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Dark Sector History: The Grandest Of Alliances


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Things are getting interesting on this thread... After recently becoming a Warlord, I quite often get invited to become part of different Alliances and I am quite in the dark when the Dark Sector conversation comes up. Whether is it V vs. EA or the other way around.   Although some of the information on this post may be inaccurate as some of you have pointed out, I think the initiative to write the post can be considered a good one.


It is clear that depending on what side of the conflict you are or whom you support, there will be some type of Bias on what is written by any of you. Having said that, I believe it will be a good Idea for you guys to write your individual accounts of what you perceive the History of Dark Sector to be so that we can learn from them. Let the reader, after reading the different point of views, decide for his/her own who to believe. I think that will be more helpful than just starting an argument about who is right or wrong.


I have been in some Rail Focused Alliances and left because I found that I don't know what is going on or the politics are too much. Learning about the history of the dark sectors and big clan can certainly help clarify the madness that is currently taking place on the Warframe community when it come to support one alliance or the other.


"At the end, Credits is all the majority of the community cares."... in my personal opinion...



I have to agree with you on this. I think that OP it's on something good to get the history of Dark Sectors. I don't see the need of submitting a ticket for a content or thread that doesn't violate forum rules. I also have to agree with your conclusion.

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Posting an actual legit history would be great but this isn't that. Anyone who has been around since day 1 knows the details and probably was a part of most of them.

An unbiased and accurate history could be informative but I would use links and fact, not comments and emo-tion.

The drama and wanna be spy stuff is what makes these things not fun. Can't we all just kill each other in peace?

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facts are facts trying to put a slant on them our make up excuses for inaccuracies is a waste of everyone's time. Especially when the post is entitled "DARK SECTOR HISTORY : THE GRANDEST OF ALLIANCES"

History: inquiry, knowledge buy investigation.

In this instance the people who where actually there weren't not consulted, so we are correcting glaring mistakes, which are being presented as fact! That is all.

Bias is irrelevant as there are there are no points of view in this instance, only what was and what is. In this case the facts.

enmanuel87 you weren't there and your new to this. Trying to learn from one bias inaccurate history maybe a poor approach to achieve a competent grasp and understanding of anything current. The politics, spying, backstabbing and under the table dealing is and always was a part of the rails. As with any human endeavour, the human element played a larger part than anyone has dared to write or has perhaps realised. To dismiss this aspect of rails out of hand just shows anyone who truly understands what its all about that you have a certain level of naiveté. Being as your also relatively new, I don't expect you to understand the work, passion and dedication that went into the rails at that time. But for those of us that were there and reached those dizzy heights it is still a matter of pride and to see it poorly portrayed by those who where not present or who have not done their home work is unacceptable.

Perhaps before committing to hard copy the author of this work should have actually approached the individuals involved or asked for more information before using such strong words like History in her title.

However I personally feel about this post or individuals within it, I feel I should point out that even though dark and the reaper regiment have not made themselves popular, via the reaper scores in the last event, this has obviously left a bitter taste in the mouth of some of the community including apparently the author of this so called History. Any author should have heard him out and been herself without bias. I feel this is more of a one sided post than an attempt to actually tell a story about what happened. Grilling dark who is a valid source in this instance actually only shows her bias and doesn't put accuracy and fair level opinion first, which is more important than anyone personal view, grudge or disagreement when trying to write an accurate history. Whether YOU view dark as the devil himself, Hitler or Winston Churchill both interviews would have been useful and interesting to a true historian.

I have no objections to being asked anything about our alliance and I'm sure dark and all the other leaders of the various alliances and clans would have not objected to being asked a few questions before this was written up. We are simply doing what anyone in our positions as representatives of our alliances and clans on this forum and defending the truth in trying to correct inaccuracy.

I hope that in the interest of accuracy we can all be civil and perhaps correct what is wrong with this post. Presenting a clear picture to those who are actually are interested in the true History of the dark sectors.

Warframe is a unique community who all have different passions and view points, it is important to remember that even those you may not understand or agree with that their points of view they are still valid.

Edited by (PS4)Draconis1981
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You realize those scores were legit =(

We have a video of a lower run using the same strategy but didn't post it because everyone would claim we did something else to achieve the higher ones. We honestly just got better at executing it. Our scores on every event blanket the leaderboards, we put mass effort into prep and coordination during them.

Edit: Someone had a 1billion+ video on hand, so here is the magic trick. 3 Odonata using the damage buff from the shield power, and 1 dude really good at killing bonus nodes. Pre-disruptor damage doesn't count the shots are to find what Rebecca called "sweet spots" on Prime Time.


If someone wants the honest history of our alliance I have no reason not to give it. I just don't want to throw people under the bus in the process as its just not cool. Anyone involved knows the truth, those that don't can believe whatever they want.

Edited by (PS4)D4rk50ul-v2
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People forget that at the time there was a thread devoted to logging what was happening with the rails, called the " Unofficial clan and alliance log" a fair bit of the old rail drama can be found in the comments on that thread. Also, getting a history would require a lot of players who dont play warframe anymore to come back to tell their side of the story, e.g blitzkrieg_87_ . I myself have no problem telling my part of what happened with the rails.

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Posted the video of one of our EoB runs above.

Also, the history is honestly ugly and not really needed to evaluate the present. I don't think anyone deserves to be slandered for actions that everyone at the time did. Trying to paint someone as a Villian is just a tactic to weaken their support and pretty sad.

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Posted the video of one of our EoB runs above.

Also, the history is honestly ugly and not really needed to evaluate the present. I don't think anyone deserves to be slandered for actions that everyone at the time did. Trying to paint someone as a Villian is just a tactic to weaken their support and pretty sad.

You say its not needed to evaluate the present, and painting someone as a villain is sad, yet earlier in this post you put up a link to GoTs taxes on deathsnacks, calling it " EAs Legacy ", most likely just informative, but still paints them in a negative light, which is as you put it, sad.

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You say its not needed to evaluate the present, and painting someone as a villain is sad, yet earlier in this post you put up a link to GoTs taxes on deathsnacks, calling it " EAs Legacy ", most likely just informative, but still paints them in a negative light, which is as you put it, sad.

Just connecting the dots about an Alliance, not calling out people by name unless absolutely necessary. Far cry from what I experience on a daily basis logging into Frame. Not interested in all the drama anymore it ruins the game.

If I made a thread dedicated to false information with a main objective of talking trash about a single person I guarantee it wouldn't go so pretty. I'm being civil when I could justifiably go off about it.

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So connecting the dots, as you put it, about an alliance by linking them to an old alliance who put high taxes, isnt slandering them? Also, the person who put those taxes up isnt in EA, and has taken sole responsibility for what happened, as seen earlier in this thread, so your comment about them is invalid.

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Who deployed EA rail on Romula? I'm done here there is no point in listening to weak attempts at twisting a hate thread into me somehow being the devil again. See you on the battlefield.

You know as well as anyone that it doesnt mean hes still in the alliance, i believe team ninja deployed one of the alliance rails also, and guess what? They aren't in EA anymore.

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facts are facts trying to put a slant on them our make up excuses for inaccuracies is a waste of everyone's time. Especially when the post is entitled "DARK SECTOR HISTORY : THE GRANDEST OF ALLIANCES"

History: inquiry, knowledge buy investigation.

In this instance the people who where actually there weren't not consulted, so we are correcting glaring mistakes, which are being presented as fact! That is all.

Bias is irrelevant as there are there are no points of view in this instance, only what was and what is. In this case the facts.

enmanuel87 you weren't there and your new to this. Trying to learn from one bias inaccurate history maybe a poor approach to achieve a competent grasp and understanding of anything current. The politics, spying, backstabbing and under the table dealing is and always was a part of the rails. As with any human endeavour, the human element played a larger part than anyone has dared to write or has perhaps realised. To dismiss this aspect of rails out of hand just shows anyone who truly understands what its all about that you have a certain level of naiveté. Being as your also relatively new, I don't expect you to understand the work, passion and dedication that went into the rails at that time. But for those of us that were there and reached those dizzy heights it is still a matter of pride and to see it poorly portrayed by those who where not present or who have not done their home work is unacceptable.

Perhaps before committing to hard copy the author of this work should have actually approached the individuals involved or asked for more information before using such strong words like History in her title.

However I personally feel about this post or individuals within it, I feel I should point out that even though dark and the reaper regiment have not made themselves popular, via the reaper scores in the last event, this has obviously left a bitter taste in the mouth of some of the community including apparently the author of this so called History. Any author should have heard him out and been herself without bias. I feel this is more of a one sided post than an attempt to actually tell a story about what happened. Grilling dark who is a valid source in this instance actually only shows her bias and doesn't put accuracy and fair level opinion first, which is more important than anyone personal view, grudge or disagreement when trying to write an accurate history. Whether YOU view dark as the devil himself, Hitler or Winston Churchill both interviews would have been useful and interesting to a true historian.

I have no objections to being asked anything about our alliance and I'm sure dark and all the other leaders of the various alliances and clans would have not objected to being asked a few questions before this was written up. We are simply doing what anyone in our positions as representatives of our alliances and clans on this forum and defending the truth in trying to correct inaccuracy.

I hope that in the interest of accuracy we can all be civil and perhaps correct what is wrong with this post. Presenting a clear picture to those who are actually are interested in the true History of the dark sectors.

Warframe is a unique community who all have different passions and view points, it is important to remember that even those you may not understand or agree with that their points of view they are still valid.




You are dead right about me being new and my lack of understanding. Hence, It is why I suggested that each one write their own account so people like me can read up and learn. It thinks it is a more effective way of bringing your point across. Whether the information on this post is accurate or not, I cannot tell since as we both agreed "I am fairly new compared to you guys." 


I think there is a lot of knowledge and history that you guys can share. I just dont think the best way is only by replaying to posts that you perceive as false or incorrectly written. 


Hope that makes my earlier comment a little bit more clear!

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u guys do not have alot of the info correct at all and when we "se7en s1ns"were prepping to atk the syndicate became the soul reason that they broke apart. i can give names and all the info any one would need but ppl seem to fail to ask for facts b4 they post. they would rather turn this into somthing it dont need to be. i would rather use my time eles where ."like playing the game" have fun guys 

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I would rather use my time elsewhere. Like playing the game.

Exactly what I'm doing. All this bragging about Dark Sectors history is making me sick... If I wanted a history lesson I'd have gone to school for one. Can't we just enjoy playing this awesome game and put the past behind?

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