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[Fanfiction] Flesh (Part 4 Added 4-29)


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I am nervous to post my writing here, but I do hope you enjoy. I am working on this piece casually and updates may be sparse.


Part 1

The fear, the danger, it crawls up my spine and digs into the crevices of my brain, seeping into all my safe places. It shatters my senses and then thrusts me to a sudden, unnatural focus. Deep within my thoughts, visions race to unfamiliar flesh, its pulsating vitality palpable in my veins, its need sending spasms through my body.

Me. It needs me.
Cold. The side of my face prickles and blossoms in a wave of pain as I open eyes I don't remember closing. The metal floor of my lab reveals itself beneath crooked lights as I lay on my side, damaged tissue all over the dead weight of my body making itself known. The frantic sound of my heart pounding in my ears is deafening.
No, contamination is not possible.
I lay for a moment, paralyzed. My brain works to reconnect to my nerves, forcing the numb shock of this violation to turn to panic. No, no, no... The organism is contained in C-block of tanker 47, level 6, under the maximum protection I have available. It is monitored by 162 cutting-edge sensors and 17 guards. It's not even on this ship. I am safe, just as I have been safe for the last 42 days. Sweat cools my burning face, it mingles with the blood leaking from my nose. Safe. I force my heavy body into a sitting position and wipe the fluids away with a gloved hand. Stagnant air fills my lungs as I draw it in and push it back out and I allow my head roll forward into my hands. I focus on the sensation of my own gentle caresses, smooth plastic polymer gliding over my skin. The agony of this paranoia is something I know too intimately. Alone in my lab, I weep.

Part 2

It does not sense me as I move through the ship it is not inside of, no. It does not whisper to me, call out to me. I throw my weight against one of many heavy storage unit doors to open it, and it reluctantly obliges. Old, useless shipments have fallen from their shelves and scattered their contents about the floors in my race to disappear. The mess irritates me. I am looking for something, something important. The memories well up in the haze of my restless mind, ebbing and flowing against the shore of my consciousness as I try both to grip it and push it back into the blackness. Zanuka. The pinnacle of my research. Zanuka, broken and lifeless, ripped in two as I looked on. The culmination of an eternity of dedication and sacrifices. Zanuka will fill this need, bridge the gap. I grind the doubt into the grime beneath my heel. Zanuka will unlock the answers I seek within the disease. I am in control. I will make the formless flesh obey.
She is heavier than I remember, even halved. Her metal flesh resists my force on her and screeches loudly as I drag her down the corridor. My fragile frame lurches against her weight, one step after another. It is a slow struggle. Just as I have taught her to walk, to run, I will coax her to move once more. 
We reach the shuttlebay together. My muscles burn with exhaustion, and I reel backwards upon releasing her onto a pick-up pad. The clang of her body reverberates about the cavernous, gaping maw of the empty bay; empty but for a lone short-range shuttle. I take a moment to catch my breath and listen to small sounds of the decaying ship echoing against the vast metallic walls. Cool air chills my skin, whispers wrap around and around me where I stand, riding the invisible, stale currents. My mind drifts upon them, slipping, slipping...

4-26 update
Part 3

My senses flood back into me when I stumble against a control console. Frantically, I throw my arms forward to grasp at the buttons and sliders that bring the cargo crane shrieking to life, pulling me from the quicksand of my mind. Metal grinds against metal as the rusting crane is forced down the track towards us. The sound overpowers even the thundering in my chest. Relief as I gasp for air, as my breaths sharpen into a desperate laughter that echoes through the bay. Yes, I am safe from whatever illogical fears haunt my thoughts. Paranoia. A condition of the mind, nothing more. My fingers run over the console buttons, steadily, their surfaces smooth and tactile. The crane halts above my Zanuka and I begin issuing commands to load her into my shuttle. I am in control.
Static buzzes through the com line when I dial through to Tanker 47, familiar and comforting. I lean down to the microphone and moisten my lips. "Attention: Tanker 47, I will be on approach in approximately 30 minutes, yes. Please have an escort rendezvous with my shuttlecraft and have staff awaiting my arrival with a motorized trolly. I will be taking with me some, heh, special cargo down to level 6." My gaze wanders to where my shuttle awaits launch, Zanuka packed securely within. I listen for confirmation of my orders and close the connection, a grin playing on my lips as I move my eyes to look out towards the tiny specks of light glistening beyond the ship's windows. Those fools floating above their gas world, their hands stuffed in their pockets. Closed minds and blind eyes, they've grown too comfortable. They've lost sight of the price of progress. I must... remind them. Heh, I'll remind ALL of them. I can’t help but laugh aloud, the sound filling the air, alone and powerful.

4-29 update
Part 4

I step forward from off my shuttle and back onto the far more recently maintenanced flight deck within Tanker 47, my composure fully recovered now as I look over my crewmen with a leader's detachment. My most loyal in my time of need, fortunate or unfortunate, the result remains to be seen. 

The well-oiled cargo crane has already begun the process of removing my dear Zanuka in her crate from the bowels of my shuttle. I begin to walk forward and motion to the two crewmen nearest to me to follow me to unloading zone. They take a step towards me, then hesitate for a moment. Are they... doubting me? A moment of fear, flushed out with anger. "What is it?" I demand. I stop walking and stare into the slits of their angular helmets. Silence. Already on edge, I have obviously shaken them. Regardless, I will not back down. "Well?!" One crewman motions at the side of his face. "Sir... your-" A shock of memory runs up my nerves. I don't have to touch my skin to find the dried blood and swollen flesh. "HA haha. Ohh, yes, as you know, the ship has already begun to deteriorate. I... my balance, I slipped, while forcing one of the cargo doors open, yes. I did not have time to locate the medical supplies-" "Sir, with respect, an escort could have assisted you. There is no need for you to leave our-" "Crewman!" I cut him off. "I need you HERE." While I am relieved to hear concern in his voice, I have no desire to continue this debate. There is no debate, of course. I turn my back to him as I walk the remaining distance towards the cargo container, which has been placed on the waiting motorized hand trolley. "I need you ALL here. My most vital work remains on this ship. It is paramount to us... no, to the entire sector, to the very future of our survival as a species, that this work remain guarded and monitored at EVERY moment." My hand slips over the edges of the crate while I choose my words. "Our friends, our... families, our enemies, mm, we are... dead to them, yes. THIS is our opportunity to rise from the clutches of the Void into a new era." I turn again and begin leading my loyal crewmen to my most gripping terror and our future salvation.


The fundamental piece that will bridge the gap, within a box, to which I hold the key. The speech was just as much for me as for them… doubt will lay dormant, for now.


It will obey.

Edited by Syncrasis
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For a real quick read. Really, really good. I'd love to get a full story written like this. Easy read that tells more than what's written. Keep it up :)


I like it. Quite visual, the language manages to change tone very quickly and effectively. Followed, and anticipating more.


Thank you so much! I'll continue adding to the OP. Just added part 3.

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Thank you so much! I'll continue adding to the OP. Just added part 3.

Just found the time to sit down and read it. Damn. Good writing. But im lost on context- Unless i'm reading it wrong- which is possible- the story seems to jump from scene to scene. Can you explain a little bit? 

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Just found the time to sit down and read it. Damn. Good writing. But im lost on context- Unless i'm reading it wrong- which is possible- the story seems to jump from scene to scene. Can you explain a little bit? 

Many of the pieces have some time in between them, but the scenes themselves are supposed to move logically. We start with him inside one ship, it's falling apart. He's in one of his labs there, then moves to go find Zanuka in a cargo room. He brings her to a shuttle/cargo bay and loads her into a ship, then heads to a different ship. 


I'll admit this style of writing is a lot jerkier than my usual work. I've read a few pieces recently with a jerky quality to the scene movement and really enjoyed them, but it seems I don't quite have the hang of it yet. Thank you for the feedback. I'll make sure to work on it!


OP updated with part 4

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