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Help With The Reset


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they never say "You dont have the 100 Plats" especific please

The following fields will not be affected:






    Friend Requests


The only items you will keep (but will have XP reset):


    Prime gear: Excalibur Prime, LatoPrime, SkanaPrime, Frost Prime, Frost Prime Blueprint

    Vandal gear: Lato Vandal, Braton Vandal

    Exclusive colors: Easter Colors, Valentine's Colors, Saturated Colors


Its not written in here that you will get it back either.


At least, I can't find the Closed Beta Plat Reward in there.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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Yes but think about it... play closed beta and help they give you Lato vandal and 100 plat... 


I have thought about it, and the fact that it did not fall under the list of items that will be kept suggests to be that the 100 Pt will not be kept. Not to mention they've said it 4 or 5 times between the forums and the livestreams. Stop living under a rock dude.

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You can also try filing a ticket... in my numerous experiences the support team is FREAKING OUTSTANDING and will almost always take care of you if they are allowed.

It may be the case that the 100 plat was intentionally not given back; but it's even more likely the case it was just an oversight.

Worst case: you file a ticket and they tell you they can't do that and you are in the exact same boat you are in now
Best case: They apologize for the mix-up and give you that 100 plat.

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it was said the the plat the closed beta players got was for sticking with the game when the changes of the open beta happened. going from a tree to cards...  and it was mentioned somewhere that they were not going to be giving that back.

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