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Nerfed... Too Much?


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          Since they nerfed Nyx's Chaos to have a duration and have a limited use, I've been thinking that why? why did they nerf her? but that was just a thought tho. However now Rhino's Iron Skin and Banshee's Shoundquake, They are like the bread-and-butter skills of both said Warframe.


          so I just have one simple thought and it has been annoying me since the update 7.11 Why the heck they nerfed too much stuff in Warframe that were already perfect? Now Rhino is useless, Banshee's ult is like a ticket to hell.

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Because I got those frames. Got Nyx, leveled to 30 and the next day she gets nerfed. Got Banshee up to 30 and started leveling Rhino, both get nerfed on the SAME day.


By that logic Loki and Volt should be next since I'm crafting them -.-

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Why the heck they nerfed too much stuff in Warframe that were already perfect? Now Rhino is useless

This must be your first Beta. Otherwise you wouldnt ask such questions....


he takes 80% of damage. That makes him a great tank. If you couldnt see the invincibility skill getting nerfed some time, you must be blind

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What do you expect when people keep saying this game is too easy, and "threaten" to leave if no challenge is added. The devs are just making changes, and seeing how it flows. More changes are to come to hopefully make everyone happy.

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This must be your first Beta. Otherwise you wouldnt ask such questions....


he takes 80% of damage. That makes him a great tank. If you couldnt see the invincibility skill getting nerfed some time, you must be blind


Not at all, you are naked against toxic ancients of disrupters, wich is one of the best uses rhino had. It IS useless, anything he can do, some other frame can do better and it's probably faster at doing it.

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This must be your first Beta. Otherwise you wouldnt ask such questions....


he takes 80% of damage. That makes him a great tank. If you couldnt see the invincibility skill getting nerfed some time, you must be blind

Well try survive a S#&$ load of wave 30-ish Toxic and Disrupter in Xini that trying to tear your &#! apart with that nerfed inron skin

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What do you expect when people keep saying this game is too easy, and "threaten" to leave if no challenge is added. The devs are just making changes, and seeing how it flows. More changes are to come to hopefully make everyone happy.

I think they must know by now that nerfing stuff that works is not the solution, they surely remember the hek/gorgon incident, I don't understand at all why they did this.

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What do you expect when people keep saying this game is too easy, and "threaten" to leave if no challenge is added. The devs are just making changes, and seeing how it flows. More changes are to come to hopefully make everyone happy.

lol finding Thunderbolt, Handspring, and Retribution is already a "challenge" for me.

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Why nerf? Because if you overcharged your weapon or/and your warframe, this game become too easy and boring.

I overcharged all of my warframes and im not bored at all, but instead I have fun playing them 


PS. that was the before the 7.11 patch tho

Edited by Shane.Xavier
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Well try survive a S#&$ load of wave 30-ish Toxic and Disrupter in Xini that trying to tear your &#! apart with that nerfed inron skin

I never understood how people havent been able to avoid getting close to them....

I mean I jump in, get their attraction and begin to run and kill them on their path. But well. Thats just my opinion....

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I never understood how people havent been able to avoid getting close to them....

I mean I jump in, get their attraction and begin to run and kill them on their path. But well. Thats just my opinion....

 Well if those ancients are lvl 100+ and your guns do like 1 or 2 dmg to them and they are closing in on you what will you do then = =" just run?

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Chaos is far from useless.

It was that one panic button for Nyx, when you have to revive a team mate or get out of a swarm of Infested, it was never meant to be spammed and abused.

Rhino ain't useless either. Iron Skin made it the MUST HAVE Warframe for a lot of players because when you're standing on a ton of energy in defense missions, you're pretty much invulnerable.

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looking at the other frames its a joke right now. It is now the single most usless warframe ever... I played rhino as support... I see one of them Toxic or disputers I would get ahead of my party press the "LOL NOPE" button and try to take all the brunt of them in hopes of my squad mates finishing what ever the hell is preventing from killing them in the first place and take them out! I wasn't one of them arse holes that sat ther all day thinking of LOL UNLIMITED IRON SKIN and I feel like I gotten punished because some jack off found an exploit in the system.. 



So what good is a rhino now that other frames can do his job WAY better and faster than the Rhino? 


If any frame needs a nerf its the freaking "nike kicks  into another room kill every thing" volt

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There are threads calling for nerfs on a daily basis.


When a player sees the advantages of some frames (Frame A and B) and compare it to the disadvantages of another few frames (Y and Z), he cries for a nerf of A and B.


DE answers his cries and now A and B seem weaker in comparison.


Another player sees that Frame A and B are now too weak compared to Y and Z and asks for a nerf on the advantages of Y and Z that he deems OP.


DE answers his cries and now Y and Z seem weaker in comparison.


Another player now sees the advantages of A and B and find them too OP when compared to Y and Z.....


You get the idea. All frames are gonna be S#&$ by the time the game is out of Beta. Welcome to NerfFrame.





The only advice I can give to everyone is to get as many frames as you can then play them when they are considered the best and switch to another frame once they are nerfed. (Thank God I have Excalibur, Rhino, Volt, Ash, Trinity, Loki and Banshee)


I can predict that the next nerf thread is gonna start anytime soon.


Maybe it will be a nerf thread on Volt using the same reasoning as the above poster on his Overload ability or one on Excalibur on his Slash Dash and Radial Blind seeing how so many Rhino users says they are now switching back to him.


Hmm..or it could be Trinity given the reasoning that some people say she tanks better than Rhino now or perhaps Frost since there are now people saying Frost beats Rhino in everything now and some are saying Snowglobe is too strong.


Maybe it will be on Loki? Seeing how some people are saying his invisibility is Godmode with high damage. Hell, maybe Ash will get drag in too.


Saryn might be a good choice too since there are some saying her Miasma is too good compared to others.


Or better yet, Vauban. There are some saying some of his skills are really strong and one replaces Rhino Stomp, making Rhino obselete for CC. Maybe some will even bring in the fact that he has the only mobile/throwable ulti in game now.


Hard to guess. Which frame do think will be nerfed next in this endless cycle?

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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Chaos is far from useless.

It was that one panic button for Nyx, when you have to revive a team mate or get out of a swarm of Infested, it was never meant to be spammed and abused.

Rhino ain't useless either. Iron Skin made it the MUST HAVE Warframe for a lot of players because when you're standing on a ton of energy in defense missions, you're pretty much invulnerable.

There is a duration after the disrupter hit you, the energy balls you collect wont increase your drained energy pool and those energy balls you collected will disappear, and also what about the toxic ancients? do their poison penetrate your shield? Yes. SO as i said before try surviving lvl 100+ toxic ancients 

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Chaos is far from useless.

It was that one panic button for Nyx, when you have to revive a team mate or get out of a swarm of Infested, it was never meant to be spammed and abused.

Rhino ain't useless either. Iron Skin made it the MUST HAVE Warframe for a lot of players because when you're standing on a ton of energy in defense missions, you're pretty much invulnerable.


Yes, but that wasn't that important in a defense mission, that's what made it interesting. While you were invulnerable you had to take care of your partners, revive them, distract the enemies, make sure to have enough energy for a stomp if S#&$ hits the fan, wich made him pretty fun to play in defense. Now you can't do any of that because you have to take care of yourself, making him basically useless.

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sure ... being immortal and without any risk of beeing knockeddown .. sure sounds wery balanced and not very overpowered when u build  rhino around that ability ... :D  almost perma god mode any1?


and how geting 20% dmg is "So what good is a rhino now that other frames can do his job WAY better and faster than the Rhino? "?


coz i dont see any dmg or any other nerfs to frame, and skill itself didnt contribute to kiling and stuff directly, just made u godmode ...


that sayd, they might nerfed it wrong etc etc

Edited by GolDraG
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