanera89
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the problem with your n° 6 is ...some frame will do this easy mode (ash,banshee et especially loki)and the others will struggle.

This mean if you want to do this easily and still having "fun" you'll need to take a stealth frame which you might not like just to do these missions.You even have to take silent weapons.

So i do not really agree...I like the idea really but it seems too unfair to me.I'm a stealth player i have no worries about this but i know most of my friends prefer playing less "stealth" and these missions would be anoying for them.


I would prefer a general rework on the assassination missions(honestly it just feels like i'm just farming a tankier enemy not a boss)

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Good point, still: the missions that requires the most "stealthiness" of the game are the Spy missions, because you basically have to not trigger any allarm once you are in the Data Vaults. But those mission have always some kind of shortcut or "hidden" passage that allows you to get there even if you are using a roaring Rhino. I'm talking about something like that. Some zones of the maps are full of traps and hidden passages. A pure stealth Frame would probably not mind, a more "simple" tanking or damage Frame could want to use those.
Thanks for your reply anyway. Costructive feedback (even if negative) is good :)

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Actually, I'd love an option in the codex to go back and do some of the events.  I'm sad I never got to do things like the Cicero Crisis.  I mean, the programming is all done, and one of the biggest complaints is if you missed the events you can't get the mod.  


So let us be able to replay the event, and gain the rewards under the original conditions.  


Make the events a craftable key or something.  Kinda like the derelicts.  I'd be more than happy to do a quest to get the blueprint so I could make the keys to try those challenges.  

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