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(Warframe Concept) Eidolon, The Nightmare Frame - Format And Skill Changes (07/02)


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That's a good point. But hey, DE's already planning to be quite ambitious with their latest Warframe.

That's true. I've just had it pointed out to me (And I wish it weren't so) that DE may be more likely to be interested in concepts that could be implemented with less custom features, but then again that was for weapons. I suppose for warframes they'd have to do that stuff anyway, so who knows.

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That's true. I've just had it pointed out to me (And I wish it weren't so) that DE may be more likely to be interested in concepts that could be implemented with less custom features, but then again that was for weapons. I suppose for warframes they'd have to do that stuff anyway, so who knows.


Well weapons are tricky, especially compared to Warframes. Beyond stats Warframes have four buttons to work with that can each be linked to a unique power or ability. Weapons on the other hand only have two buttons that can be used for functionality; fire and zoom. But given the numerous weapons already in existence, I'm sure you can figure something out within those constraints.

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You called him Eidolon because of The Eidolon, the SWTOR Assassin in the BH story? He was easy. Like. Lancer easy.


.....Never touched SWTOR, actually. Look earlier in the thread; it was a suggested alternative since "Specter" was already taken and in hindsight somewhat generic.

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A very interesting combination of abilities!


Couple of thoughts:

Shadow seems a bit expensive for a first skill - before you get to the channeled cost. However, Lethargy seems like it's more appropriate as a first skill - albeit still a tad expensive.

Blackout seems like it could be a little weak for an ultimate, considering players have access to alternative blinds, and the lack of any hard CC effects on the ability. What if you're outside - how will this affect enemy vision with no light sources to blot but the sun at high noon? What about enemies outside of the effect - can they still see inside the darkness? If your enemies are already on alert, how can this be improved to aid you or debilitate them?

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Maybe the name 'exterri' which is Nightmare in latin


Might be possible. I don't wanna just keep changing the name though.... Hm.... maybe I should do a poll or something and find some other possible names.

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A very interesting combination of abilities!


Couple of thoughts:

Shadow seems a bit expensive for a first skill - before you get to the channeled cost. However, Lethargy seems like it's more appropriate as a first skill - albeit still a tad expensive.

Blackout seems like it could be a little weak for an ultimate, considering players have access to alternative blinds, and the lack of any hard CC effects on the ability. What if you're outside - how will this affect enemy vision with no light sources to blot but the sun at high noon? What about enemies outside of the effect - can they still see inside the darkness? If your enemies are already on alert, how can this be improved to aid you or debilitate them?


I see.... I might switch them around, potentially. I designed him first and foremost as a stealth and deception Warframe, so that's why his stealth is his first ability. I could adjust the Energy costs.


As for Blackout: it indeed blocks out the sun on outdoor missions. Think of it like a sort of "dome of darkness". Also, they can see inside the darkness, but vision range is reduced still. Like trying to look through foggy glass. And enemies already on alert still have reduced vision radius. But either way, I get the point; Blackout isn't all that great an ultimate. I made it so people could use it and then just go on a rampage with Shadow, but it could use more on its own.

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Might be possible. I don't wanna just keep changing the name though.... Hm.... maybe I should do a poll or something and find some other possible names.

I think Eidolon is a fine name, no need to change it.

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Heres My quick Sketch of how I see EIDOLON. I based him off a Dracula/vampire/gothic type seeing that he is nightmares and master of the night.

His demeanor is unsettlingly calm. He stands with his hands folded behind his back and stands straight.


(The "Night Talons" are attached behind his gauntlets and extend)


His "hair" would react with the skills. and the tattoo looking marks on his body are where the shadows would leak out when his casts his skills.


And just as my little contribution while sketching this out I thought of a couple skills. (just vague Ideas really). 




1. Impale - summons spike from underneath target


1. Tendril - shoots a shadow tendril at target piercing through their armor. any enemies caught in its path with be skewed as well.


2. Lurk - Instead of being limited to the shadows he creates his own shadow and crawls upon the ground with increased




3 or 2. Night Terror - Send a Shadow version of himself at an enemy. Doesn't work like Decoy where it attracts attention. Instead it locks on to your target and puts them to sleep allowing you to slip past and shoot with out alerting them. (just a different version of your Lethargy Skill)


Ulti. The Nightmare - Shrouding himself in shadows, flickering lights and dimming the lighting. Eidolon makes enemies heads  in the immediate area explode (from an overdose of fear of course). His hair flairs out during this. 


Ulti. Lord of Night - Shrouding himself in shadows, flickering lights and dimming the lighting, for X secs he is shrouded by the cloud and any enemy he walks by loses sense of direction, balance, and cant "aim" properly. Bullets pass through him and are immune to status effects. Although melee can effect him and weapons like flamethrowers and the Corpus Laser beam guys can do little damage to him. (His Night Talons are active at this point) His hair flairs out during this.


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Heres My quick Sketch of how I see EIDOLON. I based him off a Dracula/vampire/gothic type seeing that he is nightmares and master of the night.

His demeanor is unsettlingly calm. He stands with his hands folded behind his back and stands straight.


(The "Night Talons" are attached behind his gauntlets and extend)


His "hair" would react with the skills. and the tattoo looking marks on his body are where the shadows would leak out when his casts his skills.


And just as my little contribution while sketching this out I thought of a couple skills. (just vague Ideas really). 




1. Impale - summons spike from underneath target


1. Tendril - shoots a shadow tendril at target piercing through their armor. any enemies caught in its path with be skewed as well.


2. Lurk - Instead of being limited to the shadows he creates his own shadow and crawls upon the ground with increased




3 or 2. Night Terror - Send a Shadow version of himself at an enemy. Doesn't work like Decoy where it attracts attention. Instead it locks on to your target and puts them to sleep allowing you to slip past and shoot with out alerting them. (just a different version of your Lethargy Skill)


Ulti. The Nightmare - Shrouding himself in shadows, flickering lights and dimming the lighting. Eidolon makes enemies heads  in the immediate area explode (from an overdose of fear of course). His hair flairs out during this. 


Ulti. Lord of Night - Shrouding himself in shadows, flickering lights and dimming the lighting, for X secs he is shrouded by the cloud and any enemy he walks by loses sense of direction, balance, and cant "aim" properly. Bullets pass through him and are immune to status effects. Although melee can effect him and weapons like flamethrowers and the Corpus Laser beam guys can do little damage to him. (His Night Talons are active at this point) His hair flairs out during this.

That's an impressive drawing, and certainly fits the "nightmarish" aspect. I personally see him with a bit more of a "controlled" appearance though, like most other Warframes; your rendition is more along the lines of Valkyr with her raw, torn up appearance. One of these days I'll draw Eidolon's visage, and give you guys an idea of what I see in my head. But nonetheless I'm quite thankful you decided to take a crack at drawing Eidolon yourself.


As for the abilities, I'm definitely gonna keep all of these in mind. The ideas you've shared definitely open up some avenues for more direct offensive power that Eidolon seems to currently lack. The ultimates however seem a little TOO powerful though. I don't want raw power to be the focus of Eidolon's kit. I envisioned him as a Warframe ideal for stealth missions; a Warframe players could take into Spy and Rescue missions and have an absolute field day with.


Also, so sorry for the delayed response. Kinda on vacation, and yesterday was the "drive to and get settled in" portion.

Edited by Synthoid
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And at long last I return and I live. And with that, I have a question. I like some of sellfonixia's ideas, particularly the basic ones like remotely summoning a spike beneath this target or launching a tendril at an enemy. But I still want Eidolon to focus on stealth and subterfuge. Anyone else care to give feedback on his ideas, perhaps suggestions how to incorporate the ones that stand out to any of you?

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IMO Blackout should probably also stagger enemies caught in the initial AOE; I kinda imagine it being what one might consider "magical darkness" i.e. normal night-vision measures wouldn't work in it, and that's bound to give pause to many a Grineer soldier or Corpus crewman.

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IMO Blackout should probably also stagger enemies caught in the initial AOE; I kinda imagine it being what one might consider "magical darkness" i.e. normal night-vision measures wouldn't work in it, and that's bound to give pause to many a Grineer soldier or Corpus crewman.

That could work quite nicely. Any other feedback to make Blackout more distinct and impactful?

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Shadow might be too powerful - you're able to do stealth Finishers with 30 times the normal Finisher damage, even if the target is alert, with a hastened animation speed, on as many targets as you want while toggled on, for only 20 energy.

That sounds more like an ultimate than his ultimate does.


Sleepwalker might also have too much of a penalty - 75% of the target's damage taken, plus knockdown, on a frame with barely more health than Loki? The knockdown on its own should be fine.



Eidolon, the Nightmare Frame


This is Eidolon - the nightmarish enigma.

Manipulating his enemies from the shadows, Eidolon specializes in leaving his targets in the dark until it's too late.


Shadow surrounds Eidolon in darkness, continuously draining energy to render himself invisible and incorporeal to enemies. While Shadow is active Eidolon is restricted to his own Nightfall Talons, but stealth attacks are easier to perform and significantly more powerful. Assistance from natural shade nullifies the cost of Shadow.


Dark Touch causes Eidolon to strike the targeted enemy with a tendril of darkness, with several effects depending on the circumstances. Unaware enemies are put to sleep, becoming stationary and only alerted by noise. Alert enemies are instead drained of their strength, reducing their mobility and attack speed. If used while Shadow is active, the surrounding darkness turns Draining Strike into a dangerous offensive tool capable of piercing through enemies.


Sleepwalker turns Eidolon into a mass of pure darkness that possesses a nearby enemy, taking control. Eidolon controls this body as his own, using their weapons but losing the use of his other abilities. Enemies will be none the wiser, but will attack should they see one of their own being taken over. In addition, should the host body be slain Eidolon is ejected while taking significant damage.


Are you afraid of the dark, Tenno? Blackout unleashes an expanse of umbral energy from Eidolon's body, blotting out any and all light sources within the vicinity and temporarily blinding enemies. Enemy vision range is reduced while within the vicinity of Blackout, while Eidolon's mobility is increased.


Amplifying Eidolon's powers through the use of Mods will cause nightmares for your enemies. Duration will cause Dark Touch and Blackout to persist for longer, while Range will improve the effective radius of Dark Touch, Sleep Walker, and Blackout. Throwing in a Strength Mod will empower the offensive capabilities of both Shadow and Dark Touch.


Eidolon is an anomoly, Tenno- pray that your interests align, or you will never see him coming.


Profile's a bit long; the first three abilities are pretty thoroughly embellished. Lotus doesn't have to explain how the abilities work, just what they do; give the players something to explore.


See if you can shave the first three abilities down to two lines each.

Try to avoid using "darkness" and "dark" so much; it cheapens the question for Blackout when you've had 4 drinks to it already.

And remember with sign-off, the Lotus wants to challenge the player to go get him, to dare them to be badass. The present line is a little weird, since as a Tenno, your interests already should align, and Space Mom shouldn't be threatening players.

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The multiplier bit I can certainly clear up; his finisher damage isn't multiplied by 30. You know how weapon types have different amplifiers for how much their finisher/stealth attacks do, right? Well whereas certain weapons get 12 times, 16 times, or 24 times their damage, Eidolon's Nightfall Talons specifically get a x30 amplification of their damage, which is compensation for me intentionally making their normal damage downright pathetic.


As for Sleepwalker; he doesn't take 75% of their total health as damage. Rather, 75% of the killing blow is dealt directly to Eidolon's health.


The profile I'll definitely work on; I don't want to be one of those guys who constantly repeats a word until it loses its meaning, and I certainly didn't mean to go on too long about the abilities. I just did what seemed like the right amount. As for the sign-off.... that kinda ties in with what I had in mind for the quest/plot that would involve Eidolon. But yeah, I guess it diverges a bit too much.

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Awh I miss the old Ulti, the one where an enemy got hit by a mass of shadows and stored then released all damage? What was the reasoning behind changing that?


It didn't really mesh. When I started with Eidolon, it was meant as a Warframe based almost entirely around stealth and utility, even moreso than the likes of Loki. When I initially started with the design it was a mix between actually controlling darkness, and more along the lines of being nightmarish and spectral. I ultimately decided on the spectral approach. However, I am thinking of making a new thread and working on this concept again...

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God I want this frame to exist. So much. (Although I did like his old Ulti where it did the mass of shadows that stored all damage; this one is also really awesome) It would be just an amazing frame to play both solo and for team Utility/Support.


I would like to make one change suggestion though; and that is to make it so that rather than being a needle projectile in it's base form, Dark Touch instead is similar to Soul Punch (Only in that it's like a long range touch) and it taints the enemy, applying it's effect. But in addition, it also will wait .5 seconds and then after the darkness propagates, it expells 2 (affected by Power Str.?) needles to the nearest enemies, also applying the same effect to them, for half the duration.

Edited by Akiryx
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God I want this frame to exist. So much. (Although I did like his old Ulti where it did the mass of shadows that stored all damage; this one is also really awesome) It would be just an amazing frame to play both solo and for team Utility/Support.


I would like to make one change suggestion though; and that is to make it so that rather than being a needle projectile in it's base form, Dark Touch instead is similar to Soul Punch (Only in that it's like a long range touch) and it taints the enemy, applying it's effect. But in addition, it also will wait .5 seconds and then after the darkness propagates, it expells 2 (affected by Power Str.?) needles to the nearest enemies, also applying the same effect to them, for half the duration.


To be honest I think I need to give all of his abilities another look. But your idea is definitely a good one, and something I'll want to consider when I can finally get off my &#! and do the work XD


Hey this seems like a really great idea!



Id love to help out with the art if you want



I just need to know what do you want him to look like exactly? and what colors?


Whoa... whoa, really? I mean... I've wanted to draw him myself but I've never really been able to put forth the motivation. I've got ideas for him too, but I've never been good with descriptions and words, not to mention being nitpicky. If you're still willing to work with a high-maintenance guy like that, getting art of him would be awesome!

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well its no problem, id be happy to help.



well here are some things I need to know before I draw him:


whats his theme?



what do you want the helmet to look like?


and will he have any extra parts? a robe like frost/limbo or things around his arms like volt?

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well its no problem, id be happy to help.



well here are some things I need to know before I draw him:


whats his theme?



what do you want the helmet to look like?


and will he have any extra parts? a robe like frost/limbo or things around his arms like volt?


I have to admit, the body is difficult besides his arm-mounted retractable claws, but I have an idea for everything from the collar up. Problem is, it's hard to explain. I'll try and give my best though:

Two curved, bladelike horns extend from front of the helmet, curving backwards. Looking at the helmet from the side it would look like the Vazarin mod icon. The horns are positioned over where the eyes would normally be, and have channeling lights along that section of the horns. The horns are angled somewhat like a trapezoid, narrower at the bottom. The horns end at the upper jaw, with the appearance of fangs. In addition to this is a hood that covers his head (but not the horns), pulled down to the indent at the base of the horns. He has a tall metal collar (like from a coat or cloak, not an actual collar collar like Valkyr) that covers the lower half of his face, with fang-like protrusions that are positioned parallel with his the upper fangs. The back of the collar has a split in it where his hood is attached, along with a cape-like syandana (replaced if other syandanas are equipped).

The claws I have slight difficulty with in terms of design, but I do know that they're tripod positioned and when activated, spring forward and equip over his normal fingers.

I have other ideas, but they're kind of vague. I hope I gave you enough of a description to work with.

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