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Trinity Is A Problem


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Game "balance" is a constant term used to justify changes in this forum. The question is balance compared to what? I play T4s min 20mins & Raids on the regular. I assure you Trinity is not overpowered in any of those. She also isn't "required" as so many people have said. You can win T4s and raids with a good team without a Trinity, Nova, Valkyr or whatever other supposed OP frame of the week it is today.


As someone how has mained trinity both before and after her fall from glory. I would not like to see her changed.


Trinity is currently the most difficult warframe to play properly.


To get max potential you have to constantly micro manage your teams health bars at all times... While managing cast time, energy, combat, parasite, downs and every other random thing that ca happen in combat.


In later gameplay full heals (in actual fact her Lv30 heal is base 85%) is a drop in the bucket.


If you are playing early gameplay then yeah maybe...? Full heals is OP.... But the question is why are you bringing a max level Trinity to easy missions?



TL;DR: Trinity's Blessing makes it such that any hit that is not an instant kill is meaningless, and Energy Vampire makes Blessing's normally high cost meaningless.  In order to kill Trinity or her allies, they have to kill in a single hit, which is not fun.


P.S. None of that is true. And Maxing EV is counter productive to Maxing Bless. They don't support each other they destroy each other.


I cant believe im actually reading this! A thread calling FOR a trin nerf?


The dark days have come again....

Edited by ItWasntMeIPromise
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People taking some classes over others doesn't mean either is worse than the other.

If you think 2 classes with the exact same role aren't balanced then please, feel free to post examples, o great master of logic and lawful reasoning.



If two characters fill the same role, and one is generally better than the other, that is fine.  However if the two are completely different levels of power (~200 HP per second vs. Instant full healing) then there might be a bit of a problem.

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Yeah OP, EV+Blessing is some pretty broken S#&$, assuming DE actually wants powers to be balanced around energy consumption. Same thing that makes Rage+Life Strike so powerful, but taken to the extreme of allowing one frame to provide the benefits of said healing/power gen cycle to the whole team while virtually eliminating the risk of requiring switching to your melee weapon to refill health. Granted, other players need to be in pulse range to reap the benefits of EV directly, they still benefit from Blessing regardless of position (unless, I suppose, that position is inside a Nullifier Field). Trinity completely obviates the attrition-threat of enemies, leaving only attacks/hits that amount to instant death (or setup instant death) to be a threat. :|

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Yeah OP, EV+Blessing is some pretty broken S#&$, assuming DE actually wants powers to be balanced around energy consumption. Same thing that makes Rage+Life Strike so powerful, but taken to the extreme of allowing one frame to provide the benefits of said healing/power gen cycle to the whole team while virtually eliminating the risk of requiring switching to your melee weapon to refill health. Granted, other players need to be in pulse range to reap the benefits of EV directly, they still benefit from Blessing regardless of position (unless, I suppose, that position is inside a Nullifier Field). Trinity completely obviates the attrition-threat of enemies, leaving only attacks/hits that amount to instant death (or setup instant death) to be a threat. :|


Unless this is sarcasm, in which case I apologies, you do not know what you are talking about.


P.S. None of that is true. And Maxing EV is counter productive to Maxing Bless. They don't support each other they destroy each other.


Hasn't Trinity been through enough. Lets not make her like Ember.


Wouldn't it be nice if only players who actually used Trinity commented on threads about her?

Edited by ItWasntMeIPromise
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People taking some classes over others doesn't mean either is worse than the other.

If you think 2 classes with the exact same role aren't balanced then please, feel free to post examples, o great master of logic and lawful reasoning.


And, uh, i'm pretty sure im not the angry one here, just a hunch

You're definitely mad.  Swearing, using hyperbole and making facetious remarks.  Yeah...


People taking one class over another in the same role means that they're better.  I don't need to provide examples because I'm not speaking about any one particular class/frame/job/character <- Take your pick.  It's just a well-known fact.


But since you're in need of examples because you're so dense:


Guardian vs Warden in LOTRO

Paladin vs Warrior in WoW


Take a look at those two.  They've gone back and forth in the 'tank' role and its solely based on the developers' choice to buff or nerf certain aspects of their tanking.  You need to broaden your mind.




Since that's research, you probably won't do it and just come back with something like: "Well that's a different game bro! #^$%!#@$%&!!  ~##*%!!!!"


Also, this argument is extremely off-topic.  Don't hold it against me for discontinuing this conversation.  I already know you won't go in-depth with any factual information and you'll do it here.

Edited by Thaumatos
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People taking one class over another in the same role means that they're better.  I don't need to provide examples because I'm not speaking about any one particular class/frame/job/character <- Take your pick.  It's just a well-known fact.


But since you're in need of examples because you're so dense:


Guardian vs Warden in LOTRO

Paladin vs Warrior in WoW


Take a look at those two.  They've gone back and forth in the 'tank' role and its solely based on the developers' choice to buff or nerf certain aspects of their tanking.  You need to broaden your mind.




Since that's research, you probably won't do it and just come back with something like: "Well that's a different game bro! #^$%!#@$%&!!  ~##*%!!!!"


Also, this argument is extremely off-topic.  Don't hold it against me for discontinuing this conversation.  I already know you won't go in-depth with any factual information and you'll do it here.

They are better for that specific mission/raid/whatever. Other mission's may favor another "class".

You showed Warrior vs Paladin in the tank role as an example. What you missed is that certain encounters in WoW favor one class over the other even if the other one is better overall.


Currently there is no alternative to Trinity in terms of healing. If you say Oberon then you missed the point of that frame.

Trinity is fine as it is. She has no offensive abilities per say for the sake of support. WoT+EV energy combo only works if your team doesnt kill your "battery". A good blessing is hard to land on higher lvls.

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They are better for that specific mission/raid/whatever. Other mission's may favor another "class".

You showed Warrior vs Paladin in the tank role as an example. What you missed is that certain encounters in WoW favor one class over the other even if the other one is better overall.


Currently there is no alternative to Trinity in terms of healing. If you say Oberon then you missed the point of that frame.

Trinity is fine as it is. She has no offensive abilities per say for the sake of support. WoT+EV energy combo only works if your team doesnt kill your "battery". A good blessing is hard to land on higher lvls.


I was about to say exactly that. ^This guy knows his S#&amp;&#036;!^

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