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Warframe - Modding 2.0 (Idea / Feedback Pls)


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Warframe - Modding 2.0

Hey fellow Tennos,
I´m playing the game for quiete some time now and I always asked myself what to do with a lot of Mods and how the System could be changed to use them.
Everyone knows those mods like warmcoat or something like that and (i dont know any1 who uses them) it could be intresting but i takes a slot for more useful mods!

I think I came up with a pretty good Idea to increased the customization of warframe build in general.
Nothing will be changed except the fact that the mods will get a "category", augment mods wont cost drain, 2 slots will be removed.

Forma ur warframe 8 Times and u have more than enough energy left over. And there is no possibility to "spend" the points.
With "my System" (due to the new x-Only-Modslots) u could use ur unspend points in optimizing ur frame to ur playstyle!

The Augment-, Utility-, Resistance- and Agility-Mods could be changed into "No Rank Mods" and give a certain value or just be as they are except the augments!
EDIT 1: OK TOO many augment slots... could be reduced to 2 or just 1 slot for "each skill"

Therefore the Warframe mods should be categorized:

Augment Slot = Ability Augment Mods ONLY (!) - IMO they should have NO DRAIN and xx% value to scale like now!

Mod Overview

Aura Slot = Aura Mods ONLY (same as before)

Mod Overview

Basic Slot = Just the basic Overview-Stat-Mods (Health/Shield/Armor/Energy/Duration/etc.)

Blind Rage
Fast Deflection
Fleeting Expertise
Narrow Minded
Primed Continuity
Primed Flow
Steel Fiber
Transient Fortitude

Agility Slot = "AGILITY MODS ONLY" - See the list

Quick Rest
Shield Flux

Resistance Slot = Resistance Mods Only - See the list

Diamond Skin
Flame Repellent
Lightning Rod
Quick Thinking
Rapid Resilience
Shock Absorbers

Utility Slot = Utility Mods Only - See the list

Enemy Sense
Heavy Impact
Master Thief
Natural Talent
Reflex Guard
Thief's Wit
Sure Footed
Undying Will
Warm Coat


EDIT 2: First Draw


2nd Draw:

Feedback is welcome and thx for your time!

Edited by XRacKS
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I....COULD agree with this. But I think that the augment mod slots should be limited. Having 4 is abit too much. Maybe one or two would be more appropriate. Having 4 is as if there is already alot of augment mods to choose from. Having 4 augment mod slots will give the player no reason to not use the augment mods. Especially considering the lack of mod cost from it as well as the current limited numbers of augment mods. Everything else about the layout looks pretty good imo. But I fear that this idea may break the game. Maybe it's just me.

Edited by Knightmare047
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One thing, for starters having 4 augment mods would probably break warframe beyond reckoning, but I do like the idea of the other slots

ok yeah mb the augment mods could be changed into changing the skill / like either buff a player but no dmg anymore or vis versa...



I....COULD agree with this. But I think that the augment mod slots should be limited. Having 4 is abit too much. Maybe one or two would be more appropriate. Having 4 is as if there is already alot of augment mods to choose from. Having 4 augment mod slots will give the player no reason to not use the augment mods. Especially considering the lack of mod cost from it as well as the current limited numbers of augment mods. Everything else about the layout looks pretty good imo. But I fear that this idea may break the game. Maybe it's just me.

its just an idea for augment mods in general... i like to get the feedback thx

@ both thx for the feedback lets make warframe even more awesome :D

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Voting no...


Damage, utility, augments, "useless" mods the owner doesn't appreciate at the time, power, defense and situational mods all have to take the same slots. If they don't, we're stacking instead of building and we may as well be using X-Y damage normal/magic/rare/purple/orange/T37raid gear like every other game with RPG stats.

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4 augment slots!?!? Thats crazy, some augments dont even work together like despoil and soul survivor and that will just completely screw builds over..


I think 2 slots max, but I all I wanted was just 1 augment slot.

ok changing the 4 augment slots to "1 slot for each ability"

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This is a bit too much of mod slots I think.


The general concept is good, however, currently what I feel is that there are warframes that can specifically be modded only in a single way to make the most of them not allowing for more varied builds even with different specialized mod slots and more modding space.

Some frames would need 12 slots from the current system to accomplish a viable build while some use up practically only 6 of the normal slots with 2 slots being absolutely free to use for whatever utility you'd want.


- First those frames need to be looked at that have sub-par kits or need all stats to be modded for to be viable (hence the need for 12 or 14 slots before one could feel OK with them) - I don't want to go into specifics here as everyone has a different idea which frames need more attention but for example Ember is still one of those that we all can agree on that relies on all stats for her kit.


- Some mod cards are a must in all builds limiting the variety possible in builds: In almost all cases one will use a maxed Redirection or Vitality or even both in their builds. These could be completely incorporated into the leveling process. Instead of 440% extra shields it could give 160% extra and the remaining part should be moved into the frame itself or even more making these mods into a slight tilt into a direction instead of an absolute must-have (same has been said about Serration and Hornet Strike, also: you'll get one-shotted by much higher level enemies with 1100 shields instead of 450, even if after a certain point it no longer matters how many shields you have)


- more varied and better augment mods that change and tilt the kit of a frame into a specialized subset to create variety in builds. You couldn't equip all the augments but maybe 2 max. But the augments should worth it. Some are already in the good spot, some still aren't.


EDIT: this is just my quickly scraped together ideas and thoughts on the subject that I got from the top of my head, not an entirely thought through and properly collected post, please take it as such.

Edited by TychusMechanicus
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Voting no...


Damage, utility, augments, "useless" mods the owner doesn't appreciate at the time, power, defense and situational mods all have to take the same slots. If they don't, we're stacking instead of building and we may as well be using X-Y damage normal/magic/rare/purple/orange/T37raid gear like every other game with RPG stats.

it wouldnt be stacking...

it would be an improvement... the agility only mods wont "stack" anything.... aswell as the utility... augment is a point i havent thought through (shame on me)

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One augment slot IMO

Also the current modding system is Mods 2.0...

So is this Mods 2.5 or 3.0?

Didnt know how to call it because the devs reworked the warframe mod slots i think for the 2nd time? xD

I dont know that why I wrote Warframe Modding - 2.0

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Wow, this seems complicated, and furthermore does not seem to be outright better. The problem with the mod system is that it is not comprised of incomperables. Due to potatoes and Forma one of the constraints on modding was removed, meant that modding became based on maximizing effectiveness based on a per slot basis. For example: In your resistance slot there is Quick Thinking which is good enough to compete with other mods now, but in your upgrade it will be an auto include because of how useful it is.


Imo: With weapons the variety is limited but with frames the variety is decent

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Wow, this seems complicated, and furthermore does not seem to be outright better. The problem with the mod system is that it is not comprised of incomperables. Due to potatoes and Forma one of the constraints on modding was removed, meant that modding became based on maximizing effectiveness based on a per slot basis. For example: In your resistance slot there is Quick Thinking which is good enough to compete with other mods now, but in your upgrade it will be an auto include because of how useful it is.


Imo: With weapons the variety is limited but with frames the variety is decent

sure the categories are not set in stone move quick thinking to "basics"...

the main idea behind is to put the "useless" mods into use without "overpowering" frames...


upgrading the variety should be the main goal...

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sure the categories are not set in stone move quick thinking to "basics"...

the main idea behind is to put the "useless" mods into use without "overpowering" frames...


upgrading the variety should be the main goal...


1.) k, now it is rapid resilience is best mod for that slot, see how the problem is not solved


2.) the game already has a mechanism for this: fusion and transmutation.


3.) agree. hence: incomperables.

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1.) k, now it is rapid resilience is best mod for that slot, see how the problem is not solved


2.) the game already has a mechanism for this: fusion and transmutation.


3.) agree. hence: incomperables.

1) just move all the non element-resistances to basics... its about optimizing warframe not to kill the idea of improving the variety... ;)

2) still why designing a mod which only useful in fusion and transmutation - i guess that wasnt the plan of the devs... otherwise they could just remove them

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1.) yeah, I could see DE going with that, it will be creating build diversity in a similar manner to Damage 2.0, creating artificial diversity through faction optimizations.


2.) this was about noting how mods perceived to be useless still have a use. mods were not designed

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I would rather expect  6 slots for abilities, 6 slots for defense and movement 2 utility slots, 1 augment slot and 2 general slots which accept everything.


And going along with it more defensive and ability mods, if weapons can scale like that then frames should too

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I would rather expect  6 slots for abilities, 6 slots for defense and movement 2 utility slots, 1 augment slot and 2 general slots which accept everything.


And going along with it more defensive and ability mods, if weapons can scale like that then frames should too


I can say ridiculous things too! mods are either off or on, and only one mod of each name can be on at a time. Seem balanced to you? because that is where the slippery slope of the add mod slot crowd leaves us.

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I can say ridiculous things too! mods are either off or on, and only one mod of each name can be on at a time. Seem balanced to you? because that is where the slippery slope of the add mod slot crowd leaves us.

Thats why i proposed more ability mods, if we had 5-8 mods which all affected ability damage then damaging abilities would finally be able to compete with guns.


Does that seem balanced to me?? hell no, dmg on guns is too high. Point is though that when de finally snaps out of it and balances guns it would be much easier to balance abilities at this point.


I actually put some thought behind each feedback ive given.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I like the idea in theory but I don't really think that there needs to be so many categories. Honestly, I think there only needs to be two. Progressive(required for progression e.g serration) and Non-progressive(Utility,Agility,Resistances and such). Then the Non-progressive mods need to be buffed/nerfed as needed so that choosing between them is a matter of subjectivity so that we can avoid staple mods and encourage variety.

Edited by (PS4)KaxMcc
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I like the idea in theory but I don't really think that there needs to be so many categories. Honestly, I think there only needs to be two. Progressive(required for progression e.g serration) and Non-progressive(Utility,Agility,Resistances and such). Then the Non-progressive mods need to be buffed/nerfed as needed so that choosing between them is a matter of subjectivity so that we can avoid staple mods and encourage variety.

thought about that too... but imo less categories will stillleave some of the mods obsolete... "utiliy" mods like mater thief or something like this are just taken in "loot missions" like spy or something like that. but i think a lot of ppl would like to have the, equipped more often but i takes a rare spot. same as the agility slots... its just a "passiv" addition which is nice but not elemental...

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thought about that too... but imo less categories will stillleave some of the mods obsolete... "utiliy" mods like mater thief or something like this are just taken in "loot missions" like spy or something like that. but i think a lot of ppl would like to have the, equipped more often but i takes a rare spot. same as the agility slots... its just a "passiv" addition which is nice but not elemental...


I think in the case of those types lesser used mods, they aren't used due to the fact that they offer a lesser benefit compared to other mods. As opposed to non-progressive mods that don't get used due to lack of space. So for those, I think it would be better to buff them rather than giving them their own slot.


Ideally, non-progressive mods would each need to be effective enough so that choosing between them become a matter of opinion or playstyle. For that to happen though, mods like master thief would either need to be buffed to be made useful in the current gameplay or the gameplay would need to be adjusted so that the effects of the mod matter more.

Edited by (PS4)KaxMcc
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I think in the case of those types lesser used mods, they aren't used due to the fact that they offer a lesser benefit compared to other mods. As opposed to non-progressive mods that don't get used due to lack of space. So for those, I think it would be better to buff them rather than giving them their own slot.


Ideally, non-progressive mods would each need to be effective enough so that choosing between them become a matter of opinion or playstyle. For that to happen though, mods like master thief would either need to be buffed to be made useful in the current gameplay or the gameplay would need to be adjusted so that the effects of the mod matter more.

Yeah thats true. But still if the "non-progression" mods whould all share (lets say) the same 2 spots some would be more beneficial than the others...

i my idea there are 5 slots and 2 more categorys because ppl could mod their frame to their need w/o making others useless.

With ur idea some mods will be useless again. but if u can only fill a slot with "the useless" mods its just a matte rof playstyle what to equip.

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Yeah thats true. But still if the "non-progression" mods whould all share (lets say) the same 2 spots some would be more beneficial than the others...

i my idea there are 5 slots and 2 more categorys because ppl could mod their frame to their need w/o making others useless.

With ur idea some mods will be useless again. but if u can only fill a slot with "the useless" mods its just a matte rof playstyle what to equip.


The intended effect of buffing "useless" mods was to increase their benefit to match the others. While there are a number of mods that are only situationally useful to an unnecessary degree, adding additional effects to that mod could increase their usability and thus, players would have a reason to equip them in lieu of other mods.


For example, in the current game when given the choice between equipping  quick thinking or rush, most would opt for quick thinking due to the fact that it actually has a tangible benefit, survivabiltiy. But, with the implementation of parkour 2.0 rush could become a more relevant tool by making higher movement speed translate into less hits being taken.


By making this adjustment, both mods would affect the gameplay in a meaningful manner and the choice between the two mods would become more subjective in nature.


There are some mods that don't currently give any effects that have a highly meaningful impact, but those mods can be subject to change to fix that issue. Giving these mods their own space wouldn't necessarily hurt. But due to their low-impact nature they would still be fluff more than anything.


I'd prefer the least amount of fluff in the mod system, if at all possible.

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