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Game got "Old".


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It is hard to blame a beta for not providing enough content to immerse oneself into, alas I suspect that is not the real issue at hand.

I played the beta for about 6.5 hours; some of you played alot more, kudos, but for me the issues were that the game exhibits MMORPG traits:

• Gather loot and EXP to buy more stuff, to kill more stuff alil' more effectively.

• Buy new warframes and upgrade them fully as the pursuit in the game to complete, because there is nothing else.

• Knowledge is more prominent than developed character-specific skill. (GunZ vs Any MMORPG)

Basically, the point is : That the current system is highly Objective-oriented : One only needs to follow the mission and be done with it, the pursuit of killing plentiful of enemies is that of a greenhorn. One which does not enjoy repetitive, monotaneous actions like myself (Again, I personally despise MMORPG) can not enjoy : Going into a mission -> Slicing some enemies -> Looting -> Looting -> Looting -> Completeing objective -> Running to extract.

The fact it is so evidently objective-oriented is that it takes no real skill to complete anything; one can simply dash-slash everything to death and occassionally spam modded bullets; that is what it eventually comes down to, how powerful your mods are.

I wanted to test the game alittle more, but I could not bear myself to do so. The game masks itself as skill-oriented(High paced acrobatic ninjas in space?) while it is alot more like chillout / casual MMORPG of sorts.

If you agree, note how and why. If you don't, same answer; let the devs know what you think.

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Don't you find the gameplay fun? The progression is there to add a bit of flavor, but, I mean, you should play it because the mechanics are fun... I do think they will add more game types, though, since the feedback that's been given so far lines with yours, more or less. Not to mention more maps, warframes, items, etc.

What's missing at this point, for me, is more content and, between the standard debbuging, difficulty tweaks.

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Don't you find the gameplay fun? The progression is there to add a bit of flavor, but, I mean, you should play it because the mechanics are fun... I do think they will add more game types, though, since the feedback that's been given so far lines with yours, more or less. Not to mention more maps, warframes, items, etc.

What's missing at this point, for me, is more content and, between the standard debbuging, difficulty tweaks.

You will have to define "Gameplay", because all I seen is objective-oriented gameplay. If you mean the way you fight enemies ; than that part of the game is almost redundant; because you eventually only kill enemies to go higher in the rankings or clear any threat towards the objective.

During my playing time I sometimes messed around and just stayed a few minutes put to kill a few mobs, but that rare casual aloofness will not hold the game together.

That being said, I can quote what I wrote regarding more content :

Obviously the game will have more maps. But as I said : No matter how many maps they will have, they proved via this beta that unless they change a few good things (such as objective-oriented gameplay, i.e : MMORPG-esque) the same pattern will follow after every single map : you get in, you follow your indicator in the mini-map, you kill some enemies to get to the objective, you complete the objective, you get out (No gameplay in sight, since it is not even skill-based. It is Stats / Item based. The more mods and upgrades you have, the more "pro" you are). The only reason to explore is to find more mods or a super-rare artifacts, but that is bloody grinding, which is a joke. If you try to count the reasons why one should explore, you won't need more than one hand.

TL;DR : If the same mode will reign supreme upon the whole game (basic PvE), the game will drop dead very quickly. The devs HAVE to propose more game modes, but ones which avoid the complete obession with clearing the objective; which in a way, is to avoid having "modes" altogether completely; improve the way the player interacts with the environment rather give the player more and more stimuli, aka "modes". Intrinsic properties, not extrinsic!

Edited by Solipsist
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I see your point but all I can really say is that this is not the game for you.

It's a mission based co-operative shooter, and you're complaining about it being mission based. It's like complaining about Monster Hunter/Phantasy Star where all you do is "follow the objective" (kill monster, capture monster, clear stage within time limit, etc.

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Of course it's redundant, almost anything you do in a game is pointless, there's no real reason for you to do it other than to have fun, and yes, I do have fun shooting and slicing the enemies in this game. A result of doing so is going up in ranking and progressing through each mission, but to say that the game gets old because it is only about completing objectives and "grinding" doesn't make sense, any and every game is superficially about completing objectives, otherwise it's merely a toy. If your problem is with the meta-game strutucture, then you are kind of missing the point of games as a whole by focusing on that and not the actual game.

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Of course it's redundant, almost anything you do in a game is pointless...Etc

Redundant, as in : Lacks in variety to commit to it. It lacks any substance at all to dive into it. You got a mission, which completing it gives you all that you want, you have no reason to kill the mobs.

As I said, yes; this game might not be for me because I do not like how MMORPG works, which is basically "Kill to be able to kill more". The focus shouldn't be the end, but the journey.

I play games "for phun" like Hammerfight, which is a 2D hover fighter, L4D2/Battlefield for being able to plan the next move as a constant factor in these games... And heck ; I play FUEL for F*** sake's; that's the quintessential pointless game . (It's oriented around chilling out and especially good with good company, which I have) I enjoy it because it has absolutely no purpose beyond enjoying the simple pleasure of driving and witnissing lovely landscapes. In Warframe you have a "purpose", you have an objective.

But anyway, if you do enjoy the very limited methods to dispose of enemies in this game than I have nothing to say on the matter; just sharing my personal preferance as feedback; which thinks that this game won't live long if that is all the players have to do. (Eventually you WILL run out of items to purchase and Warframes to level up, then what? Wait for more content? That form of entertainment is highly superficial, imo.)

It's a mission based co-operative shooter

The moment you will show me how exactly anyone managed to "Co-operate" in this game I will grant ye a cookie, if the game actually required any sort of team work I would have a stiffy running for it, but as it is right now it is nothing more than "I CAN KILL MORE AND CLEAR THE LEVEL FASTER THAN ANYONE, I AM BETTER". I seldomly had the pleasure to meet any players whom were willing to say anything to anyone or play around. But of course, even if everyone were highly active in-game it would not motivate me to go back into the game, it would just make the current session less daunting.

TL;DR : I personally enjoy the journey more than the climax. In Warframe, the Journey gets "old" very quickly due to monotaneous game mechanics and lack of any dynamic experience like clever AI, players bringing down or up the team (Think L4D). Eventually, all that matters is getting more EXP and Credits, for me that is completely old-news, the old tiresome pattern of MMORPGs... So I'll have to see to which direction the devs are leading this game.

Edited by Solipsist
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The moment you will show me how exactly anyone managed to "Co-operate" in this game I will grant ye a cookie, if the game actually required any sort of team work I would have a stiffy running for it, but as it is right now it is nothing more than "I CAN KILL MORE AND CLEAR THE LEVEL FASTER THAN ANYONE, I AM BETTER". I seldomly had the pleasure to meet any players whom were willing to say anything to anyone or play around. But of course, even if everyone were highly active in-game it would not motivate me to go back into the game, it would just make the current session less daunting.

Co-operative as in not player versus player. At the moment you could probably pin it in the genre that is "competitive co-operative" where you compete for the highest score, most kills, etc.

TL;DR : I personally enjoy the journey more than the climax. In Warframe, the Journey gets "old" very quickly due to monotaneous game mechanics and lack of any dynamic experience like clever AI, players bringing down or up the team (Think L4D). Eventually, all that matters is getting more EXP and Credits, for me that is completely old-news, the old tiresome pattern of MMORPGs... So I'll have to see to which direction the devs are leading this game.

So would adding unique bosses, environmental hazards, maybe puzzles (I don't think puzzles would really fit thematically, this is a game about killing a lot of things first and foremost) make you enjoy the journey more? Just curious because your posts come off as if to say otherwise.

I agree there's a problem with lack of content but I find the core gameplay (get a mission, kill all that stands in your way) to be fun. Movement feels smooth and the melee weapons are satisfying to use, guns could do with a bit of work but no biggie. I enjoyed Mass Effect 3's multiplayer which was nothing more than kill lots of guys until you can leave, so that may be indicative of my tastes. On the other hand, I grew bored of the Left 4 Dead games soon after I had finished the campaigns first time around, I don't like my winning or losing hinging on whether John Doe feels like griefing the team and I felt as if there was no goal to shoot for once I had experienced the story content. BF3 is somewhere in between, a loss frustrated me if I'd been doing my best but I still enjoyed it. The lens flares give me a headache anyway so I don't play that anymore. :P

Edited by diji
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I just feel bored , I completed all cards but the 90% of purples, decent mods, rank 3. After wipe, I feel as though there could be another wipe, so why try hard? The missions are the same, not fresh, mainly just bored with the same missions and no real goal to achieve, like, who cares If I hit lvl 30 in alpha or complete all the cards, I get nothing for them atm, so why bother :'c

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Co-operative as in not player versus player. At the moment you could probably pin it in the genre that is "competitive co-operative" where you compete for the highest score, most kills, etc.

I didn't mean it as PvP, I meant Cooperation between players; this game obviously does not have it or even need it. (beyond opening a door)

So would adding unique bosses, environmental hazards, maybe puzzles...etc

Nope, even if they add more content -- it all tops over the same limited controls over the character which I do not enjoy. Also; bosses would just be beefed up versions of regular enemies, meaning you lack the tactical advantage of being a super-being and just end up spamming slashes at the darn thing. So, no.

I agree there's a problem with lack of content but I find the core gameplay (get a mission, kill all that stands in your way) to be fun. ..etc

Again, the lack of content is not which bugs me. Piling clothes over a fat stomach just hides it for a short while until you are familiar with it. Which comes down to me being unable to agree with you that the MMORPG-esque gameplay, is fun. It is mostly not fun for me due to the fact nothing is at stake, you go in as a super-being with a loose trigger and your blades stained with blood and out as you came so quickly there is nothing to put on the line, there is no stakes in the game; You die? Just revive yourself. Got alot of enemies? Just one-KO them and continue, or better yet : Just ignore them.

To extend that remark, the enemies do not pose any real threat. And if they were highly buffed in the higher levels; everyone would just attempt to avoid them to not lose credits over resurrection. So when it comes down to it, I think that the current system is highly unrewarding regarding anything which goes inbetween starting the mission and finishing it. The only reward I see is the EXP and loot; and such a superficial reward does not less long, unless you refer the game to a younger audience.

P.S: A feature like "Rankings" in a game can really motivate you to play it? Seriously? That seems more like a bonus feature rather a focus. And if your "focus" gets wiped several times during this beta, it seems most of your gameplay is abolished.

I just feel bored , I completed all cards but the 90% of purples, decent mods, rank 3. After wipe, I feel as though there could be another wipe, so why try hard? The missions are the same, not fresh, mainly just bored with the same missions and no real goal to achieve, like, who cares If I hit lvl 30 in alpha or complete all the cards, I get nothing for them atm, so why bother :'c

Just to extend my point regarding what some people seem to only find in this game....Getting loot and EXP. If the gameplay was more rewarding than being chillout, such a devoted player would be able to care alot less about such matters. |:

P.P.S :

Interesting discussion. Some good information here, thankyou for posting your thoughts guys!

Holy S#&$, it's a staff member! nice to see the activity and adhesion to our humble opinions.

Edited by Solipsist
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Dont really get why all the complains there since you know the game is still under development, shouldnt you wait till they've added more maps and even pvp system to "judge" the game? -.-'

...I'll have to see to which direction the devs are leading this game.

We are all aware this is a beta pip, which is why we are giving our current opinion on the current build on this very current beta; the whole point of letting us try the game is to get feedback of what we like and don't, and here I am sharing mine.

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I just feel bored , I completed all cards but the 90% of purples, decent mods, rank 3. After wipe, I feel as though there could be another wipe, so why try hard? The missions are the same, not fresh, mainly just bored with the same missions and no real goal to achieve, like, who cares If I hit lvl 30 in alpha or complete all the cards, I get nothing for them atm, so why bother :'c

That's what being playtesting is all about, exhausting the game and looking for every conceivable bug and thoroughly analysing every feature.

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That's what being playtesting is all about, exhausting the game and looking for every conceivable bug and thoroughly analysing every feature.

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Maninas. Yes I know, but i'm sure I and others have reported most of the main bugs as of now, and the community is doing a good job of finding the small ones. Until the next patch comes out for us to go more bug hunting, the game is at a bore.

Edited by Ryitus
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I gotta have to agree with Solipsist.

Also, I gotta comment on diji about Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. I really enjoyed that, and I saw a lot of the potential in Warframe to somewhat build upon the concept and overall "feeling" of ME3's multiplayer.

But in ME3, it felt way more cooperative. Different. Pretty good, actually.

Bigger enemies were very dangerous and could easily one-hit kill you if you were too careless, and you had to take them on very tactically. The classes in ME3 were also diverse, and served many different and important roles.

In Warframe on the other hand, as Solipsist pointed out, you don't have to apply any tact to bringing a big enemy down, and your abilities are essentially for show. Your weapons are more than powerful enough to make your abilities a gimmicky alternative, a flashy power to one-hit kill your enemies all the same. (Except Trinity, which actually serves a purpose - Just not a necessary one.) In ME3, your weapons weren't always the best choice, and you essentially had to resort to your powers and tools to get those enemies. Hell, even the smaller enemies had very diverse mechanics in ME3, with which you had to take care and approach differently.

What I'd also kinda like to see in Warframe is a cover system just like ME3 to build upon the gunplay part, and an articulation/improvement on the melee combat system. More or less, you should be punished if you were to charge in and attack them head on, either with sword or gun. If you do want to go all-out melee, sure. You should just have to think critically - Slash the enemy, dodge his attacks, be quick. If you're reckless, he's gonna wreck your face.

(That's just on the topic of gameplay, though. ME3 had kind of the same reward system as Warframe has, play games in which you kill enemies to be able to kill enemies more with your new upgrades. Which is why it quickly got old for me, and many others.)

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I didn't mean it as PvP, I meant Cooperation between players; this game obviously does not have it or even need it. (beyond opening a door)

Yeah but you were quoting me, and I meant that it was a "co-operative game" in the sense that you aren't directly fighting your fellow players. Just clarifying what I meant. I didn't mean to imply that it required any teamwork.

Nope, even if they add more content -- it all tops over the same limited controls over the character which I do not enjoy. Also; bosses would just be beefed up versions of regular enemies, meaning you lack the tactical advantage of being a super-being and just end up spamming slashes at the darn thing. So, no.

I'm confused, you say:

improve the way the player interacts with the environment rather give the player more and more stimuli, aka "modes". Intrinsic properties, not extrinsic!

But more things to do within missions would not satsify you. Can you explain what you mean? I'm not sure how much you can interact with the environment in a shooter without it becomes a platformer or puzzle game. I mean we have doors, breakable windows (the start of environmental hazards), enemies. There could be bosses with unique mechanics (like bosses in most games), small puzzles like in Half Life, and expanded environmental hazards (anti grav rooms, toxic rooms, hull breaches, all of which you would need to figure a way around or through) but you say these wouldn't add to the experience for you.

Again, the lack of content is not which bugs me. Piling clothes over a fat stomach just hides it for a short while until you are familiar with it. Which comes down to me being unable to agree with you that the MMORPG-esque gameplay, is fun. It is mostly not fun for me due to the fact nothing is at stake, you go in as a super-being with a loose trigger and your blades stained with blood and out as you came so quickly there is nothing to put on the line, there is no stakes in the game; You die? Just revive yourself. Got alot of enemies? Just one-KO them and continue, or better yet : Just ignore them.

To extend that remark, the enemies do not pose any real threat. And if they were highly buffed in the higher levels; everyone would just attempt to avoid them to not lose credits over resurrection. So when it comes down to it, I think that the current system is highly unrewarding regarding anything which goes inbetween starting the mission and finishing it. The only reward I see is the EXP and loot; and such a superficial reward does not less long, unless you refer the game to a younger audience.

I think we have different definitions of gameplay. Allow me to explain mine:

The stuff that's happening within the mission, between the time you hit play to the time you complete the mission (or fail).

The "MMORPG-esque gameplay" you describe is what I would call the framework of the game.

Believe it or not we are actually in agreement in that this... Whatever it is, non-mission game mechanics, could do with a lot more meat on its bones.

I tire of the MMORPG grind quicker than most, if I run out of stuff to do I'll just drop the game, at least for a while.

Currently in Warframe my goal is to collect and max all the weapons, as a makeshift meta-game of sorts, but with the wipe and subsequent XP nerf I'm quickly finding that to be a tad head vs wall-ish.

I'd love to see an overarching plot, or some kind of campaign/metagame map. Can't say off the top of my head what would be a good fit here.

Definitely agree with you on the points of enemies not being much of a real threat, this past patch has made them a lot more lethal, but nothing a sliding slash can't fix. In a way I love it, it makes me feel powerful, but I think that if we are these superhuman samurai ninja awesomeness then the Grineer and DEFINITELY the Infested should get their own WMDs (so to speak).

That is, I love the mass horde killing, but I'd like to tackle some tough guys one on one every now and then, or fight some bosses with unique mechanics.

With regards to dying, I'm not sure how to feel. Currently we have a Borderlands style "lose a percentage of money" penalty, but if you game it right you never lose much (just buy lots of stuff!). We probably need AT LEAST a lives system.

Personally I'd appreciate a hard mode with only 1 life, tougher enemies, but greater rewards.

Just brainstorming here, but it'd be cool to have non-kill everything missions. Stealth, make sabotage actual sabotage. Not sure if it fits theh Tenno's style but it would be cool nonetheless.

P.S: A feature like "Rankings" in a game can really motivate you to play it? Seriously? That seems more like a bonus feature rather a focus. And if your "focus" gets wiped several times during this beta, it seems most of your gameplay is abolished.

To each his own, man, no need for the condescending tone.

As for the wipes, beta is beta. I've played enough alpha and beta games to not care. We're here to test, and it's understandable that you'll get bored from a lack of content, terrible bugs, wipes, etc, but that's how testing goes.

I still can't think of a way to address your problem of interacting with the environment, though. I'd love to hear some of your ideas if you feel like it.

I gotta have to agree with Solipsist.

Also, I gotta comment on diji about Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. I really enjoyed that, and I saw a lot of the potential in Warframe to somewhat build upon the concept and overall "feeling" of ME3's multiplayer.

But in ME3, it felt way more cooperative. Different. Pretty good, actually.

Bigger enemies were very dangerous and could easily one-hit kill you if you were too careless, and you had to take them on very tactically. The classes in ME3 were also diverse, and served many different and important roles.

I'm a lone wolf, in ME3 as well as many other games, so the "team play" stuff doesn't bother me, heh. I don't like relying on other people.

Never really felt like ME3 demanded team play of me either though, to be honest. Even on the hardest difficulties it was easy to manage with the right load out.

I never thought it was a bad thing because I love playing solo, lol. Er, that is to say, I'd play online but usually be nowhere near the team. :P

Agreed that enemies had much more variety though. Killing hordes of little henchmen is fun, but you need something big or invisible or just different to break the monotony.

Can't say much about the classes in Warframe since I've only tried two.

In Warframe on the other hand, as Solipsist pointed out, you don't have to apply any tact to bringing a big enemy down, and your abilities are essentially for show. Your weapons are more than powerful enough to make your abilities a gimmicky alternative, a flashy power to one-hit kill your enemies all the same. (Except Trinity, which actually serves a purpose - Just not a necessary one.) In ME3, your weapons weren't always the best choice, and you essentially had to resort to your powers and tools to get those enemies. Hell, even the smaller enemies had very diverse mechanics in ME3, with which you had to take care and approach differently.

I agree with pretty much all of this. :P

(That's just on the topic of gameplay, though. ME3 had kind of the same reward system as Warframe has, play games in which you kill enemies to be able to kill enemies more with your new upgrades. Which is why it quickly got old for me, and many others.)

And this. Killing stuff to become better at killing stuff is fun for a while, but gets stale. e.g. Battlefield, Call of Duty.

e: Just hit post... Good lord that's a huge reply. I'm so sorry!

Edited by diji
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IMO I think that every warframe should have its own individual story. If this game had more role playing elements instead of just killing and grinding over and over again the makers of this game would have something special. Even ME3 has role playing elements in its multiplayer.

Edited by lukecagefive
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Jesus @(*()$ christ this is going to take me an hour...You evil basterd.

I'm confused, you say: [....]

But more things to do within missions would not satsify you. Can you explain what you mean?

Certainly, what I meant was the ability of the player to control one's Warframe to a much larger extent; the premise is controlling an acrobatic superpower, so why does it fill so limited and stiff?

I explained most of my thoughts in this thread : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/217-improved-mobility/

But you can basically think of something like GunZ: The Duel.

I think we have different definitions of gameplay. Allow me to explain mine:

The stuff that's happening within the mission, between the time you hit play to the time you complete the mission (or fail).

The "MMORPG-esque gameplay" you describe is what I would call the framework of the game.

Believe it or not we are actually in agreement in that this... Whatever it is, non-mission game mechanics, could do with a lot more meat on its bones.

I tire of the MMORPG grind quicker than most, if I run out of stuff to do I'll just drop the game, at least for a while.

Currently in Warframe my goal is to collect and max all the weapons, as a makeshift meta-game of sorts, but with the wipe and subsequent XP nerf I'm quickly finding that to be a tad head vs wall-ish.

I'd love to see an overarching plot, or some kind of campaign/metagame map. Can't say off the top of my head what would be a good fit here.

I would say our opinions go vice-versa, the MMORPG-esque gameplay is the framework (get stuff for more stuff) while the WAY you get them would be the actual gameplay, which in warframe is not quite innovative....Then again, it is a free game; so I'm not sure what to expect.

Definitely agree with you on the points of enemies not being much of a real threat, this past patch has made them a lot more lethal, but nothing a sliding slash can't fix. In a way I love it, it makes me feel powerful, but I think that if we are these superhuman samurai ninja awesomeness then the Grineer and DEFINITELY the Infested should get their own WMDs (so to speak).

That is, I love the mass horde killing, but I'd like to tackle some tough guys one on one every now and then, or fight some bosses with unique mechanics.

And what I would like is to have more ways to jump around rather run like mad or switch teleport, to have more ability to conserve one's momentum...But I already mentioned that, and the WMDs concept is cute. A sort of "Oh s*** " moment.

With regards to dying, I'm not sure how to feel. Currently we have a Borderlands style "lose a percentage of money" penalty, but if you game it right you never lose much (just buy lots of stuff!). We probably need AT LEAST a lives system.

Personally I'd appreciate a hard mode with only 1 life, tougher enemies, but greater rewards.

In Borderlands money is lying everywhere, even if you lost 50k or more you know you will be able to easily get it back. In Warframe, you need to pile Mods after the other to return your case. I once sold like 3 level 20+ mods for about 8k or less, that felt like a bloody joke.

To each his own, man, no need for the condescending tone.

I was not being condescending, I was honestly shocked.

I'm a lone wolf...Etc

I can get that, I like to play solo as well in most games; but I can notice games which teamwork seems imperative to the well being of the game. Look at Warframe, you have like 7 warframes? They are essentially the same beyond the models, skins and the 4 skills. In other games, other character means OTHER CHARACTER; different physical and skill attributes which support each other; otherwise, what is the point to play online? To flex your Warframe to others? Think what would happen if TF2 was like that, any Battlefield game or for that matter : Any FPS game. Having a special role in the party allows the player to get a sense of belonghood and importance; what's a squad without a medic? Appearntly in Warframe you don't need one because you got health popping out everywhere.

a)Agreed that enemies had much more variety though. Killing hordes of little henchmen is fun, but you need something big or invisible or just different to break the monotony.

b)Can't say much about the classes in Warframe since I've only tried two.

A) Again, no matter how much makeup you apply to a wound the wound still exists. Piling more content on a unfavorable system will only bewilder the players for a longer while, but if you end up playing merely for content; this is a bad business solution for a free game to need to produce more content ad-infinitum to get a hold on the fan base.

b) There are no Classes, there are only more warframes. Each and every single warframe is the same...Already wrote about that, moving on.

I agree with pretty much all of this. :P

And this. Killing stuff to become better at killing stuff is fun for a while, but gets stale. e.g. Battlefield, Call of Duty.

In Battlefield and Call of Duty, you eventually do not even play for getting more S#&$; you play to have fun because the way you reach victory is fun. First time I played COD4 a few years ago, I cheated my way to get a max level profile in an instant so I won't have to grind my way to the actual equipment, so did all of my friends.

e: Just hit post... Good lord that's a huge reply. I'm so sorry!

Sonofa*@##$sonofa*@##$sonofa*@##$... d:

Write a more summarized essay next time, goddamnit! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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Just to extend my point regarding what some people seem to only find in this game....Getting loot and EXP. If the gameplay was more rewarding than being chillout, such a devoted player would be able to care alot less about such matters. |:

There is nothing to be devoted about after such a early wipe and just regaining the wiped levels and similar mods. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game, it's just sad i'm going to have to wait for anything new.

Edited by Ryitus
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I've had a lot of fun playing the game with others on skype and ts, but solo it just gets boring, and with match making, it can be quite boring.

There should really be a way to connect out of game, like global chat, or maybe a "optional hub world". More content would be cool too, but i've already played the beta over 40 hours now, and even though I still enjoy it, what I enjoyed most about it was the sense of exploration I got.

I feel like the difficulty isn't too ramped up. Things either feel impossible or too easy. Its weird. I would still pick this over borderlands 1+2 though.

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I gotta have to agree with Solipsist.

Also, I gotta comment on diji about Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. I really enjoyed that, and I saw a lot of the potential in Warframe to somewhat build upon the concept and overall "feeling" of ME3's multiplayer.

But in ME3, it felt way more cooperative. Different. Pretty good, actually.

Bigger enemies were very dangerous and could easily one-hit kill you if you were too careless, and you had to take them on very tactically. The classes in ME3 were also diverse, and served many different and important roles.

In Warframe on the other hand, as Solipsist pointed out, you don't have to apply any tact to bringing a big enemy down, and your abilities are essentially for show. Your weapons are more than powerful enough to make your abilities a gimmicky alternative, a flashy power to one-hit kill your enemies all the same. (Except Trinity, which actually serves a purpose - Just not a necessary one.) In ME3, your weapons weren't always the best choice, and you essentially had to resort to your powers and tools to get those enemies. Hell, even the smaller enemies had very diverse mechanics in ME3, with which you had to take care and approach differently.

What I'd also kinda like to see in Warframe is a cover system just like ME3 to build upon the gunplay part, and an articulation/improvement on the melee combat system. More or less, you should be punished if you were to charge in and attack them head on, either with sword or gun. If you do want to go all-out melee, sure. You should just have to think critically - Slash the enemy, dodge his attacks, be quick. If you're reckless, he's gonna wreck your face.

(That's just on the topic of gameplay, though. ME3 had kind of the same reward system as Warframe has, play games in which you kill enemies to be able to kill enemies more with your new upgrades. Which is why it quickly got old for me, and many others.)

I myself have also played the ME multiplayer and found it strangely fun to no end, the powers were satsifying, everything was well explained, and always served more than one purpose. Difference is, the pacing is completely different. Enemies didn't bum rush you the way this game does. Due to the lightning of the game washing out certain details, I could barely tell what I'm shooting at sometimes.

To really bring the coop into the game, you do need more skills that act as tools rather than just weapons. Also need bigger and more powerful enemies that requires the efforts of a few people to take down. I ran into a few enemies that were more powerful than the grunts, but one slashing dash killed it in no time flat. =/

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