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Is It Just Me Or Does Bronco Have No Presence In Game?


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I have used the Bronco as my ... primary secondary weapon ever since the 7th patch. Ever since then, it has been virtually useless to me and seems to do no damage. I have a couple of questions.


1. Does anyone think I'm wrong and can tell me a good way to build it?


2. Is there a dual bronco coming out?


3. Is it worth using a reactor on it.


4. Can we please fix it or give a re-balance its got a way high ammo cap and no damage 


The old mod system complimented it perfectly with its tree, but now its hard to build it right.


I thoroughly miss shredding enemies with my shotgun pistol which is now completely useless now because of the new machine pistols.



  Bronco user

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This ^


what it means, is that it's very weak vs anything armored.


Well still having a Whooping 220% base damage stereoid and that damage goes for the 30% ap as well...


Primary shotguns only has 90% on boths.


So is pretty much becouse people doesnt like to reload..

Edited by Dasmir
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Bronco normal damage with maxed mods = 336

With 30% ap = 101


Total damage against 100% res enemies = 437


Hek normal =  266

Hek with ap =  239


Total damage against 100% res enemies = 505


So in other word the bronco shines against infesteds.

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Im pretty sure weak infested have no armor

2 shots, (3 max) is not a lot vs infested, and even though 1 maybe 2 kills per per shot. compared to the strun, it's worse in every way but reload and fire rate I think.

edit - it does have a fast reload, and it's decent vs corpus. I like it if I'm not using a shotgun for my primary. (didn't make this clear, I think it's a good gun, but vs armored it doesn't do as much as other weapons imo)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I still love to use my bronco from time to time (tho primarily don't because it is sitting around at level 30 with it's friends.)  But, I feel it is definitely a decent secondary, even with the super-low capacity, the reload isn't so bad and the amount of damage it puts out is pretty hardcore.  Besides that I also enjoy the twin vipers, although the bronco almost never runs into ammo-shortage issues.  So, I'm not positive how it compares to every other secondary, but I still like it.


I would have to glance again at my current load-out for it, but the normal damage/multi-shot/AP/Elemental damage setup with a reload speed addition is what I recall using.

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exactly basically it has no strong points but infinite ammo and against 2 infested...


Still having the "same" dps like against the others shotguns but with better ammo economy since Pistol ammo is more common.


Also the Ap damage isnt that important anyway becouse the bronco has a REALLY crapy range and you are going to hug the enemie most of the time like against infesteds and vs grienners just aim to the head when you are hugging them.


So the main problem any melee wepons with charge attacks can outdamage the bronco a that range unless you are using the glaive and you really need something to deal with the melee range.

Edited by Dasmir
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The gun isnt that good imo.


It was like the first or second secondary i got after i started this game and I havent used it since.


The lack of AP and range cripple alot this weapons against anything exep infesteds.

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It absolutely shreds Corpus and Infested enemies, and if you're willing to run right up to a Grineer and fire off in his face, it's not too shabby against them either.


Load it with as many damage mods as you can, multishot, and a reload speed mod, and then go around killing everything in one or two hits. It's probably my most used weapon.

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It absolutely shreds Corpus and Infested enemies, and if you're willing to run right up to a Grineer and fire off in his face, it's not too shabby against them either.


Load it with as many damage mods as you can, multishot, and a reload speed mod, and then go around killing everything in one or two hits. It's probably my most used weapon.

Reload speed mod? You do know it reload very fast that it can get into a reload glitch like the Vipers. Instead of a reload speed mod I say give it increase mag mod a +25% should be just enough to give you 3 shots which makes it a lot better.


All in all bronco seems like a mix bag. I personally like it, and the only time I see it used a lot is Xini defense missions. Once I was in a random group in Xini and 3/4 of us had Broncos myself included.

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I love my Bronco. Level up hornet strike for it, I have mine at about 80% now and it is good for most missions. Though I admit it's useless at above level 30 enemies, though my Bronco is only level 15. you could also put the Slip Magazine mod to get another shot in the clip, it actually helps somewhat. Plus the reload is amazing.

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It is worth noting that the Bronco behaves oddly when fired through Volts Electric shield, the damage is absolutely astronomical at long range. Compared to a normal shot, that is.


This behavior is specific for a long-shot, where it seems to deal more damage from hitting with one or two pebbles, than it does shooting a single normal shot in the face of a Lancer or MOA.


It is an... Interesting effect.

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Loved my boncos, they one shot or two shot most things close to mid-range, and the ammo economy is almost infinite. But they start to suffer in high level missions; dual broncos could certainly fix that….

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Recently got a Bronco, leveled it to 30. Very disappointed. It's a waste of time to use against normal Infested and weak against Ancients (for reasons that have already been covered). With rank 4 (5?) Barrel Diffusion and a 100% damage bonus from Hornet Strike, I've shot Grineer in the face on Kiste at point blank and they've survived. On paper, that damage probably should have killed them. Not sure where the issue comes in; even without No Return (and I admit that I didn't have it equipped), it shouldn't be that weak; that's just pitiful. It's nice versus Corpus, but at its effective range, it's faster and smarter to melee. I like the concept, love the soundbyte, and like the feel of firing it... but it's so ineffective that I'm going to sell mine. I wish I had a solution to contribute, but I'm not sure what could "fix" the Bronco. Some damage bonus versus Ancients, maybe?

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The Bronco actually has REALLY HIGH damage output, or it's supposed to.


I use a pair of Aklatos, which also have only pistol arpen mods to work with, and I find their damage output just fine, great even. Their overall performance is as good as a main-hand weapon (In fact I mostly use my Aklatos lol). The Bronco's output is supposed to be higher than the Aklatos, so if it isn't performing that well in terms of damage I can only surmise that either A) it's bugged or B) people are making it sound far worse than it is/have not figured out how to use it


It's a pretty viable close-range secondary, assuming A is not the case. It doesnt output as much damage as the Twin Vipers, which, not taking armor into account, flatten EVERYTHING, but it's got a better ammo economy to compensate.

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I've found it's most useful when paired with a mid-long range main weapon, but that seems kinda obvious.

The damage output is fantastic at lower levels, and modding it will only help.

The best additional mods I've found are AP, mag size, and multishot. Reload speed and fire rate are also nice, but the Bronco already excels in both of those fields.

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I like the Bronco, but I did Potatoe it >.> If I used a few more different Pistols i'd probably have something more constructive to say

If you're curious, my mod build at the moment is:

Heated Shell: 8 (+45%)(Because infested, and Grineer. And I like Fire... Plus its a mini stun when I didn't have Freeze)

Deep Freeze: 6 (+30%) (Made sense, slower enemies are easier to shoot again, Added it to deal with Ancient Disruptors)

Convulsion : 6 (+15%)(I have this simply because of corpus MOA's, so you could swap this out for something else)

Quickdraw: 5 (+32%) (I really like the faster reload speed)

Hornet Strike: 8 (+100%) (This made a pretty big difference, I used to have it at lv 3)

No Return: 5 (20% AP)( for Grineer and Headshotting Corpus)

Pistol Gambit: 8 (+100% Crit chance) (Its not necessary if you want to swap it out for something else. It was sitting in my inventory unused so I put it on, plus i'm hoping it works well with Multishot)

Barrel Diffusion: 9 (80%) (Multishot on shotgun pellets made sense to me, considering the quick reload and lots of ammo)

That leaves me with 5 mod energy spare to add. Probably put it on Multishot and Hornet.

I found it was still useful on Eris (30-40) and alright against infested Ancients.

THe smaller infested, two shots and they usually die at close range. With freeze its good at eating shields such as those on the heavy Grineer machine Gunners.

And Ammo was never an issue either.

Headshots are wonderful.

Obviously range is a con, but as I play Ember with a Boltor, I usually end up having to get closer anyways as I don't have any long range save for a Fireball or a Glaive if I have it equipped. Shooting into distant groups is great with freeze though (not damage wise).

Other factions up to 30-ish it did fine too but I haven't used it past that.

I used to use AKLato's before but they lost effectiveness for me halfway through. <_<

Edited by Arcaline
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