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Founders Not So "founders" Anymore.


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Go ahead and show me the massive uproar at DE for daring to keep the Founder system open so other players can benefit. You seem pretty certain that this is some huge problem, right? So surely the community is in agreement, right?


 I mean it isn't like this entire thing is just you wanting to be distinct even among other supporters of the game, right? Having the Forum badge for forking over 250$ isn't enough - you are specifically making a big deal out of not having a different badge then other people who've forked over 250$ recently because you paid earlier on.


 DE could have ended it then, wisely they did not. Because it doesn't make sense to close one Founder program just to open another that is the same thing in its essence.


 Time to check your privilege, man.

 All I was saying was that was your opinion. It bothers me. Nothing will change, so calm down bud. It is my opinion, I am not trying to force it on anyone, only explaining my reasoning...


This entire discussion is just awful. Wanting special recognition because you supported the devs slightly earlier than other people did? The founders program should've been there simply to give a little extra to the devs if you had the money and felt like they deserved it, not as a way to get special bonuses that you can wave about to show everyone how amazing and generous you are. If you put the money in to get the rewards, rather than the rewards being little extra bonuses that you got as an aside, then you're not being generous, you're being a showoff who just has to strut to make sure everyone knows how fantastic they are.


It's upsetting that people like that have the money available to fund their desperate need for attention and I can in all honesty say I'd rather my badge wasn't displayed, especially if it likens me to people like the OP of this topic.

So again, it seems some people have an exceedingly hard time understanding the very simple issue that is really being discussed here. You are being a silly for taking offense by other peoples opinions....

What I do not understand, is this overwhelming need for people who feel it is justified, to bash others just because they feel a certain way. If you do not like that it is upsetting to myself, and others, that DE put out a date of termination, March 16th, and then backed out on it, get over yourself and move on.

Coming on here and bashing other people because you don't see it the same way is juvenile, and does not further your, "shut up and get over it" cause.

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 What I do not understand, is this overwhelming need for people who feel it is justified, to bash others just because they feel a certain way. If you do not like that it is upsetting to myself, and others, that DE put out a date of termination, March 16th, and then backed out on it, get over yourself and move on.

Coming on here and bashing other people because you don't see it the same way is juvenile, and does not further your, "shut up and get over it" cause.


Again, let me state that the intent of this thread (Though you may or may not perceive it this way) is not to claim entitlement or make people feel "Special" but it is to discuss an alternative program for those of you who may feel that your founders tag is loosing that uniqueness it had when you first purchased it.



Except that the missed deadline isn't what you're sore about at all, you're annoyed that your special sticker isn't so special anymore and you have the audacity to want to make it so that people miss out on stuff they could use and have fun with in the game (the Prime gear) in order to preserve your own desire to stand out. Don't try and make out like you're attempting to stick up for other people when your entire solution is based around screwing them over and denying them content, that kind of attitude is far more insulting than anything that has been leveled at you in the thread.

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Except that the missed deadline isn't what you're sore about at all, you're annoyed that your special sticker isn't so special anymore and you have the audacity to want to make it so that people miss out on stuff they could use and have fun with in the game (the Prime gear) in order to preserve your own desire to stand out. Don't try and make out like you're attempting to stick up for other people when your entire solution is based around screwing them over and denying them content, that kind of attitude is far more insulting than anything that has been leveled at you in the thread.

Want to also tell me how I like my eggs cooked, my toast made, and my OJ poured? You can come make me breakfast too since you know me so well.

Limited time content is everywhere, just look at the vandal items, valentine colors, etc. Dont try that one, it wont work.

Edited by Zackai
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Want to also tell me how I like my eggs cooked, my toast made, and my OJ poured? You can come make me breakfast too since you know me so well.

Limited time content is everywhere, just look at the vandal items, valentine colors, etc. Dont try that one, it wont work.


So linking your posts isn't enough proof of your intent? And yes, time-limited content does exist, but why should a bonus you get for deciding to put some money towards the devs be time limited at all? The other items were all little freebies you got from playing the game and required no input from the player outside of actually playing the game, whereas the prime items are something you get for deciding to put your money behind the devs as a way of showing your appreciation of the game.

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So linking your posts isn't enough proof of your intent? And yes, time-limited content does exist, but why should a bonus you get for deciding to put some money towards the devs be time limited at all? The other items were all little freebies you got from playing the game and required no input from the player outside of actually playing the game, whereas the prime items are something you get for deciding to put your money behind the devs as a way of showing your appreciation of the game.

You have your opinion, I have mine.

Have a nice day.

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You have your opinion, I have mine.

Have a nice day.


That doesn't really apply to this situation. Yes, we both have our opinions, but you're attempting to force yours into practice and deny other people access to items. You can't just say "live and let live" when you're going out of your way to try and take an option away from other people, so don't try and pretend you can.


Your opinion is based on an egotistical foundation and shouldn't even be considered as a viable option. If DE want to stop the founders program, fine. If they then want to implement another program with different rewards to the founders, fine, but they shouldn't be doing it just because of individuals getting upset about more people wanting to try on and apparently therefore devaluing their oh so special snowflake grandmaster badges.

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This thread disgusts me. I am so tired of master/grandmasters and their massive egos. If the founders program is still up when the game is actually -released- then feel free to complain about your precious e-peen status not being exclusive enough. But for now, please please PLEASE just shut up.


Can't say it enough.

If this thread persists longer, I'm gonna spam it until it is closed. This is a shame to all non-selfish founders!

Edited by Thypari2013
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What started as an interesting opinion has gone south.


I wish we could document every decision we make so our players could see that what happened with the initial announcement of a founders end-date and that revising of that involved lack of staff to actually end the program, and need for continual founder support to keep the game going. It was never our intention to insult the contributions of any supporter along the way.

I can understand that some players have been here longer, but all founders new and old have contributed to us because they believe in the project (or maybe the just want the gear!). For those of you that did it for the gear, you've helped us. For those of you that did it because you believe in Warframe, we know who you are because you've been in the forums, you message us, and we spend time as a community together.

If you value the time you became a founder compared to other users to the point that these arguments occur, I am afraid we don't currently have a solution that will separate these groups. I don't know if I want one, but this thread has opened up the thought.


But I do know that internally we as a group of developers have come to know most of our community by name based on their feedback and excitement - criticisms and solutions, we remember it. Developing this game has been a crazy ride for us, every step of it has mattered. And with every step comes new players, all who bring something to the table.


I'm locking this because I don't think anything else needs to be said. If you disagree, PM me.


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