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Pvp Needs These..


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Armor or Overshield pickups to help counterplay oneshots and stats unbalances (situations where a squishy frame meets a Rhino, Frost, Chroma, Valkyr).

Armor pickups should work also in a complementar manner, so that it can be a good objective, a major buff for squishier frames and a minor buff for tankiest frames, to avoid them being unkillable.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Not really, let me remember how Rhino Charge and Rhino Armor mods do oneshot other Warframes and how Oneshotting weapons do oneshot whatever frame, let it be squishy or not.
Also every Warframe has its own playstyle. (Aka oneshot or escape)

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Not really, let me remember how Rhino Charge and Rhino Armor mods do oneshot other Warframes and how Oneshotting weapons do oneshot whatever frame, let it be squishy or not.

Also every Warframe has its own playstyle. (Aka oneshot or escape)

put rhino charge in comparison to excal slash dash. Also all caster frames are great in teamsupport. Edited by Lord_Noctus
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actually this could be an interesting element. Daikyu's unique role would be destroying armor. Since it's mainly puncture, it can already one-shot valkyr because puncture has a bonus to armor. With these, it would be almost like "hey this guy just picked up the super-armor thing, get in here with your daikyu"

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While I like the idea I think the game rewards escaping before death and mobility in general already enough. So this change might just tip the balance too much and you might end up with 15 min matches with only 20 deaths per game on high level play.

Stat imbalances between the frames should hopefully be balanced over other mechanics like the abilities (excal slash dash vs rhinos charge would be a prime example).

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