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Player Versus Player Versus Environment


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Since update 8 will introduce 1on1 pvp with friends and clan dojo, so why not force this a step further. Ive player alot of quake 1 back in the days and this game has multiplayer and some kind of, i would call it coop pvpve. The goal is in this mode like it is in all the other coop modes, beating level by level with other players. As it is now in Warframe. But there is some kind of ranking in quake 1 coop. There is frienldy fire and if u want get the highest ranking of all players u should shoot the most creeps and u have to get to the level end as the first player. Shooting oter players give u additonal points. So like i said its some kind of pvpve. This is easy to implement in clan wars, deathmatch and team deathmatch.


Im looking forward to this, so pleaspleaseplesaepleaseplease give players the ability to challenge its skills against other ones. not just friendly 1on1 between clan mates, its nice but its not competition at all.

Its all about ranking and owning other players and clans. My point of view.


yeah well the developers said in one of this live streams that they don't want to balance Warframe abilities. Anyway i hope they will give pvp a try in a larger scale then they had predicted.


please please please.

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they have already stated that that will not be the focus of the game. if you want competitive pvp game go play that, but for now they will, probably never, not focus on pvp aspects. doing so would break how the game is supposed to be and you come across as an annoying beggar. stop it.

ALSO the mode you are suggesting is easy to use/exploit for griefing purposes, and with how the way the game is set up with joining missions so on and so forth, it will be neigh impossible to keep innocent bystanders out of harms way. if this sort of mode becomes implemented and later on becomes part of a problem blocking the path to a planets other missions this mission type will be HORRIFYING to players.

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And another cool feature would be friendly fire, if players are up in some coop session. Because this would require real teamplay! Not this "oh every body storm the room shooting like a bunch of cowboys and spamming abilities all the time".


yeah and those deamons which would turn guns against the other squad members are outlaw.

Edited by kyuubi11001
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why stop it? U pve guys are the ones who bother if some one brings up some pvp ideas. Out of this Thread pls

i'm not a pve guy. far from it i'm pretty enthusiastic about PVP in other games, dueling junkie on WoW and i loved the battle grounds and i was a maniac in love with TDM on exteel when it was still around, and im currently trying out HAWKEN, and for a while i played planetside 2 near religiously till i got bored of the constant cert grind fest. the fact is this game isnt designed at all for the idea of PVP. this game isnt meant to be a competitive PVP game and the devs have said this over and over again. what you want doesnt work for this game. it would never work since this game doesnt let you SELECT modes. it doesnt let you SELECT game types you can join in. the modes are limited to selecting MISSIONS from the planet map, and that's the way it is. what you are suggesting would require DE to go out of their way and put one single mission on some planet out of the way of any real objectives to clear the planet to get the boss. that is high end pointless.

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yeah they could just create some new alien planet thing rushing throug the solar system! ANd the fact that you played wow where pve and pvp works fine together... why are u that guy who comes up with this dogma? Nothing is impossible in game developing guess why? Its a game without real reality, just an illusion. I dont want to change pve like iot is in Warframe. I just want to see some more pvp in addition. There is no point in just eating statments by the developers. If more people would post that pvp is really a good option adding to Warframe the developers would maybe thinking about it. So why not trying. More people should do this instead saying just"developers said no pvp!!!!!!"

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yeah they could just create some moon around saturn. it have 16 freaking moons! ANd the fact that you played wow where pve and pvp works fine together... why are u that guy who comes up with this dogma? Nothing is impossible in game developing guess why? Its a game without real reality, just an illusion. I dont want to change pve like iot is in Warframe. I just want to see some more pvp in addition. There is no point in just eating statments by the developers. If more people would post that pvp is really a good option adding to Warframe the developers would maybe thinking about it. So why not trying. More people should do this instead saying just"developers said no pvp!!!!!!"

i'm the guy who comes up with this dogma because im the guy who can see why pvp in this game wouldnt work. first off the limit of an amount of people who can be in a mission so far is at most 4. that's it. secondly, you can't select specific matches being held on a mission. thirdly is do you know just HOW MUCH people grief and complain and $#*(@ about balances being required for PVP? people are doing that with this game too but it's still just PVE only, what makes you think they're even an iota ready for the amount of bullS#&$ ready to swat them on the face if they want to try adding PVP in? they have said they did not want to rework any of the abilities or balance them for PVP. adding PVP would undoubtedly force them to do otherwise since there'd be nothing but flak about it. fourth is also the fact that it would serve no real purpose to their vision of how they want the game to be. they might try it some time later but not now. and maybe even never, and that is a possibility you will have to accept. i've read some where that they are looking into more meta forms of competition more in tune with the way they want this game set up, like global events to see who can kill the most what ever, like the recent fusion moa's two or so weeks back. that's the direction they are taking for now and you will have to patiently wait instead of wanting a pointless mode that would serve little to no purpose with how the game currently is. try asking again when people can join specific matches with people they know or want to play with when they start up a mission, maybe then your idea could work, but even then the way it sounds makes it awkward and out of tune for the games meta. which is something DE doesnt want.

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my idea is not awkwared. its simply pvp with some randomness, u dont have to kill other players. its some kind of sandbox.




Acronym for Player Vs. Player 

1. A type of game wherein human opponents primarily compete against one another. 

2. A well known gaming comic.

1. Counterstrike is a badass pvp. 


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my idea is not awkwared. its simply pvp with some randomness, u dont have to kill other players. its some kind of sandbox.

your idea IS awkward. would you trust other players not to shoot at you? no and with the game as it is, it is VERY awkward. friendly fire enabled? points to earn by shooting other players? it would be awkward because then you might have to spend a revive token just because a friend of yours decided to be an &#! and blast apart your shields, not to mention the idea of the tenno is that the tenno rely on each other, the tenno are UNITED in trying to survive in a star system that is hostile to them. your idea is awkward to the meta because it gives the tenno an excuse to start blasting each other with little to no rhyme or reason other than competitiveness/clan wars. that's a poor way for the tenno to execute such an idea. maybe a better idea would be that maybe sometime later tenno could invite members of other clans to their dojos for the experience of having tournament style matches, organizing fun little events without the idea of KILLING other tenno and sullying the bonds tenno share with each other, come up with a mode that is more resembling the meta and the idea of the characters come up with SOMETHING that sounds infinitely more plausible than mindless tenno slaughterings. in short your mode is infinitely awkward because it just doesnt add up to how the meta is at all nor the spirit and feel that DE are trying to craft into the game

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yeah well, there is friendly fire in us army too.



Don't get cute with me.

first off the US Army is not a video game 

Secondly no one was getting cute though i accept the compliment i was correcting your definition of "PVP" where you stated "u dont have to kill other players."

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yeah well, there is friendly fire in us army too.



Don't get cute with me.

yes. there is friendly fire in US army. there is friendly fire in ANY army. the difference between that and this is that one thing is real life. this is a video game with lore and story and something fun. you arent some super space ninja in the US army, and you're going to be sent to jail or executed for purposely shooting an ally for 'more points'. and also DE doesnt want any one using anything in their game to GRIEF or inconvenience other players. and it's down right insulting that you'd try and defend your idea for friendly fire through a real life example where you would get in SO MUCH TROUBLE for the crap you do and even then, comparing your mode to real life.... guess what? you DONT get additional points for shooting or hurting your friends you get reprimanded dishonorably-discharged or executed. sometimes maybe even all three.

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i didnt define pvp. i just wanted to make my point clear.



Yeah well then they should do some kind of bountyhunter system stuff. like the stalker random appearance thing. he is tenno and against you. YO!

he's an unknown factor, he's a renegade, and you as the player do not have the ability or the option so far to side with him. so the idea is overall still a stupid one until DE says you can do otherwise. to bring up the whole world of warcraft thing..... PVP WORKS IN THAT GAME BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO PLAYER POPULATED FACTIONS. the bounty hunter system wouldnt work unless players could actually have a choice in who to join and that seems very unlikely so far so again your idea is still flawed.

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there are no 2 player populated Factions in dayz!

that game has an entirely different focus. the game is about your survival. YOUR survival. killing other people is kind of going to be a given in a zombie apocalypse game BASED SOLELY ON THE ASPECT. or in other words THAT GAME IS MEANT TO BE PVPVE, unlike THIS game which is NOT meant for such an idea through meta and gameplay. AND FURTHER MORE Dayz has a larger more open world than warframe does which is mission select based.

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Warframe is still a beta. Story is not finished, gameplay is not finished and talking about pvp modes is... NOT FINISHED!

talking about PVP ofcourse isnt finished, but your reasons for stating that are ALSO why you cannot keep wanking asking for pvp when DE are not ready to implement it into Warframe. i stated earlier, ask again when your idea is more viable to consider, and after you've actually refined it to fit their idea of the game. this is their game, not yours. you ask them on THEIR terms. not yours. so again, ask again. when it is a more viable game type, and when the time is more appropriate for such ideas to slowly be worked in.

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Well it is not smart to change a game if it is nearly finished. They are some mechanic issues they cant be changed at such a state of development. So why not come up with some pvp ideas as soon as possible. If i would wait with a pvp request too long, then chances are higher its not gonna happen.

Edited by kyuubi11001
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Well it is not smart to change a game if it is nearly finished. They are some mechanic issues they cant be changed at such a state of development. So why not come up with some pvp ideas as soon as possible. If i would wait with a pvp request too long, then chances are higher its not gonna happen.

asking to change a game is exactly what you are doing. with the way as it is now the game cannot incorporate any hardcore pvp modes. at all. and who says the game is nearly finished? it's still growing. and it's THOSE ISSUES in mechanics that can also prevent pvp from being a serious thing in the first place. and likewise can be said that if you keep spamming or say people should keep making pvp threads asking for it, then you are pushing the developers away from the idea and alienating them as they are making the game they have wanted to make, the game they wanted to show us that game their way. not for some one to shout and scream for a game type that they never considered in the first place.

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