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Engineer Warframe Bullsh*t! Thanks De! >:o [Video]


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*apologize for the cursing in advance, cencored my wor*(d)s.. Here it goes!

Upon RAPING the market, you've also managed to add a new warframe called the TrollFrame!!!

Now FU*KING RETARDS can throw players around alllllllllllllll FU*KING day!!!

My first time ever playing along-side an engineer and this sh*t happens.

*we're all thrown around the game, nobody can shoot, 2 people died, and I was throw way up into the air and got stuck on a wall and the last remaining survivor (TrollFrame Engineer) decided to further FU*K everybody by getting the doors locked and getting to the extraction before I could make it (ZERO credits). I donated $30 to Digital Extremes (warframe) and no way in HELL are you people going to see 1 cent from me until you pull your heads out ur asses and change this TrollFrame's skills. by the way why the HELL did you people buttfu*k the rhino? by the way this idiot's ID is NinjaTB, if that even matters.

This forum doesnt allow youtube videos for some dumb readon so heres the link.




credit to PaleMinerva for the image which im guessing is DE's director which now makes a nice desktop background..


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So you're a Rhino who's probably mad about the nerfs you've received so instead of providing constructive criticism you decide to burry the game after meeting ONE player using the Vauban to troll?


Moving on...

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So you're a Rhino who's probably mad about the nerfs you've received so instead of providing constructive criticism you decide to burry the game after meeting ONE player using the Vauban to troll?


Moving on...

i dont give a damn, rhino is already really powerful, if 1 engineer can FK this game, then they all can. screw this!

btw i dont play this game anymore starting today, thanks to the update the game crashes if i have it in fullscreen.. no way im playing in window mode, bullsh*t. rhino got nurfed bad.. market got raped by the director, this ship is sinking so im abandoning ship!

Edited by SoggyCow
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i dont give a damn, rhino is already really powerful, if 1 engineer can FK this game, then they all can. screw this!

btw i dont play this game anymore starting today, thanks to the update the game crashes if i have it in fullscreen.. no way im playing in window mode, bullsh*t. rhino got nurfed bad.. market got raped by the director, this ship is sinking so im abandoning ship!


It's pretty obvious that you have severe attitude issues.


I can say with absolute certainty that no one will miss you in Warframe. Bye.

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Be mad at the player. Not the creators of the game.

Okay, so if they're raping this game already, why not go all the way IN hu? Why not just give the trollframe a skill that freezes all surrounding players for 10 minutes. This is a perfect reason to be ticked at the devs, they allowed a pathway for a tunnle of sh*t to unload on the game.

Edited by SoggyCow
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Okay, so what's your point ? 


That you can't take a joke ? that you can't just waste a few credits for losing ?

Gee, sure hope the DE are gonna wipe your &#! and feed you food.


Not enjoying the game ? DON'T PLAY IT -.-'

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Yes, please target the developers and the game for the actions of a player...that's what any rational and sane person would do.

There's constructive feedback and then there's...well...your post...

Something to think about is that this game is in Beta, if you believe something is impacting the game negatively, say so in a professional and respectful manner because they CAN change it. DE has listened to reason before, there is no reason why they won't now.

Edited by AscendantWyvern
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