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Spears !


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Hey Warframe Community,


Well, A friend and I (@NoveltyHero) were discussing about new weapons that were going to be added to the game; We ended up talking about the spear. The spear would be able to be thrown like in 300 (I think) Or for those who have played "League of Legends" before, Pantheon. Not only that, But It'd have to be picked up, in order for it to be used again, you would start by standing over it and pressing X or something.



Feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Corpeal and indirectly @NoveltyHero

Edited by Corpy
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Actually, very directly by NoveltyHero. In all seriousness this weapon could create some amazing gameplay features and could easily use mechanics (changed a bit) by the glaive and since they are adding throwing knives anyway this spear could be something easily implemented. It would not despawn or anything and could impale enemies to the wall, where ever it lands it stays there (if the enemy does not die he can simply pull it out or walk out of it, considering he is already strong enough to not die from it), it can also stagger grineer like the bo staff does and normal attacks would be a simple poke (very weak). What do you guys think?

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Or the spear would be able to penetrate enemys (If it kills the enemy it first hit) but to make it not overpowered, the damage of it would be decreased by say...50% (maybe less...) per enemy impaled?

Edited by Corpy
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If you can use it for melee attacks, and if the throwing deals an inhuman amount of damage, I dont think it'd be worth it.

Like the glaive, melee would suck a lot due to the armor of enemies and force put in is very weak but when thrown force is much greater and can penetrate armor easily.

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Like the glaive, melee would suck a lot due to the armor of enemies and force put in is very weak but when thrown force is much greater and can penetrate armor easily.

I only want spears to be used as Polearms, not to be thrown, I always saw throwing your weapon to be pointless unless it comes back to you.

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I realized my orignal post was badly worded, and did change it. But my point is this: Glaive is useful when thrown because it richochets and comes back. It's melee is actually very decent, especially with proper mods. The ranged is still useful, simply because it comes back.


The main trouble with this idea is this: If you throw it across the map, you would have no melee weapons until you retrieved it, and there's no promise  that the throw would even score a kill. It would need some serious balancing in order to be useful.

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I only want spears to be used as Polearms, not to be thrown, I always saw throwing your weapon to be pointless unless it comes back to you.

Well why? Why not have spears AND polearms, this game is certainly not made for one person; say the glaive, I love it but others might not, or fragor I hate it but others certainly love it. The developers want customisation in gameplay and cosmetics, this will allow this.

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Well, it was actually all mainly to add a more realistic feel to it, and seeing as how the glaive coming back to you usually results in your reload animation getting reset, there are actually a number of reasons as to why you would want a weapon that does not coming flying back into your face..

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I realized my orignal post was badly worded, and did change it. But my point is this: Glaive is useful when thrown because it richochets and comes back. It's melee is actually very decent, especially with proper mods. The ranged is still useful, simply because it comes back.


The main trouble with this idea is this: If you throw it across the map, you would have no melee weapons until you retrieved it, and there's no promise  that the throw would even score a kill. It would need some serious balancing in order to be useful.

I see what you mean but you are not forced to use this. Also what if they make a specific mod which uses about 10 points but allows you to use magnetic fields attached to spear and you to bring it back if not too far? Or us mags pull spell? The spear would be pretty big also it can allow you to block in enemies, they would just walk through it. But yes it will require a lot of balancing and I am sure the developers can do this, they are amazing.

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Unless you are using something like a Lex (In which case reload restart can mean another two seconds of being shot,) there's not really a good reason to not use the Glaive. It's charged is very useful, and the only problem with it's melee is that is has a small hit box. It's a more precision weapon. A spear would be like a single shot sniper. If you missed, you're screwed.


Also, having to press X to pick it up is... I don't think so. If you're in combat and you throw it, you could spend ten seconds being bounced around trying to pick it up. Just have you walk over it to pick it up.

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Well, thats kinda of the reason why you wouldn't just carelessly throw a spear, unless you know they are the only ones there or are guaranteed a kill on a high priority target, also i think there could be a sort of auto-waypoint system which directs the user to where the spear was thrown

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The waypoint idea is good, I admit. But we keep coming back to the main problem: Why would you throw it if you have to walk up and pick it up to use melee again?


Now, this may be completely over the top, but what if there was a system similar to the weapons used by the "Spartans," in 300? You're base melee attacks would be a sword/dagger (Stored either over the shoulder or on the back of the waist,) and a charge attack would remove the spear from the back and throw it. Keeping the waypoint idea, this wouldn't actually be a bad weapon, providing the base sword had decent damage. It could be a slower but heavier Glaive.


And perhaps have a mod that allows you to have extra spears/increase throwing distance?

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The waypoint idea is good, I admit. But we keep coming back to the main problem: Why would you throw it if you have to walk up and pick it up to use melee again?


Now, this may be completely over the top, but what if there was a system similar to the weapons used by the "Spartans," in 300? You're base melee attacks would be a sword/dagger (Stored either over the shoulder or on the back of the waist,) and a charge attack would remove the spear from the back and throw it. Keeping the waypoint idea, this wouldn't actually be a bad weapon, providing the base sword had decent damage. It could be a slower but heavier Glaive.


And perhaps have a mod that allows you to have extra spears/increase throwing distance?

A mod that gives you a tiny knife/dagger and uses 15 points is acceptable but what you do not seem to understand (at the risk of being rude, I do not mean offense) that we want to use the spear and not any secondary. The fact that it does not return makes it much more fun, intriguing and harder to use; hence a lot of people have asked for difficulty, this could definitely please them.  

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OK, that sorta makes sense. But the main problem is that mods for one weapon are usually not useful, and people would flip their S#&$ if they had only a ranged melee.

Okay, im gunna repeat one last time what Noveltyhero and I have said millions of times. The weapon is not RESTRICTED to ranged use only.

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No dude, Javelins were derived from spears, and are only used in sports, but i get your point..ish..


so wrong....


In response to OP's idea: Sounds alright, bit restrictive and very unforgiving as a weapon as you have proposed it; not sure that would make good gameplay design. I think perhaps an atlatl and ammunition would be a better way to go, can pick stuff up to recover it, but gives you more than one throw before you have to.

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so wrong....


In response to OP's idea: Sounds alright, bit restrictive and very unforgiving as a weapon as you have proposed it; not sure that would make good gameplay design. I think perhaps an atlatl and ammunition would be a better way to go, can pick stuff up to recover it, but gives you more than one throw before you have to.

I really do not like the idea of having multiple spears because that is just OP. One spear is enough if you know how to play warframe properly. It is not like you are going to throw the spear at the other end of the map, walk up to it without shooting anybody and then pull it out. This weapon WILL be hard to use but at the same time, very strong and fun.

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I really do not like the idea of having multiple spears because that is just OP. One spear is enough if you know how to play warframe properly. It is not like you are going to throw the spear at the other end of the map, walk up to it without shooting anybody and then pull it out. This weapon WILL be hard to use but at the same time, very strong and fun.

How is multiple spears op if it is a throwing weapon? (with a melee component true, but isn't like you can use them all at the same time)

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