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We Don't Have Enough Weapons....


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Seriously. There are only 53. Devs should probably make 53 more because all the current weapons we have work perfectly and are perfectly balanced and we have enough customization options for the ones we have....


So yea. Let's add plasma weapons and more melee weapons into the mix, because we don't have enough as it is.






Seriously though. We have 53 weapons. They need to be fixed and deeper customizations should be made. We don't need to be begging the devs for new weapons, we need to be begging them for customizations: ie the ability for us to fuse two weapons together, add/subtract stats, fixing critical hits, perfecting prestige, etc.


Everytime I see somebody post "ME WANT!!!" at a new weapon instead of asking for customizations and fixes I do a face palm.


Edited by simeo77
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Melee weapons are in the highest quantity if I'm not mistaken. I'd prefer a variety of weapons, in all three types. Like the maybe a tomahawk or something, just not a pistol for a secondary etc

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Too much Melee :S




+1 Yep. Skana. Skana Prime. Cronus. Pangolin Sword. Dark Sword. Plasma Sword. Jaw Sword. (Mire. Heat Sword.)


Pretty much all the same sword (with very very very slight differences).

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I'm almost at the point of having all the main guns and pistols at lvl 30. Being stuck with only leveling melee isn't something I look forward to. Sure, mods and what ever custom-stuff might be fun but I'd still like some more guns. The thing I look forward to the most right now is probably the prestige-system though.

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I agree in most aspects except for 2 small thoughts.

#1: If it brings something totally new to the table like the Glaive, Yes Please! Otherwise *waves hands in the air sarcastically* yay.

#2: A 3rd sniper option would be nice. Preferably something with lower damage, a higher rate of fire, but still has the massive zoom and dead accurate.

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I'm almost at the point of having all the main guns and pistols at lvl 30. Being stuck with only leveling melee isn't something I look forward to. Sure, mods and what ever custom-stuff might be fun but I'd still like some more guns. The thing I look forward to the most right now is probably the prestige-system though.


So the thing you look forward to the most is.... being able to further customize the current weapons you have.....?


I agree in most aspects except for 2 small thoughts.

#1: If it brings something totally new to the table like the Glaive, Yes Please! Otherwise *waves hands in the air sarcastically* yay.

#2: A 3rd sniper option would be nice. Preferably something with lower damage, a higher rate of fire, but still has the massive zoom and dead accurate.


Agreed 100%

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So the thing you look forward to the most is.... being able to further customize the current weapons you have.....?



Agreed 100%

right now...

But I also want new weapons. Things that brings new mechanics into the game or only for the feel of them. A gun with bouncing "bullets" or what ever it would shoot would be cool. Also the silent weapons like throwing stars/knifes.


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right now...

But I also want new weapons. Things that brings new mechanics into the game or only for the feel of them. A gun with bouncing "bullets" or what ever it would shoot would be cool. Also the silent weapons like throwing stars/knifes.


They mentioned throwing stars would be coming as a secondary weapon in update 8 on the last live stream so you can do paris + throwing stars + glaive for completely silent spec

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I agree in most aspects except for 2 small thoughts.

#1: If it brings something totally new to the table like the Glaive, Yes Please! Otherwise *waves hands in the air sarcastically* yay.

#2: A 3rd sniper option would be nice. Preferably something with lower damage, a higher rate of fire, but still has the massive zoom and dead accurate.

#2: Sounds like the Latron.

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I honestly don't care much about any of it. I would be happy with 3 warframes and 5 gun choices if there was more actual game content.

How many guns/warframes they feel are enough/not enough is totally up to them... but all of those weapons aren't of much value in the long run if there is nothing interesting to do with any of them.

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This isn't Borderlands. Neither is it trying to be. 


Please make a better comment next time. 


The fact is there, there is a lack of guns. You can't argue with that.


However, judging from your tone, you seem irritated. Perhaps you should take some chill pills.

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The fact is there, there is a lack of guns. You can't argue with that.


However, judging from your tone, you seem irritated. Perhaps you should take some chill pills.


Uhm. There is a lack of guns? That's kind of a subjective thing. Plenty of games have had fewer guns than warframe. 


No sir! I postulate, it is thee! Who requires a pill of thermal dissolution. 

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Borderlands 2's gun pool kicks that of warframe's &amp;#&#33; to hell and back.


Borderlands 2's gun pool is procedurally generated and therefore all samey. It's just slightly different loot with slightly different stats. I've played 200+ hours of the game and there is very little actual variation in the weaponry, aside from some odd and silly weapons like conference call or the fibber. Effectively, a vast majority of the guns are throwaway.


Whereas in Warframe, each weapon has its own niche.

Edited by Vaskadar
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Seriously. There are only 53. Devs should probably make 53 more because all the current weapons we have work perfectly and are perfectly balanced and we have enough customization options for the ones we have....


So yea. Let's add plasma weapons and more melee weapons into the mix, because we don't have enough as it is.






Seriously though. We have 53 weapons. They need to be fixed and deeper customizations should be made. We don't need to be begging the devs for new weapons, we need to be begging them for customizations: ie the ability for us to fuse two weapons together, add/subtract stats, fixing critical hits, perfecting prestige, etc.


Everytime I see somebody post "ME WANT!!!" at a new weapon instead of asking for customizations and fixes I do a face palm.



I don't know how you would think about this super holy wall of text which explains the idea for a system of weapon creation, however i hope you can give it a read if you are not too bored.


Well how about adding something similar to the weapon creation system of blacklight retribution? Players would be able to gather weapon parts mainly from fighting the advanced variants of enemies like fusion MOA, Green commander, Machine gun grineer, etc etc. With these parts the players would access the sub part of the foundry option probably called weapon forge.


Weapon creation system/mechanic______________________________________________________________________________________


In the weapon forge section players can join certain weapon parts together. A new stat which would be proposed would be forging knowledge. With higher forging knowledge, players can craft even more ingenious weapons that are native to the tenno history similar to that of paris. The lowest forging knowledge allows the player to craft basic weapons. Each weapon type would have their own mastery level e.g primary, secondary and melee. A weapon would most likely be split to 3 basic parts, see at the bottom of the post as i try to demostrate it in simple pictures.


A player can focus on certain traits while raising their forging knowledge stat. This is done by having a paradigm to which weapons are made from firepower/damage, accuracy, rate of fire, ammo capacity ,technology(aka polarity slots) and hidden. Hidden would lead to a category of 5 hidden stats, mainly things like weight penalty, sway/recticule stiffness/recoil, projectile speed, projectile qualities(such as technology and other effects) and finally spread/multi shot function.


Players who are able to see the hidden stat would be those who pay for it to be revealed, if the game wants it money wise, but at the same time to allow for simpler weapon creation. When weapons are created, stats are randomly generated from a set of values which have a fixed range for their upper and lower bounds. Stats themselves are not tweakable but with they can be slightly altered with orkoin catalyst/reactor to have bonus percentage numbers upon creation.


This means players who can see their hidden stats are able to influence it while others cannot. Stats are in a way randomly generated and weapon parts display the numbers which they can influence and the extent of their influence. Players can trade their finished weapons with other players which their stats cannot be seen. However their weapons would be given a rating/paradigm of how the weapon stats are favoured. This would help to determine how specifically good is the weapon. Also players can see what parts does the weapon consist of to roughly guage the effectiveness of the weapon.


Also back to the part whereby players can branch off their forging knowledge. As players forging knowledge increases, they may not only build more powerful or historical weapons, they would also be allowed to branch through certain design/stat branches. A player can specialize in having all guns with extremely goo rate of fire, but if that player does not work on the other branches on the tree, the randomly generated weapons would favour the rate of fire path and have a sort of a needle figure which would mean everything else is bad.


Players cannot progress along the path of the 5 hidden stats which would only be influenceable by those who are able to see it. In addition the physical cap of how strong a weapon can be is obviously the upper bound of their stats which would help to put in balance to weapon creation. In addition weapon forged would have a level(/knowledge measure) used to create the weapon. This would mean that if a player were have high rarity weapon parts or those weapons that require more knowledge to create, it would reflect with a very high number.


Like wise weapons that require little have small values. Players may also receive special weapon parts blueprints from bosses which they would have to craft before being able to put it in the weapon forge. These parts rarely drop and each boss has up to 10 unique weapon parts without the inclusion of the normal weapon parts. This doesn't mean a boss can drop a weapon that would require all the parts to create, rather a boss drops mainly weapon parts and the 10 drops may even include all 10 being the same part designation like magazines.


That would be a weapon forge system for normal/clan people.


Customized Creation system/mechanic__________________________________________________________________________________

Thus in a dojo, the creation possibilities would be even more complex.


This would mean that players are encouraged to join clans to have the ability to make even more complex weapons. This would than stretch to a whole new level which would be both extremely tedious but as well as extremely rewarding. In addition there would be risk factors, such as a chance of failing if the weapon were to be tweaked by an orokin catalyst/reactor.


In dojos, players would be able to research material quality. This would allow them to use the current materials in the game now to create materials specifically of a higher grade/nature. Material grades can be assessed two ways, either from a branch of upgrades for which the player has to choose the path of materials they wish to look into or they can gather blueprints of these materials. In addition blueprints of materials that do not exist on the research path also exist with unknown material qualities and that have to be found out by players through multiple trial and error methods.


These methods include make or intentionally failing a weapon creation through the use of the dojo to learn the materials qualities. In addition the materials maybe enchanced with the certain types of elemental modifiers to see how the materials react. This would mean that the materials that have reacted would be used up and it would require a large amount everytime. However this would only show a small part of the materials nature and thus forcing players to find other methods to learn more about materials.


All unique non-researchable material also have certain traits that can be identified through specific methods that would make it even more unique. So with these materials, players can select the materials to create their weapons which would help to boost the stats generation and weapon creation limitations with the better materials, however it would also come with another paradigm separately that would balance the allocation of stats.


This paradigm would include material grade, material weight, material durability/strength, material flexibility/stiffness and material counductors. Each would change the limitations of the stats generated which would be random with the generally range of numbers at which the weapon part that is to be created to be shown. So it is a range of numbers which is selected to give the weapon part a range of smaller numbers(may even be bigger at times).


When materials are together, players can choose to create weapon part blueprints from boss to advanced mob drops with an additional option to enhance the materials suggested in the blueprint. This would mean that the weapon part quality could increase or decrease from the stats blueprints values if you were to suggest these changes.


The second one would be custom creation which would be even more complex. Now players have to option to select templates to create a weapon part that the game provides. These templates however would not give the stats that may appear rather it would depend on the quality of the materials. In addition the templates would show which stats in the weapon creation paradigm would be on the high and low side with the words high and low without numbers.


Weapon templates can also be suggest by players and would be updated by the devs monthly. This would mean players(only those in clans) can send the developers emails/messages about a template proposal which would be vetted. Obviously the devs can vet all at one go, so means the best 100 every month would make it in. Those who did not get their templates in would be acknowledged by the devs with a reply message to reassure the players of what they can or cannot propose. Templates would be updated every month and thus every month there will be something new.


Templates listing can only hold up to 300 different/unique templates. Once the number of templates exceed that value, the oldest player template would be gone from the listing forever, never to come back. Each template can be suggested once for which they will stay on the listing as till it is pushed out of existence. This would make weapon templates even more rare and unique as well as provide more a sense of changing times to which older designs are "pushed" out of existence in favour of newer ones. However players that own weapons whose templates have disappeared would still have their weapons which is tradeable.


In addition template proposals would have to follow strict guidelines that the devs can decide on, mostly to see how applicable is the template. Finally player custom created weapon would have their names under the weapon card itself. There would also be default templates and mob templates which only drop from bosses. Furthermore once a template is bought, it will stay within the dojo which can be used over and over again to create that specific template.


To add, weapons parts may be made of different materials only through custom creation with the use of templates to create even stronger weapons. This would also mean that players can design the look of their weapons. An example of how weapon creation with material customization would differ from custom creation can be seen below.


Weapon creation(with or without material customization)

Just think of normal blue prints or warframe builds. With the idea of being able to swap out certain things like alloy plates for other stuff or rubedo for a more different material. Or maybe swapping out polymer bundle for a more unqiue bundle of other materials like metal and etc. Weapon parts would be simplified to like what the warframe with 3 parts has such as receiver, stock and body.


For melee weapons it can be split up to handle/grip, hilt/mid/ and end/tip.




Custom creation.

(only applicable to clans.)

This would mean players would be able to choose the design of their barrel, to the individualized sight(although you won't be using it) and handgrip/guard as well as gas tubes, or muzzle design and many more. This altogether would form the weapon part called a receiver and is not the final weapon itself. Thus a player must individually choose the templates to form a specific blueprint by which the system would have allocated the materials to make each template.


With that players would use the blueprint to form the weapon part and then with that later form the whole weapon itself. It is like adding one more stage to the creation of the weapon.


Just to give an idea of it look like in rifle life, just think of every weapon component when stripping a weapon. Now with each component, you are allowed to form any weapon part.



Thank you for those even concluded on reading this.

Edited by Jacate
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Borderlands 2's gun pool is procedurally generated and therefore all samey. It's just slightly different loot with slightly different stats. I've played 200+ hours of the game and there is very little actual variation in the weaponry, aside from some odd and silly weapons like conference call or the fibber. Effectively, a vast majority of the guns are throwaway.


Whereas in Warframe, each weapon has its own niche.


While it's true that each weapon in Warframe is unique, I still feel that Warframe will have much more to offer if more guns become available, especially primary weapons. I mean come on, 3 shotguns, 2 snipers, 8 rifles (most of them feel like the same thing), surely it won't hurt to add more. 

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Thank you for those even concluded on reading this.


You may want to add a TL;DR to the end of that. Because it is too long; didn't read. It may have some good points but without a summary to hook me - no way I am going to read it.


From a quick skim I did take that you are proposing a weapon accessory/component system - which I would love. Mods are bland and offer very few customization options (half the mods are known to be crap on certain guns so your effective choices usually are between 1-2 items).

Edited by Emotitron
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