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A Random, Choatic Mess Of Thoughts With No Quality Control


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Regarding the following problems (I know a lot of features are planned or being planned, with lots of new stuff coming in U8, regardless I'll comment on the game as it currently is for discussion sake):


1) Rushers vs completionist in the same game. (dual lock pad door does not solve this)


2) 90% missions are fillers, never to be played after having been unlocked for alert farming.


2a) Game longevity after unlocking all missions. Endgame = Mobile def, defense, boss wf grind and the occasional alert actually worth doing (2k, no ? alerts = fillers).


3) Alert = any other ol' boring mission


4) Many abilities (ultimates in particular) are very similar in mechanic, being some sort of AoE delivery of damage and/or effect. Many skills also suffer from "nearly useless", "rarely sort of useful" or "filler" syndrome especially in the face of the few universally useful skills, making for little diversity and narrow style of play when it comes to a specific warframe. I guess what I mean is, abilities could use more creativity to make them more interesting, diversified, and the many lacklustre skill more useful (or situationally superior at least).


5) Connection issues to/from host, in particular the matchmaker connecting you host without regards to ping resulting in huge lag. (Solutions are very simple in this case)



To which I have a random list suggestion that may or may not address the above, in the format of a chaotic mess with no quality control:


1) In-mission script: Ambush. All doors locked and enemies pour into the area for a certain amount of time. Designed to be heavily scaled to the number of party members and to be difficult. if say all 4 frame are locked into 4 different area having to solo the ambush they'll certainly get destroyed.


1a) In-mission script: Hunted. Spawn rate is increased for the level and spawns in rooms next to any players, the event cannot occur in solo mode. This means if 4 players are all spread out, the spawn rate is roughly x4 due to the spawn mechanic. Again script should be heavily scaled to # of party members, and designed so that lone stragglers will be overwhelmed.


1x) Plenty of better script ideas have been posted I'm certain, etc.


1b) Mission script can combo together. Eg. A self destruct time limit event can occur at the same time as a hunted event. Enable only certain combos, otherwise I'm sure there'll be some impossible combinations.


2) Remove alert missions with reward below 3k cred (fillers) and no ?. Increase difficulty of alert, making dangerous script like ambush much more often, enable script combos and give the level higher density of enemies / elites / supers.


3) higher reward alerts (?) involving chain missions back to back, ending with a mandatory 10 - 15 wave defense finale.


4) alerts allow 3 tries only.


5) Super versions of enemies... Who are much tougher and come with random abilities... Like the elites and rares in Diablo. May be armed with dangerous abilities like Jam player abilities, simulate vacuum effect, prevent allies knockdown / stagger, increased allies speed / attack, spawn trololballs ...etc


6) Take out ice environment or redesign it (players may simply restart if the map is a difficult one, pointless as it is currently) if DE really must keep it.


7) Specialization of frames- Allow frames to evolve, resetting rank back to 1, each evolution gives it some small bonus until it reaches a final form. If a frame takes say 6 evolution to max out, make the 1st 2 evolution giving out most of the bonus, with the last 4 evolution a slog for dedicated player wanting to specialize in that frame with great effort. The final evolution should of course give something interesting. (I know there's a U8 with "reincarnation" so perhaps this is moot) Also each evolution requires an evolution item (more things to farm alert for). Make fully maxing a frame a real grind. Final evolution should give it a noticeable cosmetic change also, something that glows preferably


8) Specialized mods - another tier of mods that has requirements. For example, it may require evolution 2, or it may require a another specific mod to be installed (give useless and less popular mod some use). Or perhaps the existence of a specific mod decrease the requirement on the the specialized mod.

8a) Example - True steel is required to equip Zen: Adds a flat percentage to base critical hit, cannot exceed 40% base crit hit.

8b) Another - Staggering force is required to equip Ki strike: Extends the range of the melee weapon. Note: only useable on single blades, at max rank allows it to hit +1 target.


9) Stagger mods should be scaled and adjusted to a weapon's rate of fire. Ex. if Grakata gets 10% stagger per shot, a weapon with half of Grakata's rate of fire should get 20% stagger. Well... That or keep it as is to make stagger mods a high rof weapon mod only.


10) Rework wave reward mechanic. Something is certainly wrong with the distribution table (Hi Hellfire!). Perhaps add a reward slot for every 15 waves and increase rarity chance for the main reward slot at higher waves, of course adjusting for the level of the mission.


11) (Ignoring resource constrain of the developer), Give warframe more skills to choose from, perhaps a pool of 5 normal skill and 2 ult to pick from, allowing for some customization and play style diversity. For example Ember's 2 choice of ult could be a) plasma beam aimed at your reticle which you can move around for a few seconds. Allowing you to hold it on a boss for massive damage or sweep around to finish off a few elites. b) a 150 energy, 5 second charge up (can be interrupted), standard AoE damage delivery that turn the screen white, dealing large damage and leaving random patches of flame within the AoE...etc


12) Matchmaker, and some connection-optimization code so say folks don't join game in the opposite side of the planet resulting in 1k+ ms lag. More details in another post:





13) blacklist:



14) Enable us to save setups for warframe / weapon mods and name them (and remove all mods from equipment we're not using to facilitate this). I'm sure we're all tired of having to redo all the mods when switching frame / weapons.


... My god it's a wall of text... I'll stop my procrastination at work here. (Who am I kidding, now I go to look at pics of fukin cats)

Edited by finalgenesis
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7) Specialization of frames- Allow frames to evolve, resetting rank back to 1, each evolution gives it some small bonus until it reaches a final form. If a frame takes say 6 evolution to max out, make the 1st 2 evolution giving out most of the bonus, with the last 4 evolution a slog for dedicated player wanting to specialize in that frame with great effort. The final evolution should of course give something interesting. (I know there's a U8 with "reincarnation" so perhaps this is moot) Also each evolution requires an evolution item (more things to farm alert for). Make fully maxing a frame a real grind.



I believe the concept of 'prestiging' wf is coming to U8(correct me if i'm wrong) but i like your idea more. Prestiging the wf not only add bonus stats but also slightly change the visual aspect of the wf little by little.

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I fully expected when i read the title to hate everything you said. But for the most part you were right on the money. The  re-incarnate deal is used to change the slot alignment if i am not mistaken, with no known limits. The one part I disagree with is the problem with rushers and non rushers. There are few things that will give them incentive to play the way most people play in groups. Nothing that will not also hinder everyones normal play. Thats the compromise, how much fun are you willing to give up to punish 1 player in a group and honestly one player in 50 (maybe more ) is a rusher, a true rusher, not jsut moving fast, but skipping everything killing nothign and running to the end.

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Your title is pretty harsh for a game still in b e t a.


*Comprehension error detected.


Whose thoughts do you think the title refers to?


On an unrelated note, I don't honestly care what a game calls itself if its gone commercial, I won't hold back my thoughts and criticism on it in an attempt to help it grow if I deem the game to have any potential at all.


I really don't understand the mentality of hating on feedback on a game because it is in beta.... Isn't it precisely because a game is in development that one should give more feedback?

Edited by finalgenesis
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