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Dark Sector History: The Grandest Of Alliances


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As we all know, Dark Sectors have been changing ownership ever since U 14 was implemented. Yet, the question remains: Who's been in it the longest? It's a hard question to answer, given the politics involved in the acquisition of these solar rails, but let's try a wing at it. I will not take into consideration short cycles that fell in between the transitions of these mega alliances. I am currently in "Le Phoenix", and thought I'd make things easier to understand for some of you reading.


                                                             First Generation of Alliances


-The first clan to ever own a solar rail: Jaegar Zero                 DEFEATED                   by The Syndicate

-The first mega alliance to hit solar rails: The Syndicate        UNDEFEATED                 gave their rails away

-The first alliance to have 0% tax: Army of the Lotus                DEFEATED                   by GameOfTenno

-The largest alliance (96 clans recorded): GameOfTenno        DEFEATED                   by "community"

-The longest and biggest 0% tax alliance: 7Sins                    UNDEFEATED                 gave their rails away


Alliance leaders:

The Syndicate (Miss V), Army of the Lotus (MrHollywoodXxX), GameOfTenno (MrSurgeon), 7Sins (YazuMkll, Psycho_Arsonist7)


Longest lasting: GameOfTenno, 7Sins

Biggest Payouts: GameOfTenno

Largest amount of clans: GameOfTenno

Highest Taxes: GameOfTenno (they charged 25%, but went up to 90% the day before disbanding)

Lowest taxes: 7Sins (0% tax)

Strongest player base: 7Sins (won their battles without battle pay)

Most Rails Owned: 7Sins (before disbanding)


Take note - other alliances played minor roles in these trade-offs,  but these are the leading, and most influential, candidates in the first generation of Dark Sector conflicts.




                                                          Second Generation of Alliances


Note: After 7Sins Disbanded, V For Vendetta took their rails for no cost at all (they never fought any real rail battles). V for Vendetta adopted 7Sin's "low tax" proposal, but instead of giving players 0% tax, V For Vendetta gave them a constant 10%. This is how V For Vendetta came to be (Reference: I was in V).

V for Vendetta's Leader: D4rk50ul-v2


Note: GameOfTenno disbanded after the community defeated them. They then reformed, and became "DIGITAL EXTREME" - name which was then changed by the devs a little later on to "EXTREME ANALOG", or "EA" for short. They retook some of their rails by fighting the alliances that took over the GameOfTenno rails. And thus, EA was introduced into the Dark Sectors. Recently, EA's full name has been changed to "EA CELESTIAL DRAGONS".

EA's Current Leader: Study_0


These two alliances became the only prominent force in the Dark Sectors, until recently, when EA finally deployed on V For Vendetta. 


Biggest Contenders (Currently):

Clans: Destroy All Monsters (EA's Leading Clan)

The Spectral Sabers (EA's Leading Clan)


ShUn (EA's Leading Clan)

NextGen Ninjas

Prime Masters (Guards Of The Tenn0's Leading Clan)

Reapers Regiment (V's Leading Clan)


Alliances: EA CELESTIAL DRAGONS, Guards Of The Tenn0, V for Vendetta, Quality Over Quantity


Alliances and Clans Supporting other Alliances:                                                                   Promises

Quality over Quantity - V For Vendetta                                                                  Remaining rails not taken by V

Wrath of the Lotus - V For Vendetta                                                                      Support in exchange for Support

TheTryHards - V For Vendetta                                                                               Support,credits and rails

NextGen Ninjas - EA CELESTIAL DRAGONS                                                        None, apparently were in EA




                                                                       New Generation of Alliances

                                                                  Help me fill this out as time passes!


This is a work in progress, so please be patient. I am slowly changing some of the things that ya'll have requested. PM if there is anything else that needs changing

Edited by (PS4)MiaWalIace
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Cool story bro, too bad it's highly inaccurate.

V's first rail was won handing Fellowship their first loss on UR Uranus. Our other rails came after many battles against high taxes. The first was helping take down Fellowship of the rail, then Legendary Tenno who turned on everyone and raised taxes. The last was eliminating WAAC due to them being a 90% tax clan before, and attacking small clans across the system.

As far as V disbanding. It never happened. We purged inactive clans many times in our history, but the Liona share of the vault was donated by the founding storm clans. Reapers alone donated over 3.5billion. The vault was meant to be kept as a resource to use if another dictator showed up, not as a pay day for clans. It was a known thing in the alliance.

EA had a cease fire with V, and V couldn't attack because they kept taxed below our threshold of what we consider high tax. Once an exploit was found, after 5 months of peace and low taxes we were attacked. Unable to even defend our rails they fell fast.

Since then EA and it's allies have taken over 23 out of 26 nodes. They attempted 24 but were repelled recently. V has gone back to the roots of clans who just want to help the community, no greed allowed. Rails are not our focus, but we will help any clan or alliance who goes against monopolizing Alliances.

I would literally post the entire history down to tax rates and such but if you just go look on deathsnacks.com and pull up battle histories it's pretty clear.

Thanks for the laugh, we told you fame and riches wasn't V's thing sorry if that's what you expected.

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Actually, you told us you wanted the solar system for yourself. Do we really have to go as low as using screenshots? You and V are all a bunch of liars, you being the worst. You should tell everyone how every single rail you ever took was given to you, never fought a single battle until EA handed your butts to you. I'm glad they did, even if I'm not in EA. At least they have always been honest, unlike V For Lies.

Oh and an fyi, I'm a girl. So have some respect you chauvinist liar.

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Please do show screenshots of it. We said we would hold only a few rails and did. Here is some fact for you.

First V rail


Reapers hit Fellowship on Sechura but Deathsnacks's doesn't show the battle history.

Here is us attacking another Tyrant


One of many V attacks vs high tax alliances


The EA Legacy


All you guys do is slander those who apposed you. EA owns 23 rails if you include their allies, 19 without. V never owned over 5 and gave away rails to get back down to 3. We never charged over 10% tax even when our storm clan held Caracol vs Alliance hits.

Talk all the lies you want, you can't erase what is recorded in the history books. We have never been given a rail, when Bloodshed Crusaders beat us to deployment on Sechura we had already committed to killing off the 100% tax Legendary Tenno had up. We deployed to take the one rail that created Tyrants, and they surrendered it. We held it for 5 months at 10% or less tax until an exploit beat us.

As of right now V is just a community, a few clans in V were attempting to help the community overthrow an Alliance who owns it all and basically forces you to submit or be destroyed. We have sacrificed enough, been lied about enough, and heard all these propaganda pieces before. It's up to you guys now, good luck.

PS You weren't a Warlord in V I know all of those people. If you came in after we had taken Sechura you missed all of what made us who we are. Most of those clans left or were dropped because they wanted power, and thought they would find it in V. Our power was for the community, we never wanted it.

Edited by (PS4)D4rk50ul-v2
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This is how you treat a lady? I bet you probably get told a lot, but you are abusive. You make it sound like if the community wants them out. If THAT were the case, they'd be gone ages ago. I'm happy with Le Phoenix, they don't make me do anything against my will in the name of a dirty alliance such as V. Hope you enjoy all those people seeing how you treat ex-members, oh great savior of Warframe. We should buy you flowers, shouldn't we?

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Just stopping by to tell anyone reading the following thing: that is not EA's legacy, that is my legacy. I did that, me alone. The high taxes were my doing, and seeing as I'm not even part of EA anymore I don't get why would the GameOfTenno taxes even be mentioned. Also, please treat women with more respect. I agree with some things you said Mia, but there are a lot of inaccuracies. V for Vendetta isn't some kind of villain like you're portraying them to be. They actually did pull their end and stayed with that 10% tax till the end. Now, about what they currently do - that is none of my concern. I am, and always will be an EA supporter because of what the alliance means to me; it brings back good memories.

Behave you two!

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Jaeger zero was among the first clans to deploy yes, but if any clan deserves a mention here, its bullets rain on you. Plus, this " exploit " ur talking about technically isnt an exploit, since it is a game mechanic. Granted its been used differently, but thats down to whoever employs it. Oh, and u forgot orokin leyends, if memory serves they had high taxes first.

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sdaly96 is right. I did miss a few clans, but that's up to the community to add them if so they wish. And about you D4rk. If there is someone who slanders the name of people, it's you. I've seen you on almost EVERY forum post that talks about Dark Sectors saying other alliance exploit the battles, specifically mentioning EA. Gee, if those exploits you talked about worked so well, then maybe you'd have a few rails by now. And don't say you don't exploit - the whole community knows how you got that EoB trophy. Or should I post videos and pictures like you do?

Please leave this forum post, and let people who want to contribute onto the Dark Sector history write down their opinions. Thank you, and have a nice day.

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sdaly96 is right. I did miss a few clans, but that's up to the community to add them if so they wish. And about you D4rk. If there is someone who slanders the name of people, it's you. I've seen you on almost EVERY forum post that talks about Dark Sectors saying other alliance exploit the battles, specifically mentioning EA. Gee, if those exploits you talked about worked so well, then maybe you'd have a few rails by now. And don't say you don't exploit - the whole community knows how you got that EoB trophy. Or should I post videos and pictures like you do?

Please leave this forum post, and let people who want to contribute onto the Dark Sector history write down their opinions. Thank you, and have a nice day.

Again, post pics and a video. We again did it legit, and had rails legit until they were stolen by exploits. We would have them back but again, exploits prevent that.

How is a post written about the dark sector history only being contributed to by EA members and horribly inaccurate a positive thing? If you want the actual history, including the deal Syndicate leaders made with Se7en S1ns that led to them never fighting each other I will be happy to contribute. So many things aren't public knowledge but known by quite a few.

P.S. I will leave your little remake history to suite your liking only because having to listen to all the lies and trash talk literally makes this game not worth turning on. When the next event hits and we do what we do again, for the 6th straight time please explain how teamwork and dedication = exploit.

Also I only call one Alliance exploiters because as far as I know only one used exploits. There was a clan who had hacked credits but they flew solo. By the way why use an alias, no Mia Wallace was in any position within V to actually read or know first hand why and how clans left.

Edited by (PS4)D4rk50ul-v2
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The only EA member here is sdaly96. I support EA and will support them to the end, but I'm well aware about V's and everyone else's good deeds. I can support many things you say, but saying there was no exploit used in EoB is just ludicrous. Relax and chill dude, that way we can all do so too.

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The only EA member here is sdaly96. I support EA and will support them to the end, but I'm well aware about V's and everyone else's good deeds. I can support many things you say, but saying there was no exploit used in EoB is just ludicrous. Relax and chill dude, that way we can all do so too.

Your name is the one that deployed EA's Romula rail, and being in their secondary alliance doesn't make you "not EA".

Again, we have a video we can post of an earlier run. Same setup on EoB each run, offered DE a ride along to prove it was legit but was literally mentioned by Rebecca on a live stream as she did the run. If you call a highly organized group using the Archwings each to their strength exploiting that's a bit far fetched.

Hint, it was 3 odonata and 1 itzal. 3 shield powers and one guy really good at killing multiplier nodes. Also about 1000 runs to achieve the end result.

Edited by (PS4)D4rk50ul-v2
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First of all, I am not in any EA secondary alliance. Ask Royal...

Second, it wouldn't really matter if I were or not - I clearly stated I will always support EA.

Third, tell yourself whatever you want. It's important that you sleep well at night, with the anxiety (caused by telling too many lies) hair loss n' all.

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Definitely alot of inaccurate information here. Kinda happy to see old faces.. But Mia.. Your name rings no bells with any of us.. So please.. If you're going to degrade anyone.. Degrade the new generation... The old guys have moved on..And just in case if you're wondering..

I'm the Founder of Legendary TennOs..

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It is innacurate, that's why everyone gets to comment so we can fix the history! I'm not a Warlord of any clan, thought I should clarify that. Just a random player who wanted to write on alliance history.

...Or just link http://deathsnacks.com/wfps4/ and call it a day? This might help you clear up the inaccuracies. Also if this is intended to be an accurate history, it helps to leave out personal bias, and do extensive research ahead of time. I like the idea behind this post as much of the community is ill informed about the way certain alliances conduct themselves, but this post does nothing but perpetuate false information by providing more false information. Edited by (PS4)buterz56
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Really thanks for the laugh



1/ Note: After 7Sins Disbanded, V For Vendetta took their rails for no cost at all (they never fought any real rail battles). V for Vendetta adopted 7Sin's "low tax" proposal, but instead of giving players 0% tax, V For Vendetta gave them a constant 10%. This is how V For Vendetta came to be (Reference: I was in V).




2/ These two alliances became the only prominent force in the Dark Sectors, until recently, when EA finally deployed on V For Vendetta. V for Vendetta was defeated, and me and all of the clans inside were kicked, so D4rk5oul-v2 could get his greedy hands on all the credits and resources belonging to the alliance. Yes, this is a little biased - but the community needs to know how V For Vendetta really did things (not to mention they fool the community into thinking they fight for them).




3/During that battle between EA and V, I was asigned by one of V's Warlords to spam the region in favor of V - degrading EA's image in the eyes of the community. I'm ashamed to say I did do it, and I'd like to apologize in advance to EA.




4/ Alliances and Clans Supporting other Alliances:                                                                   Promises

Quality over Quantity - V For Vendetta                                                                  Remaining rails not taken by V

Wrath of the Lotus - V For Vendetta                                                                      Support in exchange for Support

TheTryHards - V For Vendetta                                                                               Support,credits and rails



Just to underline your bullsh*ts step by step (and honestly i dont care a lot if u are a man, a woman or a Wookie, a liar still a liar, not depending by the gender):


1/ V for Vendetta owned 3 rails, 2 with 0% tax CONSTANTLY, Sechura with 10% tax OR LOWER (Reference: im a V Warlord)


2/ Warlord name or never happened, no one forced anyone to make stupid things like this, post PROVES PROVES PROVES, ypu did so many names in your post but not this one.. why? LOL


3/ Darksoul greedy? Just about one week ago he given the V credits to the V Clans, i personally refused and give back to V vault 160 millions, if a screenshot is needed, ill post here, no problem (unlike you, i can post PROVES)


4/ TryHards a V supporter, let me laugh.. AGAIN.. V promised rails or support to QoQ or Wrath of the Lotus? as i said im in V Council and no one talked about this things.. btw how you could know this things, where are the PROVES??



Really cant understand why u lied and who are you, but i suggest next time to post PROVES or just SHUT UP, ''i was in V'' is a prove just that you are MAD lol

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As one of the warlords of Omni I would like to point out the information about se7en s1nz is also very inaccurate in parts. se7en s1nz was lead buy YazuMkll of Omni not Psycho arsonist_7of RFKT. Psycho was a key warlord, without whom we could not have achieved all we did but he was not the leader.

We have submitted a ticket.

Edited by (PS4)Draconis1981
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Things are getting interesting on this thread... After recently becoming a Warlord, I quite often get invited to become part of different Alliances and I am quite in the dark when the Dark Sector conversation comes up. Whether is it V vs. EA or the other way around.   Although some of the information on this post may be inaccurate as some of you have pointed out, I think the initiative to write the post can be considered a good one.


It is clear that depending on what side of the conflict you are or whom you support, there will be some type of Bias on what is written by any of you. Having said that, I believe it will be a good Idea for you guys to write your individual accounts of what you perceive the History of Dark Sector to be so that we can learn from them. Let the reader, after reading the different point of views, decide for his/her own who to believe. I think that will be more helpful than just starting an argument about who is right or wrong.


I have been in some Rail Focused Alliances and left because I found that I don't know what is going on or the politics are too much. Learning about the history of the dark sectors and big clan can certainly help clarify the madness that is currently taking place on the Warframe community when it come to support one alliance or the other.


"At the end, Credits is all the majority of the community cares."... in my personal opinion...



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