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Doom's Pardox


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Doom’s Paradox


My idea for a way to time travel in the game for past event guns.


Player minimum requirement to time travel:    Level 19 limit on number of times able to do.  Like once a rank.


The quest would start in the market with the lotus telling you an operative has found some very interesting data.

So it starts a quest but what a quest for you build a time portal.


  1. Purchase Doom Paradox :  Lotus reads the data information. Vay Hek in his rise to power did not kill all his emery’s. There is one who he imprisoned. He did not want to kill this one. They would not give up the information he wanted. But after 75,000 years figures does not matter anymore so has set an execution date. Well not we need to save this prisoner. I wonder who they are. Go to your foundry and build the key that will take you to them.
  2. Key is build, it has more information. The prisoner name: Dor (nick name Duchess), oh my god that Vor sister she was reported to be dead. No wonder Vay Hek did not execute her way back then. But with Vor trapped in the void, guess he feels safe to execute her now.
  3. Rescue Duchess.
  4. When the Duchess has been questioned by lotus. We learn of a time portal machine. She gives the location of the data vaults that have this information.
  5. Now we go on missions to get the parts, 4 in all. Nav unit, power supply, Containment unit and projection device. idea of items to make

A: Nav unit: Nav coorantes, nav segments, beacons.

B: Power supply: argon crystals, rubeo, ferrite and rooking cells.

C: Containment unit: circuits, alloy plate, gallium, fieldron.

D: Projection device:                                                                                                                                                                                    

  1. Build[M1]  Time device. As to where to use this device.  Relay and get Cephalon Simaris in on all this or arcane machine.
  2. Travel thru time. Do missions to get the gun parts.
  3. Return.
  4. Learn that you need prime gun parts to build this weapon and or a prime gun.




Yes a lot to do for one gun, but a gun from the past.    Want this to be a hard challenge!  


Almost forgot, Duchess escapes from the lotus. Who knows she show up. As a new boss helping an old boss, vor, a boss herself.


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