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Rhino's Iron Skin


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Yeah, so glad I got Frost Prime because this patch was basically Rhino's death sentence.


Iron Skin is now either flat-out useless or useless unless you waste 7-9 points on a max Focus mod and the new Warframe basically has a ranged Rhino Stomp.

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You guys realize this is the exact thing they did to Saryn and Nyx, sorry you had to join our club.

Saryn and Nyx both still have unique abilities that no other frame can replicate. Rhino now has nothing that it does better than everyone else.

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You guys realize this is the exact thing they did to Saryn and Nyx, sorry you had to join our club.

I don't know enough about the Saryn situation to comment intelligently, but Nyx's Chaos ability really did need tweaking.  Rhino might have been able to become invincible, but he still had to kill the enemies (and protect squishy allies). 

Edited by Ganpot
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I have to say that this patch has made me want to return to my Rhino, he´s cool looking great support skills even if they are a little heavy on the energy cost side of things.

But finally I´m rid of a button that changes the game from fun and interesting to a painful boring grind.

I welcome the changes to Iron Skin because I now have to think and can´t just press a button to win.

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Now the only ability that is really useful, but is possibly outshine by Vauban 3rd ability is Rhino Stomp. His best move is now a mediocre one. Honestly Rhino Charge and Radial blast CC ability can easily be outdone by a Scindo/Fragor/Gram jump attack with a North Wind mod. Not only those attack knockdown but the north wind will slow them down making their recovery time longer at no energy cost, and anyone can use it.

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How to balance Rhino.


1) Make Rhino Charge literally like Excal's Slash Dash, minus the range. Why is it that the skill only kills at the end of the charge?


2) Iron Skin did need some tweaking, but to remove the knockdown/stun immunity? Now Rhino is exposed to all the heavy enemies, especially the Ancients. Disruptors are now his worse nightmare. I'm fine with the invincibility reduced to a damage reduction, but Rhino NEEDS that knockdown immunity. Also, he should be immune to poison in this mode still


3) Increase the damage and range of Radial Blast. Honestly, its only good for its little knockdown, and even that's outclassed by Rhino Stomp.


It really feels like the nerf on Rhino was made to make Vauban look good. Even Rhino Stomp seems to be outclassed by Vauban's Bastille now, which is only his 3rd skill.

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It really feels like the nerf on Rhino was made to make Vauban look good. Even Rhino Stomp seems to be outclassed by Vauban's Bastille now, which is only his 3rd skill.



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I hate to complain, but this is terrible....  Iron Skin is basically useless for many situations now.  And it's not directly because of the 20% damage. 


Some of the main uses for Iron Skin were for the stun immunity, protection from poison, immunity to energy drains, and the free shield recharge (while the invulnerability was up).  Now the ability provides none of those benefits.  The Rhino is a tank, that is it's sole purpose.  Now it can't go toe to toe with almost any heavy hitting enemy without being stunned, and it also doesn't have the natural damage-dealing capabilities of the more offensive frames. 


Other classes might laugh at this at first, but I think the consequences might start to sink in when they get downed and die because their Rhino teammate is getting stun-locked by Ancients or rollers and can't revive them. 


And yes, the problem might be somewhat fixable by getting a max rank Focus mod.  But that usually only happens at end-game, so most players are still screwed. 

I completely agree, I main a Rhino and all of these are problems now and they should not be. Why did anyone think this was a good Idea? Even with a Trinity support I feel useless. To add insult to injury I have invested all my time in to making my Rhino better, But now it seems pointless. I do not know what I am going to do because Rhino fits my play style greatly, which other frames do not at this moment. I really hope something is done.... Right now I feel alittle lost.

Edited by UrsaBlack
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This is the first step into the right direction! Now balance some of his other abilities. And go on with the next Warframe.





This is what people call "Nerf". 


The skin was the only good skill he had. The other three skills are either terrible, or other warframe does it better for less. 



I'm part of this "hater" group you mentioned, but please do note that we "hate" with an actual cause.

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70% reduction with maxed Overheat feels like i'm invincible. 80% reduction with Iron Skin is even better! I don't understand why people are raging so much about it. 


It's because we also lost immunity to toxic clouds, and ancient disruptor drain. These things where what made Rhino a true tank frame, if we had kept them general consensus probably would have been 'ah well, we're still plenty tanky'. Now however we're at the total mercy of Ancients, and to top it all off Trinity tanks better than Rhino at the moment.

Edited by JerryMouse13
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70% reduction with maxed Overheat feels like i'm invincible. 80% reduction with Iron Skin is even better! I don't understand why people are raging so much about it. 

As a fellow ember player, I disagree. Even with 91% reduction that comes from max focus, you're still getting chipped down constantly, and on high waves on defence missions you get destroyed, and thats not even factoring the stun lock you'd end up in half the time. It was still somewhat worth it due to the fact you could still be doing DoT during that time so you and your teammates could kill them faster, but you are far, FAR, from being a dedicated tank.

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70% reduction with maxed Overheat feels like i'm invincible. 80% reduction with Iron Skin is even better! I don't understand why people are raging so much about it. 

Because Ember is supposed to be a fast damage dealing frame, whereas Rhino is supposed to be the tankiest class.  Not to mention that Ember's abilities are all mostly useful (Fireball might be an exception to that).  Rhino's abilities are all sub-par. 

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70% reduction with maxed Overheat feels like i'm invincible. 80% reduction with Iron Skin is even better! I don't understand why people are raging so much about it. 

I will try to explain it, I was the pillar in my group I dealt with biggest enemys, Fighting them head to head I can no longer do this. me and my group tested it we could make it to wave 25 before we can barely make it to wave 15 now. I was trying to get my friend the banshee helm also. :[ I just do not think I am up to it anymore.

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I will try to explain it, I was the pillar in my group I dealt with biggest enemys, Fighting them head to head I can no longer do this. me and my group tested it we could make it to wave 25 before we can barely make it to wave 15 now. I was trying to get my friend the banshee helm also. :[ I just do not think I am up to it anymore.

 Agreed.  This nerf only highights how bad the Rhino Frame actually is.

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70% reduction with maxed Overheat feels like i'm invincible. 80% reduction with Iron Skin is even better! I don't understand why people are raging so much about it. 


You don't seem to get it do you? Ember isn't a tank warframe. She's first and foremost, a high-dmg warframe (and rather crappy at it too). The mere fact that Rhino's Iron Skin is only MARGINALLY better than Ember's Overheat is just laughable. Not to mention, Ember's Overheat does AoE damage which makes Iron Skin already worse than it, since Rhino has no real offensive capabilities. Rhino is supposed to be a TANK. 


Edited by Riga92
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