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Ideas About Pvp Improvment (Your Thoughts About My Idea)


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Hey all i'm paying warframe for about 4-5 months and i really like this game not just because of pve because of the DE that they are really working hard to improve the game, not like the DE of the recently closed game "Bullet run" which was made by Sony entertaiment. 

So i recently looked at the forums and found out a lot of people talking about pvp that the warframes are imbalanced (Loki,Rhino). So i came out with my own decision about the pvp and how to handle such unbalance.

From starters i was thinking about map creator ,i mean that every clan can make their own pvp area where they can fight with their members or with other clans would that be great? every day new maps and new tactics. Also like i remember the DE said something about making new skills for warframes so i'm thinking about maybe they would make skills that suit pvp and pve that would really be great not only new skills for pve but also skills for pvp (which everyone want so much :D) Hope you like my idea and i'm waiting for some feedback from you guys about my idea :))) LET THE CONVERSATION BEGIN!!!! :DDDD

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There wont be any other thing than the duel room and normal pve characters. No tweaks, no nerfs, nothing.

its a simple duel function. Nothing more, nothing less. there is no need for special pvp skills or whatever.

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Hey all i'm paying warframe for about 4-5 months and i really like this game not just because of pve because of the DE that they are really working hard to improve the game, not like the DE of the recently closed game "Bullet run" which was made by Sony entertaiment. 

So i recently looked at the forums and found out a lot of people talking about pvp that the warframes are imbalanced (Loki,Rhino). So i came out with my own decision about the pvp and how to handle such unbalance.

From starters i was thinking about map creator ,i mean that every clan can make their own pvp area where they can fight with their members or with other clans would that be great? every day new maps and new tactics. Also like i remember the DE said something about making new skills for warframes so i'm thinking about maybe they would make skills that suit pvp and pve that would really be great not only new skills for pve but also skills for pvp (which everyone want so much :D) Hope you like my idea and i'm waiting for some feedback from you guys about my idea :))) LET THE CONVERSATION BEGIN!!!! :DDDD


PvP in this game will be limited to 1v1 duels in the Clan sparring room, once your Clan completes one, by all accounts so far.  Skills will not be rebalanced or changed in any fashion for PvP, since PvP is not and will never be the focus of this game.

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