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Boss Rush Mode/baro Ki'teer's Rival


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Version 1: Everyone knows that Marketeering is a Competative Business, You can't sell valuable things without someone else deciding to put forth competition...


Baro Ki'teer 'is' a mysterious man, many don't have any idea how he gets the things he does, from the 'void', but they're all willing to pay vast sums to acquire his wares... And where there is profit, There will always be someone looking to exploit.


Enter Baro Ki'teer's [currently unammed] Rival, with much less interest in selling to the Tenno and much 'more' in amassing a vast array of rare goods from the void and selling them to much richer Corpus and grineer interests in order to fund and supply his personal army of [general elite mercenaries, perhaps a mix-up from all different factions and syndicates], whom he uses both to clear the way in Void towers for safe looting, and to set upon unsuspecting Tenno in possession of valuable objects.


Naturally, this policy puts him in the good graces or the Grineer and Corpus, and leaves him with plenty of sacrificial gear and soldiers.


The idea here, Is that The Rival's attention can be earned by Tenno carrying some type of valuable gear item with them, perhaps into the void, such as a special type of 'void' vault key, requiring one of each type of a key to make one of a certain tier, able to differentiate between 1 - 4 tiers. Rather than being debuffing keys like in the derelict, these keys would cause changes in the mission itself, per key, such as alerting enemies at a certain range, increasing the active trap count, turning ice traps into different elemental damaging traps, things like that, But more importantly, If all 4 players on a full team have a key equipped, regardless of what it does 'normally', There will be a Fair chance of the mission being warped to a 'void vault' mission, Where perhaps the keys will resonate and act as radar to guide the players to a special new vault. Now, the void vault is 'easy' to find, as opposed to Derelict which makes you wander and 'hunt' for it, the hard part is 'getting' to it!


Because the resonating keys are also a signal easily picked up by 'the Rival', resulting in a swarm of mercenaries sweeping through the tower to clean out the corrupted and take out the tenno so that 'they' can get the vault instead. No rushing here! Because every mercenary has a signal key keeps barricades locked, which they put up as they run through the tower, thus barring your way until you kill the right mercenaries to open the next barricade, And eventually Reach the vault, the enemies in general will be a higher level than meant for the tier, not massively, but enough to be more threatening.


Now the catch. Because the rival has good ties with Other Factions, Anyone who is currently marked for death will have their chance to proc a hunter raised by a certain ammount, dependent on the tier of the keys being used, between 2 and 15 I'd say. This includes the Grustrag 3, the Zanuka hunter, and the Stalker... of 'course' he'd tell them where you are to take advantage of their desire to hunt you down to better his own chances of victory.


However, This isn't all, we all know Rich super villains love their toys!


The Vault itself will be guarded by some type of boss unique to the Rival's stock of 'toys'... Think, like, a  Bursa Team,  perhaps a guarntee'd death mark appearance, Lower tier runs may have a 'common boss', meaning a 'super version' of a normal enemy. Higher tier might have special bosses, such as a properly Upgraded moa boss, Some type of mech [everyone likes fighting mechs :D], perhaps an infested monster that's released and then sealed into the room, or maybe even a severely booby trapped defense filled room to contend with.


And now the big kahuna!


Every Vault has chance to drop a special rare item that can be used to 'really' get the Rival's attention, and can be used to enter, either a sort of 'T5 Void assassinate' mission, or perhaps another special raid elsewhere in the system. A Mission I'd call 'The Gauntlet', With guarantee'd intereference of the death-marks, or perhaps just platoons from each faction, High level Eximus Mercenaries, Corrupted Vor [because high level void, he 'always' shows up XD], and some properly challenging fights or trap rooms, leading up to a show-down with either the Rival, or some High ranking Mercenary boss working for him. Perhaps there could be an arc-wing element to it as well.


The vaults would all have chances to drop high value loot or mods, perhaps 'several' tics of the drop table for the Void mission you picked when starting it, Perhaps with a Gaurantee'd higher tier key or 2, and perhaps weapon parts, or parts of a new frame or 2, that are unique to these Void Vaults.


The 'biggest' part though, and it's just a suggestion, but a chance to drop 'primed' mods, a very small chance, but still one that exists. Slightly higher for each tier, perhaps .25-2.5% from tiers 1-4. and 'The rival' or his mercenary boss would have a considerably higher, but still low, chance to drop them, as well as personally related weapon parts they might drop.







Version 2: A much simpler, and perhaps less fleshed out idea...


Everyone can beat a boss, sometimes 2 or 4 bosses at once depending on who is being fought, with any number of methods, but almost always with ease... I haven't run into a boss yet who truly challenged a whole team of people with any sort of considerable level of equipment available.


but, What about numerous bosses, one after the other, without dozens of rooms and hundreds of enemies to farm for regenerating their energy and equipment? Perhaps with debuffs thrown in like negating energy regen, or 'events' like making items rain at random [slowly], or enemies getting thrown into the mix.


It could be a simple limited boss rush restrained to the number of bosses that 'are' in the game [no, you won't get related frame parts from this! But it would be cool if certain levels of complete had a frame related to them!], or it might be an 'endless' mode with periodic chances to bail out with all your loot, and the bosses growing progressively harder, or certain buffs/debuffs stacking with every couple of runs, eventually getting to fighting multiple bosses at once!


It could all be setup as a simulation type of deal that requires you to make an item from data gathered from every boss, or a fair number at least, perhaps scanning them to get it! It can also have different tiers to avoid wasting time at the super low levels of it.


It would of course also be scaled to number of players, and perhaps cumulative rank of equipment or... ugh, conclave, though I never know what that's worth outside of a PVP mode or setting up spectres XD


The loot would obviously be dependent on how far you get, when you quit, things like that, with the highest reaches perhaps having a chance for Primed mods or particular special mods, weapon or frame parts.

Edited by SergalGunner
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