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Founders Not So "founders" Anymore.


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ok after reading all 9 pages of this thread I think we can come to a few conclusions about this

People like and want a "supporters" package available to replace the founders one.


Solar Landmarks need to be sorted out a bit better (New planets as stated by another)


The founders program should end with existing founders given the option to upgrade later (e.g Disciple to Master etc)


Now, this is my opinion

I agree with Dagnome, the founders packs have been going on for too long (yes i am an OBT), Replace them with Supporters packs containing a Skana Vandal (or similar) and discounted plat with a forum badge.

I am in no way, shape or form against the idea of the community helping out DE with funds in return for plat/packs, I support this great community along with this truly awesome game.

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ok after reading all 9 pages of this thread I think we can come to a few conclusions about this


People like and want a "supporters" package available to replace the founders one.


Solar Landmarks need to be sorted out a bit better (New planets as stated by another)


The founders program should end with existing founders given the option to upgrade later (e.g Disciple to Master etc)


Now, this is my opinion

I agree with Dagnome, the founders packs have been going on for too long (yes i am an OBT), Replace them with Supporters packs containing a Skana Vandal (or similar) and discounted plat with a forum badge.


I am in no way, shape or form against the idea of the community helping out DE with funds in return for plat/packs, I support this great community along with this truly awesome game.


The only thing I would be concerned about with offering a different kind of reward for the "Supporters" packages is that the individuals who purchased Founders packs would not have access to it. Now if they did switch over to the new system and allowed the founders to get the blueprints for any unique items only obtainable through the supporters pack for say 1 credit through the market place then I would be alright with that, but to make people who purchased founders pack "Buy in twice" so to speak for another item would be silly. Here is what the "Supporter packages" could look like:


(When I say the blueprint I also mean the item itself possibly depending on what DE wanted to do with it, keep in mind I just made these up and in no way are a final submission of what I would want the packages to be but are simply a rough concept of what these "Supporter packages" could look like)


"Disciple" Supporter ($20)

370 platinum

Forum supporters badge


"Hunter" Supporter ($50)

1220 platinum

Forum Supporters badge

Rhino Blueprint

Gorgon Blueprint


"Master" Supporter ($100)

3210 platinum

Forum Supporters Badge

Rhino Blueprint

Gorgon Blueprint

Hex blueprint

Access to the design council


"Grand Master" Supporter ($250)

8875 platinum

Forum Supporters Badge

Rhino Blueprint

Gorgon Blueprint

Hex Blueprint

Paris Blueprint?

Access to the Design Council


Now if they put together special bundles of in game items (Such as items obtainable through tenno ranks) and allowed the "Supporters" to have access to these items early based on which package they purchased I would be behind that as it does not grant them access to anything "Exclusive". Imagine a new players tries this game out for a week, reaches say tenno rank 2, but decides he wants to support the game financially  He buys (For examples sake) the $100 supporter package (See above) he can easily obtain items and save himself some time by not Needing to reach the required level to obtain the level based items.

Edited by Dagnome
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The only downside of the blueprints is it de-values the package if someone has already gotten them through free-play making it so they are less likely to buy in on those packages aside from the platinum of course.


Though I'd say if it was to throw in blueprints definatly throw in the Glaive as it is an iconic DE item (well if you exclude the Krull movie, though the DE incarnation is different).

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Well, along with the blueprints in the packs, why don't we have alternate skins for the warframes and weapons

From what i can gather from the customization menu, DE might be planning to add some skins later in the game, so why not add some exclusive ones to the supporters packs? 

Along with Frost Prime maybe?

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Again we might run into the issue of founders not having these exclusive items. If they gave the option for founders to get these items for like a credit in the store than it would be good. ;p

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I haven't exactly seen anyone "throw" the Founder title around so I don't really see what the problem is.

I think the main issue he's addressing here is about how the title of 'Founder' is losing its exclusivity, just like how if Vandal weapons were given to all open beta participants, instead of just CBT testers, they would lose their exclusivity.

For something to be exclusive, it has to be available in imited quantaties, or for a limited time, and the Founder program has been running for so long that it's starting to lose that exclusivity.

So yes, I'd agree that it's coming about time to close the 'ol girl down.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the post-Founder program entails, though.

Edited by WingedAnomaly
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Due to the consequence of continuous delay and as time pass by and we are still in beta, it would exactly look odd if DE closed the Founder tomorrow and enrolled a new program just for the sake of a title. That would look very much indecisive, IMO. It is all or nothing, as they should have cut the Founder program when OBT started and obviously they didn't (cut them some slack).


Also, I'm curious and excuse my ignorance, but did you point out this fallacy to DE the first day OBT went live and still saw Founder program was intact? 

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We did not, as they said they wanted a few more weeks to brainstorm further.


Two months later, and.......... yeah.


Also i believe they said they wanted Steam users the opportunity to become founders as well. 


Due to the consequence of continuous delay and as time pass by and we are still in beta, it would exactly look odd if DE closed the Founder tomorrow and enrolled a new program just for the sake of a title. That would look very much indecisive, IMO. It is all or nothing, as they should have cut the Founder program when OBT started and obviously they didn't (cut them some slack).


Also, I'm curious and excuse my ignorance, but did you point out this fallacy to DE the first day OBT went live and still saw Founder program was intact? 


Actually i believe DE has said that they will give one months notice when shutting down the founders program and as someone has stated in this thread before, the foundations for this game have been laid all we need to do now is support it.

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<p>DE had stated that they were shutting down the founders program near the time open beta was launched, we were all assuming that when they said they were going to "Extend the time" it meant maybe a week or two, at least that was my impression. </p>

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Actually i believe DE has said that they will give one months notice when shutting down the founders program and as someone has stated in this thread before, the foundations for this game have been laid all we need to do now is support it.


Yes, but by changing a crowd source program half through a beta stage looks rather amateur than a professional business model.

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<p>DE had stated that they were shutting down the founders program near the time open beta was launched, we were all assuming that when they said they were going to "Extend the time" it meant maybe a week or two, at least that was my impression. </p>


But my point wasn't whether they stated it or not. It was if any of the CBTers pointed out that they should close the program shortly after OBT launch. Because why bring up the topic now and not at the time of issue? Surely you must have thought that when OBT went live, more people would be here and leading to more founders as well.

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The game went into OBT pretty much on the deadline of the Founder System's "closing", if I recall correctly.


At the time, DE's reasoning was understandable. Not that it isn't still viable, it's just that they said they were working on it and to expect changes within a few weeks, and it's been months now.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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ok after reading all 9 pages of this thread I think we can come to a few conclusions about this


People like and want a "supporters" package available to replace the founders one.


Solar Landmarks need to be sorted out a bit better (New planets as stated by another)


The founders program should end with existing founders given the option to upgrade later (e.g Disciple to Master etc)


Now, this is my opinion

I agree with Dagnome, the founders packs have been going on for too long (yes i am an OBT), Replace them with Supporters packs containing a Skana Vandal (or similar) and discounted plat with a forum badge.


I am in no way, shape or form against the idea of the community helping out DE with funds in return for plat/packs, I support this great community along with this truly awesome game.

Had I not been a part of those 9 pages, I would not have read through. You are a more patient person than I. =D


And I think that is the thing. No one wants to stop supporting DE, but it is past time to shut that specific program down.



You've posted this, and you're still saying the game is Pay-to-Play? At no point are you forced to pay a single cent. Up until U7, I hadn't actually spent single bit of Pt except colour packs. By your definition the game is Free-to-Play.

Some people have a hard time understanding what it is other people are trying to tell them. 


I think the main issue he's addressing here is about how the title of 'Founder' is losing its exclusivity, just like how if Vandal weapons were given to all open beta participants, instead of just CBT testers, they would lose their exclusivity.

For something to be exclusive, it has to be available in limited quantities  or for a limited time, and the Founder program has been running for so long that it's starting to lose that exclusivity.

So yes, I'd agree that it's coming about time to close the 'ol girl down.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the post-Founder program entails, though.

This is exactly it!! And for those who say that it is an entitled mentality to want the exclusivity.... The whole package program is based off of that... Otherwise you could obtain those same emblems and ranks through free methods.



We did not, as they said they wanted a few more weeks to brainstorm further.


Two months later, and.......... yeah.

Yeah, and they only mentioned the few weeks thing after passing the deadline to close which if I remember was March 16th.


The game went into OBT pretty much on the deadline of the Founder System's "closing", if I recall correctly.


At the time, DE's reasoning was understandable. Not that it isn't still viable, it's just that they said they were working on it and to expect changes within a few weeks, and it's been months now.

You are correct. They announced for almost a month that the "Founders" program was going to be closed on March 16th...


That didnt happen...


I am kind of hoping DESteve plugs in a comment in this thread to put us all at ease. :)


I was hoping this would have happened already, but who knows. With Community Mods, I am not sure if they peruse the Gen forums much anymore. But I could be vastly mistaken. 

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tl dr; Elitism.


Pretty much.


The OP doesn't need to feel "special, " he needs to feel "unique."  Because these are two entirely different things.


He could at least be honest.

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It's just a stupid title....  Get over it.  


I played Heroes of Newerth who had a similiar program known as "Legacy" Anybody who purchased on before the game went F2P was legacy, this was not super exclusive.  But after 4 years of the game, it IS still quite rare.  So just wait until the game grows and grows past this beta phase and it will become more scarce.  


oh, and its just a title -_-  

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It's just a stupid title....  Get over it.  


I played Heroes of Newerth who had a similiar program known as "Legacy" Anybody who purchased on before the game went F2P was legacy, this was not super exclusive.  But after 4 years of the game, it IS still quite rare.  So just wait until the game grows and grows past this beta phase and it will become more scarce.  


oh, and its just a title -_-  


Exactly what I pointed out earlier in this ridiculous thread lol.


However much you try to deny it you basically want to feel superior to the rest of people who didnt play in cbt.... I find that pretty obvious by some of the posts you have made in this thread (@OP). Nothing wrong with that but just dont try to hide behind 'ohh i dont wanna be superior' bs.


If you want a separate little bagde saying closed-beta tester then go ahead even tho I believe you already got a few exclusive weapons for being in the close beta? Isnt that enough?

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Again, let me state that the intent of this thread is not to claim entitlement or make people feel "Special" but it is to discuss an alternative program for those of you who may feel that your founders tag is loosing that uniqueness it had when you first purchased it.


Contradictions. If you care about the uniqueness of your tag then you want to feel special.

Edited by Caernarvon
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Founders aren't unique or special. The are an interest group that wants to support DE in their endeavour of creating Warframe. Founders is not an elite supersecret club house group, it is DE thanking those willing to put trust into their goal and expressing this trust with funds DE needs/uses to develop the game. Founders are nothing but that - a supporter's financial group, with no entitlement to limited editions other than those provided. You don't buy Warframe. You give DE money to make Warframe and you receive a little "thank you".


Any other outlook on Founders will cause friction, because Founders are no different than other players, have no elevated rights or importance. They get a little sneak-peek forum where they can oversee their investments if they paid US$100++, otherwise, they get a handful exclusive items and discounted Platinum. That's it. They are not a core feedback group, people that can demand to be pleased specifically, or otherwise special. If you think differently, if you deem that Founders should be treated better than others, or should continously be pampered, I can only disagree.


You support because you believe in the game. You don't support because you want to be a special snowflake.


DE's stance is clear: There will be no segregation between paying and free players.

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Founders aren't unique or special. The are an interest group that wants to support DE in their endeavour of creating Warframe. Founders is not an elite supersecret club house group, it is DE thanking those willing to put trust into their goal and expressing this trust with funds DE needs/uses to develop the game. Founders are nothing but that - a supporter's financial group, with no entitlement to limited editions other than those provided. You don't buy Warframe. You give DE money to make Warframe and you receive a little "thank you".


Any other outlook on Founders will cause friction, because Founders are no different than other players, have no elevated rights or importance. They get a little sneak-peek forum where they can oversee their investments if they paid US$100++, otherwise, they get a handful exclusive items and discounted Platinum. That's it. They are not a core feedback group, people that can demand to be pleased specifically, or otherwise special. If you think differently, if you deem that Founders should be treated better than others, or should continously be pampered, I can only disagree.


You support because you believe in the game. You don't support because you want to be a special snowflake.


DE's stance is clear: There will be no segregation between paying and free players.


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