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Dear Md Banshees...how Hard Is It To Not Defend The Wrong Console?


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I mean, I know running around spamming 4 is a pretty braindead affair...but is it really asking too much to put 3 brain cells together once in a while to keep track of which console is being uploaded to? this the second time I was with a banshee so herpderp, that she actually spammed down the wrong room. do the soundquake special effects have some kind of uber int devouring side effect on users or something....



PS: not an actual rant. I just find it hilarious how herpderp banshee players can be sometimes and thought I'd share their crowning moment of epic fail

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 I just find it hilarious how herpderp banshee players can be sometimes and thought I'd share their crowning moment of epic fail

Please try to keep this kind of stuff off the servers. No certain frame's players are stupid just because they play that frame. No certain person is an idiot just because they do something foolish. if you have a problem with your team-mate, try communicating with them. Raging on the forums doesn't help you or them.

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I've ran into a few of these players...they think their unmaxed quake and a reach will be badass so they constantly use it and do nothing but be lagging behind killing 3 enemies maybe >.> a wise player would use Banshee when there's a dense crowd, obliterating the whole area and then some >:D I'm very proud of my Banshee ^-^ and also about not being one of those Banshee users...

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I guess you dropped a WP when you commenced the console hack?

Without such there is no clear indicator as to which console is the one to be defended.


Though tbh a properly modded out Banshee doesn't need to be anywhere near the console to defend it effectively.

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I was guilty of doing this once or twice.


You just don't understand.  The bloodlust that comes with slaughtering dozens upon dozens of mobs at once in three separate rooms, it's.. it's.. intoxicating.  You know deep down you gotta fight it, that your team might need your help, but it feels so righteous just killing everything in sight and out of sight.  A haze of blood fogs your senses and you just.. run wild, foaming at the mouth as the bloodlust is never satiated, yet always growing.


It's a blessing, and a curse.

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I was guilty of doing this once or twice.


You just don't understand.  The bloodlust that comes with slaughtering dozens upon dozens of mobs at once in three separate rooms, it's.. it's.. intoxicating.  You know deep down you gotta fight it, that your team might need your help, but it feels so righteous just killing everything in sight and out of sight.  A haze of blood fogs your senses and you just.. run wild, foaming at the mouth as the bloodlust is never satiated, yet always growing.


It's a blessing, and a curse.

Banshee party at Kappa?

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Banshee party at Kappa?

I've ran a Banshee with a buddy and ended up with another Banshee, needless to say, my "Reach" and "Focus" stole his kills >.> he would stun them but my quake would just finish them off quicker...of course I took some insults because well, I could be outside and using it and it would still reach him/her XD it's still awesome to be able to do that, but I also dread the day DE decides to make her AoE smaller D:

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I dropped a wp at it several times...and put my snow globe around it. he apparently couldn't put 2 and 2 together, and decided to run over, not see any mods, then run straight back to spamming down the other room



I actually like banshees in general, especially in kappa/kiste. ...she just also seems to also attract the least intelligent players. kinda like how loki attracts the least patient

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I guess you dropped a WP when you commenced the console hack?

Without such there is no clear indicator as to which console is the one to be defended.


Though tbh a properly modded out Banshee doesn't need to be anywhere near the console to defend it effectively.


There is a very clear indicator. It's called watching the fella carrying the hacker module and seeing which console he goes to. Also, if you actually look at the console being hacked, it signifies that it's being hacked with a giant exclamation mark on its screens.

And no, it doesn't need to be nearby. However, when said imbecilic Banshee decides he's going to run off and 'defend' on the other side of the map, he causes everyone who isn't near him to lose XP because he kills them all far enough away. It'd be courteous to just stick near the damn console.

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I was guilty of doing this once or twice.


You just don't understand.  The bloodlust that comes with slaughtering dozens upon dozens of mobs at once in three separate rooms, it's.. it's.. intoxicating.  You know deep down you gotta fight it, that your team might need your help, but it feels so righteous just killing everything in sight and out of sight.  A haze of blood fogs your senses and you just.. run wild, foaming at the mouth as the bloodlust is never satiated, yet always growing.


It's a blessing, and a curse.

I tried so hard today to not use quake and level my braton instead. It's just an automatic reaction now whenever I see lots of people in a room.

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I've ran a Banshee with a buddy and ended up with another Banshee, needless to say, my "Reach" and "Focus" stole his kills >.> he would stun them but my quake would just finish them off quicker...of course I took some insults because well, I could be outside and using it and it would still reach him/her XD it's still awesome to be able to do that, but I also dread the day DE decides to make her AoE smaller D:

ughh, 2 days after i got my HEK they nerfed it...Maybe 3 or 4 days i got my Nyx they nerfed Chaos and My saryn 6 days old nerfed molt.......when i just got my Frost and potatoed it they give out prime frost...FREAKING LET ME HAVE THIS FOR ONCE. don't go nerfing something that harms no one sheesh...

Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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I was guilty of doing this once or twice.

You just don't understand. The bloodlust that comes with slaughtering dozens upon dozens of mobs at once in three separate rooms, it's.. it's.. intoxicating. You know deep down you gotta fight it, that your team might need your help, but it feels so righteous just killing everything in sight and out of sight. A haze of blood fogs your senses and you just.. run wild, foaming at the mouth as the bloodlust is never satiated, yet always growing.

It's a blessing, and a curse.

I tried so hard today to not use quake and level my braton instead. It's just an automatic reaction now whenever I see lots of people in a room.

You don't know how exilerating it is charging in to a crowd of infected feeling no fear and then slaughtering them all in one go. 20 kills in 3 seconds is insanely fun.

Banshmadness. Only way to describe it. You need to see a doctor soon. Trust me. You will be forever addicted, like me, if you don't. Edited by Feldgrep
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Is not just Banshees, there is a lot of morons that seem to love to run to main and opposite room and steal xp and items while the whole freaking squad is miles away...

that's just being impatient and inconsiderate. I'm referring strictly to when they literally camp the wrong room the entire time....for no reason..........................


they would've gotten more kills if they were actually defending the right room...which would be the room all the grineer are actually storming

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As a Banshee Player I can proudly say that I have yet to be overcome by Banshee Bloodlust. That 4 key is amazing, but I would like to remind you that her other skills are also very good (other than silence but we can pretend that skill doesn't exist).


Sonic Boom: Very effective vs Infested and MOAs, specifically shockwave MOAs (Using this while they are charging their stomp causes them to go into a slow motion air fall which is hilarious and very handy). Also great for keeping heavy Grineer down while you kill them.


Sonar: 400% damage (on the target area) for 50 energy. Need I say more?


but yeah, Sound Wave is king in defense/mobile defense. 

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I was guilty of doing this once or twice.


You just don't understand.  The bloodlust that comes with slaughtering dozens upon dozens of mobs at once in three separate rooms, it's.. it's.. intoxicating.  You know deep down you gotta fight it, that your team might need your help, but it feels so righteous just killing everything in sight and out of sight.  A haze of blood fogs your senses and you just.. run wild, foaming at the mouth as the bloodlust is never satiated, yet always growing.


It's a blessing, and a curse.

This made me giggle.  


Especially considering I think I'm guilty of this as well, though nobody really openly complains.

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As a Banshee Player I can proudly say that I have yet to be overcome by Banshee Bloodlust. That 4 key is amazing, but I would like to remind you that her other skills are also very good (other than silence but we can pretend that skill doesn't exist).


Sonic Boom: Very effective vs Infested and MOAs, specifically shockwave MOAs (Using this while they are charging their stomp causes them to go into a slow motion air fall which is hilarious and very handy). Also great for keeping heavy Grineer down while you kill them.


Sonar: 400% damage (on the target area) for 50 energy. Need I say more?


but yeah, Sound Wave is king in defense/mobile defense.

I have been feeling bad about stealing all the kills so I've been using Sonar a lot more. Sonar is definitely better when you're doing later waves on infected defense. I'm not really a fan of Sound Wave though.

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I've ran a Banshee with a buddy and ended up with another Banshee, needless to say, my "Reach" and "Focus" stole his kills >.> he would stun them but my quake would just finish them off quicker...of course I took some insults because well, I could be outside and using it and it would still reach him/her XD it's still awesome to be able to do that, but I also dread the day DE decides to make her AoE smaller D:

I really hope when this happens  they make it do more damage. IT kicks &#! in a large area on crap mobs, but you put a 1/2 decent mob (higher tier, high armor, any infested non charger, all mobs above lvl 35) wait actually thats most of the game. So weak mobs in a large radius that i Hate (rollers I am looking you, the main reason I got and leveled banshee) die but nothing of true substance happens any deeper into the game.



Also, about soundwave. It is a great tool. It does little to no damage but if need to buy time or move a mob this is your best friend.

In the middle of reloading and a disruptor runs up on you? 1     

Mobs swarm the pod?   1

Wanna stab this guy in the facew while he lays on the ground?  1


Yea, 4 has its place but i use number 1 way more often outside of kiste/kappa.

Edited by crow-k
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