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A Few General Observations And Complaints


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I've been liking this game, so far, in playing it, but I am finding a few frustrations. A lot of this is purely opinion, but I'm sure I can't be the only one who thinks some of these things.


1. Farming specific materials can take a frustratingly variable amount of time. Sometimes even common materials just decide to never drop. Maybe add a simpler way to get materials via buying or some simple crafting system? (Crafting a common material in high amounts into a more rare one?) 


2. The Paris sometimes does not function properly. When pulling back, and releasing it, sometimes it won't fire, and will remain drawn until you click the fire button again, rather than being charge and release.


3. Maybe charge melee attacks should work like the paris, and not release until you let go of attack. I find having to time charge attacks perfectly makes running in on enemies and meleeing them, which should be exciting, into too exact of a science to be worth the effort.


4. Escort missions. Gotta be honest, these things are the bane of many gamers' existence, and your game does not do them particularly well. The escort AI is just dirt stupid and will stand around soaking enemy fire, and it's frustrating. Very few games do escort missions well, and I don't think it's worth it. 


5. I feel color palettes are too expensive. I'd be inclined to buy platinum and get them but they cost a LOT.  You're limiting people to just buying packs, which is understandable. 


6. The Stalker. I like the Stalker as a mechanic but for players that aren't very overpowered, he can be downright insurmountable. There's something very frustrating about a random chance based enemy who can appear and, in some cases, instantly kill you from out of view, and you have little to no recourse depending on where you are.  especially given that he ignores some game mechanics like the Loki's decoy and the revive system.


7. The use of the word "Rifle."  is inconsistent. With the damage amplifying artifact,  and the rifle kill challenge, "rifle" means "any primary weapon". In the context of ammo, it only means certain weapons, but in the context of upgrades, "rifle" means "both snipers and assault rifle type weapons." This can get very confusing. 


8. Grineer Rollers. Enemies that stunlock you are just not fun. You might as well unplug my keyboard in the middle of the game.

Edited by DoctorBrookes
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@1 - Disagree, all though this isnt an MMO, it has it's similarity's. Including grinds! Now in my opinion resources fall into this Farm/Grind category as do BP's. Now in typical MMO's some materials/weapons and so on can take months to obtain. Where as Warframe, if you stick at it, you can get almost a decent stack of any resource within 2-3 days easy. Same with BP's for warframes.

If anything, i would like things to become a lot harder to get, especially warframes. As at present it's easy to say, right i want frost. Bing bang bosh, a few days later(Sometimes same day) you have the BP's


@2 N/A never used Paris


@3 Disagree, at present i think it's fine. After a little time with a weapon you can learn more or less how long it is before the charge attacks. Changing it to hold until ready just dumbs it down for me and removes some skill


@4 I agree, hate these missions and the AI is dumb.


@5 I Agree, i have bought 2 lots and feel they would be better at around 25-40 plat


@6 Kick him in the balls and run then lol


@7 It's beta, expect wordings to change, better tutorials to explain things and more things along them lines in the future


@8 Though i HATE them, i love them at the same time. There unique, not many enemies in games wind me up like they do, but in turn i like that as i hate things being easy. Hence my fav ever games been Dark Souls lol

Edited by AudioRejectz
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1. In a typical MMO you have OTHER means to get those materials. I can't think of an MMO where you can only get a material by random drop and there's no trade system or place to buy the items. If there is, it's probably a really bad MMO. There's already a lot of limitations on crafting. It shouldn't be THAT much of a grindfest. You need the blueprint, the credits, and to grind for materials. Having to grind for specific materials that you have no other way to get but blind luck is just adding insult to injury.


3. I guess it's a preference thing. Maybe make it a setting?  I think the melee could stand to be dumbed down because it seems like a poor combat choice, currently, at least to me. 


7. Well yeah. That's why I'm making note of it. It's beta, so we're supposed to point out inconsistencies and problems. :P 


8. Yes but there's good hard and bad hard. When you take control away from the player, you've made a mistake, in my opinion.

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@1 - Disagree, all though this isnt an MMO, it has it's similarity's. Including grinds! Now in my opinion resources fall into this Farm/Grind category as do BP's. Now in typical MMO's some materials/weapons and so on can take months to obtain. Where as Warframe, if you stick at it, you can get almost a decent stack of any resource within 2-3 days easy. Same with BP's for warframes.

If anything, i would like things to become a lot harder to get, especially warframes. As at present it's easy to say, right i want frost. Bing bang bosh, a few days later(Sometimes same day) you have the BP's


@2 N/A never used Paris


@3 Disagree, at present i think it's fine. After a little time with a weapon you can learn more or less how long it is before the charge attacks. Changing it to hold until ready just dumbs it down for me and removes some skill


@4 I agree, hate these missions and the AI is dumb.


@5 I Agree, i have bought 2 lots and feel they would be better at around 25-40 plat


@6 Kick him in the balls and run then lol


@7 It's beta, expect wordings to change, better tutorials to explain things and more things along them lines in the future


@8 Though i HATE them, i love them at the same time. There unique, not many enemies in games wind me up like they do, but in turn i like that as i hate things being easy. Hence my fav ever games been Dark Souls lol

Dark souls is also one off my favourite games ever after 2007.

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I agree with everything except for 1 and 3.


1) If you do grind long enough it makes getting the item you're trying to build much more rewarding.


3) I actually like the timed attack, it makes it more surgical and less hack and slash. At first I had a problem timing it but now I honestly do it without even thinking.

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No matter how "op" you make him, Loki, Ash, Rhino, and Tinity will never have a problem with him, 

Depends on your team. I have level 30 Trinity, played with three random people, told them the stalker was after me. Nonetheless they ran off without me and before I knew what was happening, the stalker had killed me. Problem is, he ignores Link.

When you stick together and all help your teammate, you can get the stalker - but if you're alone, you're doomed. No matter if tank or not.

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I've never had the stalker ignore link before so they might have fixed that one.

As for Loki, Ash and Rhino, I was just pointing out that they can either go invisible or invulnerable making the stalker a non-threat regardless of how powerful they make him if the stalker is after one of those frames.

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1) If you do grind long enough it makes getting the item you're trying to build much more rewarding
Yes, this is true, but there's a point where it becomes absurd. Say you want to build an Excalibur. Which is a starter frame.
First, you have to grind enough to buy the blueprint for the frame. Then you have to grind the boss that drops the blueprints for each of the parts. Who is on PLUTO. And you have to kill this boss, at minimum three times but more realistically DOZENS of times to get the blueprints to drop. Since there's no drop bias, it's entirely luck based, and so not only do you have to contend with getting the blueprints to drop at all, but also the correct ones. 

1000 Ferrite 

500 Salvage
300 Rubedo
220 Plastids
150 Polymer Budnle
150 Alloy Plate
2 Morphics
1 Control Module
1 Orokin Cell. 
1 Neural Sensor
45000 credits
+35,000 for the blueprint
+ 25,000 to build. 
100,000 Credits. total.
Best case scenario, you're farming for ten different materials, including  4 rare materials, which means at minimum 4 boss battles (and very likely much more than that) and how knows how many other repetitions. If you got absolutely 100% perfect drops, you'd still have to grind at least three different planets, not counting the bosses you'd have to hunt down. 
Plus you need to wait three and a half days for it to finish building. Then congratulations, you have a starter frame at level 0 that you still have to grind to level up to make decent. 
 This game is fun. It will not remain so with THAT much effort being necessary for so little reward. Different frames are the best way to mix up gameplay. It shouldn't be so mindblisteringly time consuming to get. Difficulty is not the same as grind. Having to do a lot of easy stuff is not as fun as doing a little hard stuff. 
Edited by DoctorBrookes
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The grind is what got me to 300 hours.  I've farmed every Warframe but my starter.  I ground every Primary and Secondary weapon to 30.  I had goals, budgets, objectives.


Now I'm sorta at a loss.  My last frame is 20, there are only 5 ? rewards I want besides potatoes.  I've got about a thousand Alloy Plate sitting in my foundry.


For 300 hours, I had a reason to play this exciting, fun, amazing game.  Now that I've caught them all, I'm not motivated to keep playing, exploring and enjoying myself.  There are no more bars that must go up, only Mods and credits that must be farmed.


Treasure the grind.  Revel in the farm.  It's what this game has in terms of objective, at the moment.  Update 8 is coming soon, and I am certain it will be awesome.

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I have to agree with Gearb0x...


My first frame that I built from bp's was ember... I thought I was going to go mad after 30+ runs and finally getting my systems bp...


Fast forward a week, and I built both Volt and Trinity *at the same time*, yes I had to do quite a few runs to get the bps... but the materials... I had soo many sitting around that they were a non-issue, the rare materials you stock up on by farming the bosses for the bps. It's like a vicious cycle in your favor =)

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