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[Feedback] Vauban


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Hello everyone


So this thread will contain my feedback on Vauban.


- There seems to be no limit for the amount of Tesla grenades you can apply (I placed about 20 of them in the same place) but when you place too many and an enemy comes close the game will crash (Crashes when 15 or more Tesla Grenades are deployed in the same place WHEN an enemy gets in range).


- If Bounce is used on a cryopod in a defense mission, they cryopod will move. However, its original position will still be occupied with the shape of the cryopod but its appearance will move. (Provided a screenshot. Scroll down to see it).


- Using Bounce on a cryopod will also cause you to jump so high that you will be thrown out of the map (In an open map you will be respawned as if you've fell throw the map).


- Bounce seems to be deployable on walls. It will create a force field that will send you flying horizontally  instead of vertically.


- Bounce force field will sometimes appear on random places where it was not dropped. For example if thrown on an enemy it sometimes doesn't send them flying and instead sends you flying, even though the ball thingy stuck to the enemy.


- if you throw a Tesla Grenade on your sentinel it will last longer than 40 seconds (Tested it for about 72 seconds)


- Vortex isn't usable unless all other abilities are equipped and doesn't fire half of the times. (by Bleak_Advent) (Will be tested. Confirmed, about 2/10 times it bugs out)


- Vortex will pull allies.


- When you throw a grenade above a fence, the animation will show the grenade arcing above, but the vortex will be triggered on

the fence in front of you. ( by GeistHeller ) (Will be tested soon, but I'm fairly sure it doesn't happen very frequently)


- When a grenade do land where intended, it has roughly 50% chance to be a "dud" anyway. ( by GeistHeller ) ( Not that bad. I'd say it bugs out once or twice out of 10)


- The infested Charger's are immune to bullet damage when affected by Bastille.  ( by Krogdog ) ( will test and confirm later  Confirmed)



- Confirmed: Vortex, Bastille, and Bounce seem to dud more often when they are leveled up

- Confirmed: When Vortex is leveled up it will make anyone near it disconnect it the Vauban who used it is not host. I just went into a mission and got all other 3 people disconnect one by one and each time was after I used a vortex.

- Confirmed: Bounce orb will stay where you threw it even after it is used. For example I used 3 in a row on an ally and it looked like he had a serious case of chicken pox

- Confirmed: Vortex not working without all 3 other abilities being equipped.

- Confirmed: Tesla Coil triggering on a fence when thrown to arc above it.


Edited x2:

- When Vauban is down and waiting for a revive his pistol aim will shoot a couple meters below the cursor.

- Confirmed: Vortex will suck in The Stalker but it will not damage him past his shields.

- Confirmed: Tesla Coil zaps The Stalker but it doesn't stun him.

- Confirmed: Bastille doesn't work on the stalker


Edited x3:

- Bastille, Vortex and Bounce doesn't work on bosses, Tesla does though.

- Confirmed: Infested Chargers are immune to damage if they are in range of an active Bastille.

- Vortex kills will not be added to the kill count for the optional objective "get 30 kills".

- Vortex is lag dependent. In other words if the host is really laggy dropping a vortex is almost useless. The vortex will dud about 30% of the time and if it didn't it will still take 4-5 seconds before it actually activates and by then the enemies will be gone and 100 energy will go poof for nothing.


Edited x4:

- Bastille seems to reduce the amount of damage dealt by the Tesla Grenades if it is equipped. Here is the post that I got this from: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/47448-heads-up-bastille-lowers-tesla-damage/  (Will test and confirm)

- Vortex and Bastille will not be activated if it touches a moving object before it touches the ground. (Tested on all known enemies including the stalker)



- If you use two vortex beside each other they will basically 1hit anything. Including a level 89 ancient. Which basically just popped a 10k yellow number and then the ancient died.

- Vortex affects you if you jump using bounce. Meaning if you use bounce and vortex at the same time you will not jump higher than the normal jump.

- if you throw a vortex and leave the session fast enough the vortex will kill your allies.

Edited by MrFireShot
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As much as I love my Disco frame, Vauban does need to be examined.


Tesla- Needs a limit on number of grenades active during a given time (I love the disco light show, but they are ridiculously spammable)


Bounce- Oh the bugs. Also makes the environment join in on the disco dancing.


Vortex- Only launches properly about 50% of the time. Not to mention you can't use it unless all of Vauban's abilities are equipped.

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Vortex- Only launches properly about 50% of the time. Not to mention you can't use it unless all of Vauban's abilities are equipped.

Thank you for your feedback. I added them to the original post and I will confirm them later.

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As much as I love my Disco frame, Vauban does need to be examined.


Tesla- Needs a limit on number of grenades active during a given time (I love the disco light show, but they are ridiculously spammable)


Bounce- Oh the bugs. Also makes the environment join in on the disco dancing.


Vortex- Only launches properly about 50% of the time. Not to mention you can't use it unless all of Vauban's abilities are equipped.


I agree, Vortex is bugged as hell:


_ When you throw a grenade above a fence, the animation will show the grenade arcing above, but the vortex will be triggered on the fence in front of you.


_ When a grenade do land where intended, it has roughly 50% chance to be a "dud" anyway.


I have yet to see bounce work, it does nothing for me. I throw a ball and that's it, nothing happens. I can touch it/shoot it/use it/jump on it, enemies can step on it/touch it.


It simply does nothing.

Edited by GeistHeller
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Pretty sure that is intended.

Maybe but since it is practically not very controllable (you can't easily control which direction you will go to, neither can you control the distance that you will travel). An uncontrollable ability is a useless ability. (Even though I like it sooo much!)

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 I dont find a problem with it, his jump skill cant really be complained about in terms of annoying other players. I mean, mag can pull you and that skill you use to switch places. Also I barely feel the sucking force of his vortex, only if Im standing still near it, can I see it.


With great power comes great responsibility.

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_ When you throw a grenade above a fence, the animation will show the grenade arcing above, but the vortex will be triggered on the fence in front of you.


_ When a grenade do land where intended, it has roughly 50% chance to be a "dud" anyway.


Added. Thanks for the feedback.


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-Tesla only needs the occasional crashing fixed. Otherwise it performs pretty much how you'd expect it to.

-Bounce is a bit finicky at times, but it performs as it says on the tin. (Yes, it is supposed to stick to walls and ceilings, you can prepare an interesting jump-path when placing several of them properly.

-Basilion - Triggers without any enemies in range. Considering it was hinted that all his abilities are trap-styles, this probably isn't intended.

-Vortex - doesn't work without the other 3 abilities in your loadout; some people claim that Stretch/Reach breaks its functionality, so the ball never triggers the vortex effect at all.

Edited by ScorpDK
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Here's an idea I was postulating with my clanmates:


Tesla - Give it a max of two grenades (+1 max grenade per rank) and make ranking it up increase it's fire rate.  It'll reduce the lag created by the disco parties and make it not act like a whole other full team.  It's really over powered when you throw them on the ceiling in mobile defense and watch as the spawns die before they even get through the doors.


Bounce - It just needs to not work on objects.  It doesn't effect like items that are doodads in the environment (like the mobile defense grineer systems which will spin when you throw this at them).  Just separate these items out into another sub-group in the programming so that they aren't "enemy combatants" like the players, but rather an environmental object (much like the fans.  this will let the enemies break fans too since you can just use them as badass cover).


Bastille - This ability is just fine as is.  I haven't found a single flaw other than the animation bugging out and making for a very annoying defense mission because it just stayed there making you think it was still on.


Vortex - I haven't seen it "not work", but that doesn't discredit all the claims.  Other than that it's perfect as is.


Side note - All the "grenade" models for Vauban's abilities need to be reworked.  They look awful.  Just a white orb.  It's rather disconcerting.


That is all :)

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Bastille has an occasional bug where when you throw it, the field will be created in TWO locations - where the grenade landed and where you're standing. Both fields affect anything that goes near either one.


Amazing warframe, having tons of fun with him :). Is quite buggy though. :(


I also agree with the post above me - the white balls for "Grenades" is kinda horrible. They could use a little love sometime.

Edited by Rarnd
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Here's my take on the abilities:


Tesla: Too spammable, too weak. Not that this is unexpected for a 1st tier ability, I was hardly expecting it to be one-shotting everything. Very useful against Grineer roller spam. I think a limit on how many can be deployed at once but making them a bit better would be in order, perhaps a bit more stun when it zaps things, I don't care about low damage.


Bounce: The energy cost is too high for what it is in my opinion. We're talking a move not all that different to Super Jump; I think a 25 energy cost would be more appropriate.


Bastille: Great concept and a highly useful move. Haven't been able to observe whether or not it's making enemies invincible when under its effect.


Vortex: Buggy, duds out too often, dud seems to coincide with when not thrown at open, flat floor surfaces (if anything stops the grenade levitating to deploy the vortex it seems to bug). Very good move otherwise though, being able to throw it increases the utility over most other super moves tenfold. Seems to bug with Ancients though, if it doesn't kill them they appear to be invincible until they start getting up.

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Not a fan of adding limits to the Tesla Balls. But fixing the bugs they currently have (firing at sleeping turrets, not zapping things when attached to an enemy, and random crashing when there's several of them in a small area (Jackal head, lol)...

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Not a fan of adding limits to the Tesla Balls. But fixing the bugs they currently have (firing at sleeping turrets, not zapping things when attached to an enemy, and random crashing when there's several of them in a small area (Jackal head, lol)...

I'm good for this too. I love the spammability of Tesla, but I think all the lag issues surrounding this Frame will go away if you limit the number of Teslas available and increase their fire rate. It'll be the same thing, just less objects for the game to manage. 5 Teslas with a x2 fire rate is equal to 10 teslas. That's sound math. Now, in order to compensate for the lack in distribution you can also increase the range on them so that it can cover a larger area you'd normally use two Teslas to cover. I believe this is a fair compromise and will enable for better game play.

Edited by Aprosule
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A couple more things with Vortex;


1) It seems to crash the game sometimes, I've had it happen twice now where my game has crashed just as a vortex is deploying.


2) There's a bug (one I don't know how to replicate, someone else did it) where a Vortex will stay up permanently. Suffice to say this made the next 10 levels (at which point deploying a vortex crashed the game) of an infested defense mission rather trivial, with a permavortex at one entrance.

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Here is a screenshot of the moving Cryopod. If you look closely you will notice that the cryopod is facing the other direction and you will notice the banshee hitting an invisible wall where the cryopod was supposed to be. I'm trying to test what happens when enemies attack the cryopod in that state.



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