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Latron Mod Load-Out Assist Request


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I am currently rocking the Latron and loving it.
That said I could use some input on my current MOD load-out.
Suggestions/Comments Welcome




Point Strike
Vital Sense
Speed Trigger
Piercing Hit
Cryo Rounds
Storm Bringer

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The latron has a poor crit chance(7.5% i think) and does less crit damage then other weapons like the snipetron.  Use multishot if ya have it, and fire rate works well with either a clip mod or a reload speed mod.

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I'd ditch the fire and electric mods and max the mag..


If the fire or electric damage get the kill the body will do an annoying death animation, blocking my next shot, ice i find usually shatters instead.. usually.


i tried out a pierce mod as well, it helped more than i thought, actually, less shots wasted on guard rails and edges of boxes trying to hit ducking enemies.

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...and I would replace the elementals for Reload, Mag size, and Ammo cap.


EDIT: keep the crits, though.

Why would you ever use ammo capacity on the Latron? Not only are you going to already be hard-pressed to run out of ammo on it, you should have ammo boxes available anyways.


It's a complete waste compared to things that actually contribute to your damage.

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This is my loadout (Keep in mind it's potato'd and not complete):

Split Chamber: 75%

Serration: 105%

Point Strike: 150%

Vital Sense: 80%

Piercing Hit: 60%

Cryo Rounds: 60%

Fast Hands: 30%

Speed Trigger: 10%


This is what it's going to be when it's finished:

Split Chamber: 90%

Serration: 165%

Point Strike: 150%

Vital Sense: 120%

Piercing Hit: 60%

Cryo Rounds: 90%

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Full crit mods work out to a 62% increase in damage syll, it'd be much better to use either electric or fire damage.

But i only use it to fight Grineer, and that's what works for me.


EDIT: DPS doesn't matter to me as much at time to kill. Those crit mods increase my chances of pulling off a one shot kill against them.

Edited by Syllabea
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But i only use it to fight Grineer, and that's what works for me.


EDIT: DPS doesn't matter to me as much at time to kill. Those crit mods increase my chances of pulling off a one shot kill against them.

Against level 50-55ish enemies, fire mods + headshot should kill them all the time (from what I've played, at least).

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This does kind of speak to how uninteresting the current mod system is. Everyone ends up with very similar builds and mod load-outs. I hope the Devs move past this basic mod system (and make it just a subset of modification) and give warframes/weapons specific slots that can only be filled by specific enhancements. Things like:



Visual sensor slot (options for enhanced sight)

HUD slot (optional layouts for information overlays)

Radar slot (different kinds of tracking options such as organic vs machine)

Shield generator slot (allowing tradeoffs of regen time, regen delay, and total shields)

Skin slot (stealth vs energy weapon mitigation vs projective weapon mitigation)

Foot slot (for traction vs speed options vs stealth)

Legs slot (jumping vs running)

Torso slot (power vs increased hitpoints vs whatever else)

Arms slot




Grip slot (stability vs initial accuracy type stats)

Barrel slot (for suppression or barrel extensions slots)

Magazine slot (quicker reload vs more ammo per mag vs firing rate)

Weapon optics slot (for down scope alternatives to the stand 3rd person when zoomed)

Blade edge slot (serrated vs nano-sharp)

Blade finish (matte for stealth vs polished for better damage)


Warframes and weapons could also be given more base attributes that these things work with or against as well, making the warframe choice more meaningful and codependent on which weapons you want to use.


These are just off the top of my head. Rather than just a collection of generic mods it would add more depth and visceral enjoyment to the meta-game and force more hard choices.

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#1 Serration (As high as possible)

#2 Armor Piercing (Maxed)

#3 Cryo Round(not necessarily maxed)

#4 Stormbringer(not necessarily maxed)

#5 Hellfire(not necessarily maxed)

#6 Either Speed Trigger(Rank 2 or 4) or Split Chamber(if possible)

#7 Magazine Warp (Rank 8 = + 4 shot or maxed + 5 shot)

#8 Thunderclap (Stunning)

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This does kind of speak to how uninteresting the current mod system is. Everyone ends up with very similar builds and mod load-outs. I hope the Devs move past this basic mod system (and make it just a subset of modification) and give warframes/weapons specific slots that can only be filled by specific enhancements. Things like:



Visual sensor slot (options for enhanced sight)

HUD slot (optional layouts for information overlays)

Radar slot (different kinds of tracking options such as organic vs machine)

Shield generator slot (allowing tradeoffs of regen time, regen delay, and total shields)

Skin slot (stealth vs energy weapon mitigation vs projective weapon mitigation)

Foot slot (for traction vs speed options vs stealth)

Legs slot (jumping vs running)

Torso slot (power vs increased hitpoints vs whatever else)

Arms slot




Grip slot (stability vs initial accuracy type stats)

Barrel slot (for suppression or barrel extensions slots)

Magazine slot (quicker reload vs more ammo per mag vs firing rate)

Weapon optics slot (for down scope alternatives to the stand 3rd person when zoomed)

Blade edge slot (serrated vs nano-sharp)

Blade finish (matte for stealth vs polished for better damage)


Warframes and weapons could also be given more base attributes that these things work with or against as well, making the warframe choice more meaningful and codependent on which weapons you want to use.


These are just off the top of my head. Rather than just a collection of generic mods it would add more depth and visceral enjoyment to the meta-game and force more hard choices.


Well when you talk about things like serration or armor piercing this comes as they provide the most benefit to the weapon. The idea is that these mod upgrades are dealt in percentages and thus weapons with bigger numbers would stand to benefit the most from mods that boost their highest stats most of the time(with the exception of reload and fire-rate being the balanced brother of how fast you can reach before it becomes a laser beam).


So if the devs decide to add in hard numbers instead of percentages, it would be pointless to add to weapons their lowest stats(with the exception being damage since the most effective thing against hit points is damage.)


To conclude, even if your idea comes about, as long as the stats come in percentages or even hard numbers, majority of the mods would always be 100% the same. Since everyone aims to be efficient in killing with the primary goal of having a weapon is to do that. What is to be efficient may differ, but almost no one likes to waste when they avoid it.


If the stats are to be something like a range of numbers that is random acquired through a certain method. With that there is the existence of RNG, however we all know how much the whole world wishes to annhilate the existence of RNG as well as those who would pay tribute and sacrifice for the RNG god. No one can be happy about either systems.

Edited by Jacate
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Well when you talk about things like serration or armor piercing this comes as they provide the most benefit to the weapon. The idea is that these mod upgrades are dealt in percentages and thus weapons with bigger numbers would stand to benefit the most from mods that boost their highest stats most of the time(with the exception of reload and fire-rate being the balanced brother of how fast you can reach before it becomes a laser beam).


So if the devs decide to add in hard numbers instead of percentages, it would be pointless to add to weapons their lowest stats(with the exception being damage since the most effective thing against hit points is damage.)


To conclude, even if your idea comes about, as long as the stats come in percentages or even hard numbers, majority of the mods would always be 100% the same. Since everyone aims to be efficient in killing with the primary goal of having a weapon is to do that. What is to be efficient may differ, but almost no one likes to waste when they avoid it.


If the stats are to be something like a range of numbers that is random acquired through a certain method. With that there is the existence of RNG, however we all know how much the whole world wishes to annhilate the existence of RNG as well as those who would pay tribute and sacrifice for the RNG god. No one can be happy about either systems.


Everything in computing comes down to stats and variables... the question always is how visceral and transparent can you make those stats and variables. Mods in their current state reduce these variables... to just variables.

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Everything in computing comes down to stats and variables... the question always is how visceral and transparent can you make those stats and variables. Mods in their current state reduce these variables... to just variables.

If there are stats then level would be important, however how much stat or uniqueness would make it not variables?

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If there are stats then level would be important, however how much stat or uniqueness would make it not variables?


Some simple examples...


You can have a stat that puts enemies on your radar. Nice to have.

OR you can install eyeball cybernetics that give you the ability to see mobs through walls.

Which is a more visceral use of the stat?

You can change your run speed stat. Nice to have..

Or you can install bionic legs that make your leave streaks of light behind you and knock over enemies in your way

Which would you prefer?

You can change an accuracy stat, or

You can implement scopes that actually just make you more accurate as a player

The visceral stuff though was only half of what I was recommending. The other aspect is to force more choices from smaller sets. Mods are cool and all, but you are basically choosing a handful of mods from a pool of mods. By making smaller sets of choices you make the metagame more interesting. It isn't just 'which 5 mods do I stick on here... though 3 are no brainers... so really which two mods will I fill the last empty slots with"... that is boring.

Having to chose your optical sensor, your barrel attachment, your blade edge material, your shield generator etc etc etc you customize by a series of choices rather than just a single one. I would also like to see some choices have some permanence. The ability to completely strip a warframe of its mods and replace them make the whole meta-game very trivial. If you had to live with some choices of what you do to your frame it would add weight to decision making.

Edited by Emotitron
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