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What Do You Want Warframe To Be?


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I want DE to stop abandoning content.

When was the last time Archwing got a look at? Or Kubrows? Or Darksectors? Oh....right they got abandoned same as Relays and Syndicates and Simaris and Conclave will be in time

Wish we were looking at 2.0s every update rather than tepid, half-baked "foundations" of content that doesn't get touched for another year (Melee 2.5?)

I don't care about the Tyl Regor's rework; he's only going to be 99% invulnerable because the haven't fixed damage scaling, it'll same case with Kela or J3 or Neffy. DE's complacency with "press-4-to-win" leads me to the conclusion they want WF to be the purist Skinner Box experience ever.

DE aren't the only ones to blame though, this community is at fault too. Overhyping every update and slinging S#&$ fits at proposed changes

I agree. Warframe has so much potential to be the greatest action game, but I feel that the development lacks focus. DE has so many great ideas and the initial work is impressive, very eye catching, but it doesn't follow through. However, I do see they go back to make things better, so I guess we will have to be patient?

The question is... How patient will the gamer base be? I currently see them trickling content to us and I don't think the pace is quick enough to keep players interested.

Also while new content is important DE must consider the new player experience. How to get new players? How do they entice players to play Warframe vs. other titles? What can be done to stop players from quitting prematurely?

I'm a big fan of this game, and finally have one IRL friend who is actually not quitting early out of frustration and lack of intuitiveness. I just spent 2 hours on a headset on PS4 telling him what to do, how to mod, how to fuse his mods, what certain things are. While there's the Warframe wiki, there really needs to be a more clear cut way for the game to intuitively teach players to a certain baseline level of knowledge.

I really hope they don't lose steam and feel they can simply trickle out content at the current pace. I really enjoyed the last event, despite glitches, etc.

I feel console Warframe is kinda dead, so "double xyz" weekends need to happen more. Occasionally surprise alerts should happen for certain hard to find mods and or even weapon/warframe parts. Make weekends where you don't need muralist Alad V keys to fight him (like once a year) and do so for the other key locked bosses. Give out a free pack of void keys once in a while etc.

A lot needs to be done, while I like DE very very much I also am concerned with the pace at which Warframe is growing.

Edited by sushidubya
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