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What Are Your Top 3 Issues?


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I'm kind of curious about other people's top issues with the game atm.  This isn't about ranting or whining, so please refrain even if you are upset, it's more about finding out what's on people's minds.  Three is an arbitrary limit to focus on just the most pressing issues, so if you want to list a couple more go right ahead.





Here are mine:


Stun/Animation Lock

Stun lock, where repeated CCs prevent you from taking any action for a prolonged period of time, gets talked about a lot so I'm not going to go into details on that other than to say that I really don't like it.

Animation lock, where you lose control of your tenno while you go through some kind of animation, is less deadly but I feel that it greatly impacts the fluidity of the game by making it feel stiff and unresponsive.  Examples include jumping from a high place and getting the landing animation where you stand up slowly or where you roll forward (which can end up chaining several times if you roll off of the surface you land on), melee animations that root you in place, automatic ledge grabbing, etc.  You could also argue that the lack of air control when jumping is in the same ballpark.


3rd Person Camera Reticule vs. Line of Sight

Currently your reticule doesn't always agree with your character's targeting.  This is mostly apparent when aiming at something at mid to long range but hitting something immediately in front of you which obstructs your tenno's line of sight but not your camera+reticule's, and in the inability to aim at enemies in melee range.  Trying to shoot through horizontal bars (such as through stairs) can also be problematic sometimes, necessitating that you aim at the bars instead of between them.


Energy System - Ability Use

This is another one that gets talked about a lot.  The current energy system entourages you to save your energy for your most powerful abilities rather than making use of everything.  While on some frames, such as Excalibur, you have many useful abilities it's most problematic on frames like Nyx which have one outstanding ability (Chaos) and other less effective or more situational ones (Absorb, Psy Bolts).  These frames often end up not equipping 1-3 of their abilities and saving their energy, making the game closer to a "regular" shooter.

My personal solution would be to have an energy pool for each ability rather than a collective one, and energy would be restored by doing damage (different damage sources could have different coefficients).  The size of the pool would depend on the ability: some would take a long time to fill, some would fill very quickly, and some would be able to store multiple charges so they could be used a few times in a row.



Enemy Spawn System

The current spawn system is extremely clumsy.  Having a seemingly endless supply of enemies spawn from several directions, one of them often being the room you just meticulously cleared, get tiresome very quickly.  Trying to fight your way through can turn a 1-5 minute rush mission into an hour long grind.  I do feel that the zerg system makes sense for infested (and, of course, defense missions), but for the grineer and corpus it's just not fun.

I was prompted to add this today after I got several dozen kills in the starting room in Numa (grineer rescue mission, Saturn), with about a fifth of those being heavy gunners and commanders  I ran out of ammo with my primary weapon before I even set foot in the second room.  Before I reset my account I had gotten so used to rushing through missions (solo) that I had forgotten how bad it was.

Edited by Effusion-
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My top two issues with the game are:

1) Too many enemies and too many additional objectives (screw your double hostage, Lotus) when I'm trying to run a quick mission, and:

2) Not enough enemies when I want to just kill many enemies.

Edited by LoRDxDeMoN
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1) Enemies aren't that interesting to fight and missions aren't that interesting to run multiple times to the point that I would not start up Warframe when I saw a potato alert still up.


2) Although many abilities are very interesting and effective, lots more are lackluster and have hardly any use in the metagame.

eg. Shock, Fireball, Super Jump, Rhino 1 and 3


3) Melee needs a bit of work. Melee weapons need to be more unique not in just looks and basic stats to justify the amount of melee weapons. Like the Glaive.. it's great...

Edited by Stygi
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1) Enemies that aren't interesting to fight is definitely one of mine as well. The enemies don't really fulfil clear combat roles beyond ranged or melee troops. It will be more interesting to have enemies with specialized traits that fulfil more specific roles for their cause. The typical trooper poses a ranged threat and generally act to push players out in the open, which forces players to hide behind objects. Enemies that serve to flush players back out into the open would thus be more interesting. The melee units seem to fulfill that role but they're killed way too easily. A tanky melee juggernaut would better do this job. Imagine toxic ancients rushing you while everywhere else is already surrounded by Grineer troops.

2) Lack of an overarching motivation to continue playing beyond the fun of collecting everything. What else can a player strive for once everything is collected? I'm thinking the game needs other kinds of meaningful use of resources beyond making the player more powerful. Depending on how global operations are carried out in future, there could be options where players pool resources to fortify locations against periodic massive invasions. The resources required to build or fortify locations would have to be so taxing that it requires a sustained community effort to carry out. The global operations could then act Iike the enemy campaign and players would be planning collectively to see where to fortify or construct their next base or risk losing big in the next invasion.

3) Lack of apparent synergy between warframe abilities. Bullet attractor and radial javelin is awesome. It'll be nice to see more of such kind of synergies.

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1) &*$$genized weapons, everything is so plain and bland


2) &*$$genized locations and objectives, all missions are virtually identical with about a 15 second difference once you reach the "objective". THe levels are virtually the same, the only thing that changes is whether you shoot a reactor a couple of times, or pick up an orb, or kill a guy... it's always too samey


3) Bananas spawn rates at random, sometimes you'll be fighting your way through a level... suddenly everyone ever jumps on your head and you end up with over 500 kills in a solo mission. Corpus levels are particuarly prone to this.




lol, word filter fail.


The word is "Ho-mogenized"

Edited by NotaCobra
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1. Easy difficulty due to poor AI and reliance on numbers.


This game needs a serious revamp in enemies. They need to be tougher, faster, smarter, ect. Bosses are exceptional at letting me down. Most of them just have a lot of health and pose the same amount of threat as their minions.


2. Most powers outside of a few are underwhelming. Some are just better versions of another.


For most powers, it seems better to shoot instead of wasting time on a cast. There are very few moments of synergy with other players and most powers are just better off de-equiped for more points. Like seriously, why use shield polarity when within that time frame you could have just killed the enemy. Then there's slash dash that makes rhino charge look stupid, yet they both cost 25 energy.

I believe changing to a cool-down system would force the redevelopment of powers to make them more unique. If not that, just make them more unique and worth using. Make the powers more defining and noticeable with usage. Currently, the only two frames I use out of five are Loki and Xcal because their good powers are the most efficient.


3. Melee seems to be an after thought, although powerful


Make melee a mode where you can combo light attacks with heavy attacks and that would make it so much more fun.

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1. Shockwaves disabling rolls, melee, and interacting with objects (X). Sometimes it's just the shockwave, other times its a shockwave followed by using one of my powers immediately after (Rhino's Radial Blast is a big offender here), but once it happens, I can't melee or roll until I get hit by another shockwave or wait for an extended amount of time/finish the mission and start another.


2. Bosses that are nothing more than bullet sponges. There's hardly any strategy for nearly all of the bosses out there. The Jackal is the only one that has some sort of interactive component. Everyone else is just an overpowered unit that requires 2-3x the ammo to take out half their health. Also, death to Lech Kril and his camera-inverting, insta-death-without-revive shakes. I'm not a fan of being unable to aim and seeing what the world would look like if I bent backwards without a spine.


3. Ground finishers on dead enemies. It's rather annoying to swing at an enemy only to do a finisher on his dead buddy or even the air (body knocked away/dissolved). The animations are also rather long which makes them a liability in large fights (particularly with the Iron Skin nerf).


4. Melee is still randomly doing charge or slam attacks. Regardless of my current state, I'll tap E and suddenly slow down to do a charge attack on an enemy that is now out of range or rocket into the ceiling for a slam. This has been an issue since Update 7.0 was released.

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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3. Mod Drop Rates. 

Seriously, the random mod drops in the game has to be scaled with the ranks of the enemies that you've killed. I thought that I could find a lot of Rare Fusion Cores and other impossible-to-find mods on Pluto, but all I got are bunch of Hellfire, Mind Control, and other useless mods that I can easily find on lower-level planets. Rare may mean rare, but it should not mean extinction-level rare. 


2. Alert Missions are Uninteresting

I need more motivation than a 9300 credits or that occasional Orokin Reactor blueprint to run an Alert Mission. I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this, but DE really need to provide more Alert Mission exclusives - Exclusives, being weapons and other items unattainable by any other means.


1. In-Game Bullying

Players, for some reason, loved to bully the host whenever they experienced any amount of lag. Rather than grief the host to migrate by calling him a retard, accusing him of downloading porn, or tell him that he has no right to play Warframe until he upgrades his ISP, why not just abort the mission and find a different session? I always abort and find a different session whenever I am in a laggy match. Saves any unnecessary conflict.

Edited by Junkyard
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1. Enemies are mostly damage sponges and unchallenging once players hit a certain level of damage dealt (DPS) and damage reduction (HP, Shields, Armor) through uses of mods.


2. The possible direction the game is heading. It's related to point 1. Point 1 causes players to ask for more challenge. Some asks for nerfs on items which is the easiest way to create challenge (though artificial) and some asks for better enemy AIs and types to be introduced which is harder.


DE seems to be nerfing more and more items and the problem of power creep is starting to feel inevitable.


3. The number of bugs on this game is not few enough to be ignored but I don't expect too much from a game in Beta.

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1. "Objective done? Here, meet the platoon on your way out."

I've encountered this so many times, it's ridiculous. The pacing is insane when you go from groups of 4 or so to a full-on platoon-sized force while trying to get to the exit. 


2. "Need bullets? Here, have the kind you're not using. You're welcome."

I realize you can buy containers of ammo and equip them, that's not the point. There are usually many drops of ammo that I simply cannot use, and always for the gun I am not using, or when I am good on ammo. Shotgun or Pistol? Rifle ammo. Rifle? Shotgun or Sniper ammo. The maps are littered in unusable ammo.


3. "Took out the cameras in the room? Here, have green lasers!"

I know about the cameras. I shoot anything red now just because of the Corpus missions. The beams on the cameras help, but there are still times when I shoot every godforsaken camera in the whole room, go into a supply room, go out to find those damn green lasers. Allow us to actually NOT see them for the areas in which we've murdered all the cameras. I get perplexed when I personally kill every camera in a room and get stuck in a broom closet because someone else tripped a camera 4 rooms away. 


Bonus Gripe:

"Revived? Here's all the guys that killed you, ready and waiting to kill you yet again."

If I join someone else's game, I usually get dropped close to where the other squadmates are. Why can't a revive work the same way? Grineer Commanders have the swap position ability which can land a player far far from his or her squad, in which death may be inevitable. Why then can't the self-revived go to a more safe area? I have died several times in succession because of this; Neck-deep in Grineer just waiting for me to revive so they can stomp me into a puddle of red goo once more. 

Edited by Trako
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the only thing that i wish that i havn't seen here is some sort of way of organizing the mod cards..... sooo hard to find similar cards to fuse together



There are categories underneath the mods in the mod inventory that you can select.




Anyhow, here are mine.

1. Definitely content is a huge problem, but I come from an RPG background so I don't so much mind grinding the same types of things over and over again to get what I want. However, I don't feel like I'm grinding for anything in particular. I feel like I'm grinding for absolutely nothing else but to say "I have all the things at max level". I have yet to get to the end of every single planet, but I mean... every other boss has just been nothing. As many others have said, they're also not very challenging, and there's no real drive to actually beat these guys. Most games give you equipment or special rewards only obtainable through defeating a certain boss. I would hope the same comes for Warframe.

Solution: First of all, make them scary. Get my adrenaline pumping when I see them. Make me start plotting my strategy from the second I see them. Right now it's like "yeah, bigger baddy than the ones I just killed 500 times. Bend over and let's do this." I don't want the bosses to take 50 hours to kill, but they need more to them. They need some flash. They need ot feel special. Currently the strategy is plant as many bullets as you can into them very, very fast. Some of them have some really cool abilities, like the very first guy teleports to you, but then you turn around and slap him in the face and it's over. (Specifically for him maybe make him teleport less, but make it pretty devastating when he does, either by demolishing your shield fully or knocking you down or something.) Some abilities are just really god awful annoying, but don't prevent you from easily squashing them unless you're one of those people that stands in stuff you shouldn't. Hyena and Golem are 2 that come to mind there and are also 2 that could be easily improved to not be pushovers.

Solution 2: Give me something cool for beating these guys. Something exclusive for just this boss that makes me want to go there RIGHT NOW. I think I read above someone mentioned something about mods? Can't be bothered to read it again. I'd say make each boss have limited set of rare mod drops (say each boss you have a choice of 3 out of how many ever there are), but when you finish the mission you actually get a choice of which mod you want, it's not a random drop you're stuck with. You get a chosen reward for defeating this guy, and he was well worth the hassle (assuming they get stronger). To keep you moving from boss to boss you would only get this option one time and any further boss kills get you nothing special.

If you chose not to do mods, maybe create some new weapon skins or cosmetics or something that doesn't effect your gameplay persay and make those drop from them the first time you defeat them and, depending on how many skins you could come up with, don't limit it to one defeat equals one drop and that's it. I'm a sucker for cosmetics, so adding that in would make me want to beat all of the bosses multiple times over, especially if they're not pushovers.

2. Connection issues. After this latest patch I'm not allowed to play online, ever, even though I die less than most players and contribute just as much despite my really high ping. There's also a lot of random issues such as host connections "changing" but never to be found, being "returned to multiplayer menu" only never to arrive there, etc. They've all been said a thousand times.

Partial solution: let me disable hosting myself and get rid of this ping counting crap. I don't know how you could fix the other bits, but please do...

3. Too many missions, not enough reason to do them. This goes along with my first issue sort of, but this is more about missions as a whole. Like others have said, missions are repetitive and pointless and often come with little annoyances. I don't mind repetitive as much as I mind lots of repetitive... Meaning I prefer a longer mission that has me do the same thing many times, rather than 50 different missions all asking me to do the exact same thing as the last 50 missions. I cannot tell you how many times I have groaned at the thought of having to run in circles picking up those intelligence things YET AGAIN. It's quite overwhelming to see that the many, many missions ahead are nothing but the missions I just got done doing.

Solution: Simple really. Less, but longer, missions. I'm honestly not sure if it's something Warframe could do at this point, but I would love to see it happen. Going into my first issue again, this could build up to the hype of a boss fight. Have the player unlock certain things before actually proceeding to the boss. Perhaps give them something to do after the boss is dead.




tl;dr: Bosses boring/no reason to fight them, connection issues suck, too many missions and no reason to do them.

Edited by Kinare
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As it's an open beta, many of my issues are probably just bugs to iron out...

Only one stands out, because it's a design choice:

Corpus Green Door Lasers!!

Useless, frustrating,time wasting!

Edited by BlueJade
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1) Platinum items are way too expensive. This only got worse last night with how some items are now Plat exclusive (many of them items that aren't even so great out of the box without levels and mods to support them). Seriously guys, it's not just you folks at DE that has to eat. Things are tough all over now adays. If you're going to do this, shave off on the cost of blueprints and lower the ingredients needed to build items a bit. I can get more out of five dollars on other games than I can here, and most of those games AREN'T in beta... Makes me wonder why I'm considering even spending the 250 on Grand Master soon...


2) Enemies are either too easy or too annoying. There's no legitimate difficulty to enemies, only imaginary difficulty by shonky animation frames, crappy elemental resistances, or overly cheep tactics and abilities. Other enemies rely solely on great numbers due to their crappy AI and ease of disposal. Enemies need to have a massive overhaul done on them instead of putting the smack down on the player tools with exorbitant market prices and horribly excessive nerfings.


3) Melee is dull, boring, and pitifully underpowered when compared to gunplay/Frame abilities. I mostly use my Dual Zoren to get through the map quicker instead of attacking with it. I'm surprised I even spend the time upgrading the mods for the thing. Melee needs a better system and more options that make me feel like I'm actually a space ninja in a bio-super suit, not a space marine in a bio-super suit.

Edited by ToeSama
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As it's an open beta, many of my issues are probably just bugs to iron out...

Only one stands out, because it's a design choice:

Corpus Green Door Lasers!!

Useless, frustrating,time wasting!


I agree totally! +1

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1) lack of content

2) recent problems with controls such as auto sprint, auto wall runs, "can't use in the air" issue.

3) powers. most warframes have only 1-2 ability they use. another 2 not even installed because it's useless.

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One thing that might be my own fault:


1) MOBS. I'm a nub, I only play twice a week ON SOLO (or private with friends), and some days I might not be playing at all, but when I get a good/useful mod like Shocking Touch (only useful mod I've gotten actually), when I walk out of the mission after doing the objective I die. I'm an exploring sort of player, and when I kill everything I tend to kill EVERYTHING. Imagine my surprise when I waltz out of the building I JUST CLEARED and get mobbed by a million Moas/Troopers/Ancients (true story).


Two other things that aren't:


2) Then imagine my rage when I realize all the mods I JUST picked up (including the good/useful/mediocre ones) were lost.


3) Revives. I tend to play around 9:00 PM on Fridays, and seeing as it's a weekend the next day, I go past 12, lose all my revives (I'm a solo person, I'm cool like that XP) and the next day, at 1:27 PM, I have no revives. Revives should reset to the maximum 4 at 12:00AM so it doesn't mess up my lack of revives the next day...

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