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7.11 Changes Feedback And Bugs(Rhino Nerf Excluded)


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First off, there are plenty of topics about the rhino nerf, this isn't one of them, please keep that out of this thread.


There are some other changes I want to address with this thread.


First and most importantly is movement.

Now it seems to me that  the single most important thing with most games is movement as it forms the foundation for gameplay. I know that DE's been working on movement mechanics and I have been patiently awaiting fixes to things like the inability to jump while on certain surfaces. (like while standing still on the cryopod in a defense mission, or the inability to jump on most iced over surfaces in missions where the is randomly ice due to cryochamber malfunctions) But that's a different tangent. My main complaint with 7.11's changes is wallrun activating when it shouldn't. The 'Hold jump to wallrun option' was introduced awhile back to aid players who play with keyboards lacking n-key rollover.  unfortunately, something in this last update seems to have broken it. I have always had 'hold jump to wallrun' enabled as i prefer the added control. Now however, i'm randomly stuck wallrunning when sprinting near a surface to spite this setting being enabled.. I'm not the only one experiencing this issue- everyone i play with regardless of whom is hosting has this occur seemingly without cause now. It's a very frustrating intermittent issue that really needs to be resolved.


Movement Speed changes.

Ash and Loki have quietly had their movement speed reduced. I presume this is intended to help with the games 'rushing' problem. However, I personally feel that they were reduced just a wee bit too much and should be very slightly increased. They don't need to be as ridiculously fast as they were before- but now these two characters seem sluggish and I'd like to see them adjusted accordingly. I'd love to hear how others view this change as both are fairly commonly played frames.


False Advertising!

The picture for the Furis blueprint in the market suddenly lacks the magazine present on the model and the 'owned' weapon picture and has some other minor discrepencies. The in-game weapon model is still constant with the 'owned' version of this weapon.


Here's a picture to make this obvious



Similar discrepancies exist with the bolto, the grip (and other small areas) have changed on the blueprint image whereas these changes are not present in the in-game model or the 'owned' image for the weapon.



These changes are also not present on the akimbo versions of the blueprints, owned images, or game models. This is either foreshadowing of upcoming in-game weapon model changes, or a grievous error that should be corrected..


The Rhino!

Just kidding, but seriously- please keep that out of this thread. There are plenty of others addressing the changes to the rhino and I'd like to avoid too much redundancy so that the other issues presented in this thread get some attention.



I personally have yet to playtest the changes to the banshee and am curious as to what others think about it.



Link no longer targets the hostage. Thank you, I can't begin to tell you how much frustration this bug has caused me.I might actually finish leveling my trinity to 30 now that this has been fixed.


Market price changes

It was inevitable, but there have been some inconsistency between this and the patch notes. Some other threads address this in more detail, but I'd like to voice my concern over the strun costing 75,000 credits now. It was the first really 'good' gun I got when I started playing regularly and as the Hek is generally considered a better alternative (though they do fulfill different roles) I think limiting this weapons accessibility to new players is a bad idea. Credits have become a non-issue for older players because of the credit scaling to ai difficulty(which is a good thing) and prices needed some adjusting to compensate for this, but those starting out on mercury and venus are still likely to be quite tight on credits for awhile. Some weapons like the strun should be available to these newer players. It was 15k and is now 75k which is just too much in my opinion. I think 35k is a reasonable increase to keep this weapon accessible to new players but still be fairly priced. In-game price and patch-notes are also inconsistent on this weapon's pricing. Pricing on other weapons is something I may look into later. I would love to hear from newer players about how they feel regarding these pricing changes.



This frame has inherent balance issues as at level 5 it can- with a little teamwork, "one-shot" Vor as demonstrated in this video.

I don't have a Vauban yet myself so I can't offer any real feedback on how to improve the balance, but clearly it needs some work. Suggestions on balancing this frame by those who have it would be awesome.


More Blueprint Tomfoolery

So I was helping a clan-mate grab some ash blueprints and we stumbled upon this little gem. All 4 of us in the team had this issue. I don't know if it's global or not-- but really now, this too needs to be fixed. It's at least more important than fixing the polymer bundles and nano spores that our sentinels shoot.




New Tiles

Some new tiles snuck into the update and include some more granieer tunnels and a new extraction point related to these tunnels. Overall these are awesome. My clanmates and I had a laugh at the symbolic irony of the 'crap' hitting the fan on the new extraction tile.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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First and most importantly is movement.

Now it seems to me that  the single most important thing with most games is movement as it forms the foundation for gameplay. I know that DE's been working on movement mechanics and I have been patiently awaiting fixes to things like the inability to jump while on certain surfaces. (like while standing still on the cryopod in a defense mission, or the inability to jump on most iced over surfaces in missions where the is randomly ice due to cryochamber malfunctions) But that's a different tangent. My main complaint with 7.11's changes is wallrun activating when it shouldn't. The 'Hold jump to wallrun option' was introduced awhile back to aid players who play with keyboards lacking n-key rollover.  unfortunately, something in this last update seems to have broken it. I have always had 'hold jump to wallrun' enabled as i prefer the added control. Now however, i'm randomly stuck wallrunning when sprinting near a surface to spite this setting being enabled.. I'm not the only one experiencing this issue- everyone i play with regardless of whom is hosting has this occur seemingly without cause now. It's a very frustrating intermittent issue that really needs to be resolved.

I get this too. I have been repeatedly locked in some sort of wall run frenzy as though I were diseased (this would make an interesting debuff) and jump from wall. I have also noticed times where I cannot stop sprinting for some reason. I also feel as though I may be rolling (landing with the sprint active) more than usual.

Edited by un.bosque
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Market price changes

It was inevitable, but there have been some inconsistances between this and the patch notes. Some other threads address this in more detail, but I'd like to voice my concern over the strun costing 75,000 credits now. It was the first really 'good' gun I got when I started playing regularly and as the Hek is generally considered a better alternative (though they do fulfill different roles) I think limiting this weapons accessibility to new players is a bad idea. Credits have become a non-issue for older players because of the credit scaling to ai difficulty(which is a good thing) and prices needed some adjusting to compensate for this, but those starting out on mercury and venus are still likely to be quite tight on credits for awhile. Some weapons like the strun should be available to these newer players. It was 15k and is now 75k which is just too much in my opinion. I think 35k is a reasonable increase to keep this weapon accessible to new players but still be fairly priced. In-game price and patch-notes are also inconsistent on this weapon's pricing. Pricing on other weapons is something I may look into later. I would love to hear from newer players about how they feel regarding these pricing changes.


Just making you aware, not sure if you realised this fact, There is more to it regarding market place too.

not only most of the old credit weapons are moved into BP only.


All of their BP costs alloy plates, lots of alloy plates 


Boltor 500

Boar 550

Burston 300

Latron 350

Sniperton 350


Raised reasons by the others for how this is a big concerns, I'll leave it here so you can decide for youself.

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Just making you aware, not sure if you realised this fact, There is more to it regarding market place too.

not only most of the old credit weapons are moved into BP only.


All of their BP costs alloy plates, lots of alloy plates 


Boltor 500

Boar 550

Burston 300

Latron 350

Sniperton 350


Raised reasons by the others for how this is a big concerns, I'll leave it here so you can decide for youself.


I want to talk about this as well.


Ok, move more weapons to the crafting system. I don't have a disagreement with that. However, why keep abusing the Alloy Plates and Rubedo, two already over-required materials? Many of the new blueprints could have been built underutilized mats like Polymer Bundle, Nano Spores, Circuits, etc., but instead we see the same alloy plate and rubedo spam (and in some ridiculous amounts as well - see gorgon).

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Just making you aware, not sure if you realised this fact, There is more to it regarding market place too.

not only most of the old credit weapons are moved into BP only.


All of their BP costs alloy plates, lots of alloy plates 


Boltor 500

Boar 550

Burston 300

Latron 350

Sniperton 350


Raised reasons by the others for how this is a big concerns, I'll leave it here so you can decide for youself.


This is very disturbing. I was hoping the previous "available for credits" weapons would use the more common materials in order to serve in an introductory purpose to the foundry, much like Cronus. The load on Alloy Plate is now disparately disproportionate even compared to rubedo. There are only 3 areas that provide alloy plates and it drops in smaller amounts compared to Rubedo. Please buff the amounts per drop of this material.  It's annoying to be shunted into farming a limited part of the solar system because virtually everything requires 1 or 2 precious resources.

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This is very disturbing. I was hoping the previous "available for credits" weapons would use the more common materials in order to serve in an introductory purpose to the foundry, much like Cronus. The load on Alloy Plate is now disparately disproportionate even compared to rubedo. There are only 3 areas that provide alloy plates and it drops in smaller amounts compared to Rubedo. Please buff the amounts per drop of this material.  It's annoying to be shunted into farming a limited part of the solar system because virtually everything requires 1 or 2 precious resources.

I've noticed a trend with blueprints changing to utilize the more common resources as of late- and that's a good thing- but you're right, becoming heavily dependent on any one resource is not a good idea and some more consideration towards material balancing should be made. 450 alloy plate for one weapon seems a bit hefty. Granted, not as hefty as when the paris was 1200+ rubedo (Which i've noticed has now changed to be circuits, polymer bundles, and nano spores now. It certainly does seem as though alloy plate is quickly becoming the new rubedo. =/


You forgot the part where they also increased the xp needed to level your gear.

I was not even aware of this. I can only imagine this was done to slow progression to allow more time for fixes and newer content.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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Movement changes: stickyness to walls, it seems it keeps spacebar pressed for you, and good old "player height error" (you often are at altitude different from the one engine thinks)...

At least they are actively working on it. Movement consistency is key.

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Movement changes: stickyness to walls, it seems it keeps spacebar pressed for you, and good old "player height error" (you often are at altitude different from the one engine thinks)...

At least they are actively working on it. Movement consistency is key.

unfortunately these issues seem to be stacking up with each update and really ought to take priority over anything else considering how fundamental they are to gameplay. How painful would super mario brother be to play if the jump button only worked 70% of the time?

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I've noticed a trend with blueprints changing to utilize the more common resources as of late- and that's a good thing- but you're right, becoming heavily dependent on any one resource is not a good idea and some more consideration towards material balancing should be made. 450 alloy plate for one weapon seems a bit hefty. Granted, not as hefty as when the paris was 1200+ rubedo (Which i've noticed has now changed to be circuits, polymer bundles, and nano spores now. It certainly does seem as though alloy plate is quickly becoming the new rubedo. =/


I was not even aware of this. I can only imagine this was done to slow progression to allow more time for fixes and newer content.

I made a Paris back in mid-March and it didn't use Rubedo back then. I recall people talking about it, I think it only required the Rubedo from the alert blueprint, not the purchased one. Kind of weird it was an alert reward at all, in retrospect.

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Wow I already thought that Vauban was a bit unbalanced but after seeing that video o_o. About the wallrun issue, I've been getting so annoyed by it lately xD Keeps activating by itself =_=. Alloy plate in a lot of BPs? WHY!? That's the most hardest to find material excluding the boss drop mats ;_;

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The market place issue just seemed to kill the casual player base. My group quit because of this and I understand why. I built an Akbolto. Recently just finished it. I had to farm for 3 days to build the second pistol after getting the first one. Not to mention a day to learn how to hold one pistol in each hand? Yeah... that kind of made me chuckle. Also built a Paris and Ether Blades because I had SO MANY materials I didn't need. (600 Alloy Plates for the Akbolto + 3 days to build in Foundry, 1 day per pistol and end product.)


More to the point, there was a melee weapon my friend wanted. We were grinding Jackal to get Rhino for him while earning enough credits for...The punchy-gloves. Well, he saved up enough Credits for these weapons the day BEFORE the patch. But didn't buy them because he was tired, and went to bed. Logged in the next day, updated, we're on raid call with our clan... Then what? Can't buy anything with credits anymore? Yeah. He couldn't buy the melee weapons that he was grinding for all two days before the patch, and we already had to grind to get him the Rhino BPs so he can put the blueprint together. No. He's a casual gamer, he works all but two days of the week, and even then he can't stay on for too late. The Market change just killed it for him and several others of our group after they saw these changes. With no one to play with... I can't enjoy the game, myself. :/

Edited by Katzenwolf
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The market place issue just seemed to kill the casual player base. My group quit because of this and I understand why. I built an Akbolto. Recently just finished it. I had to farm for 3 days to build the second pistol after getting the first one. Not to mention a day to learn how to hold one pistol in each hand? Yeah... that kind of made me chuckle. Also built a Paris and Ether Blades because I had SO MANY materials I didn't need. (600 Alloy Plates for the Akbolto + 3 days to build in Foundry, 1 day per pistol and end product.)


More to the point, there was a melee weapon my friend wanted. We were grinding Jackal to get Rhino for him while earning enough credits for...The punchy-gloves. Well, he saved up enough Credits for these weapons the day BEFORE the patch. But didn't buy them because he was tired, and went to bed. Logged in the next day, updated, we're on raid call with our clan... Then what? Can't buy anything with credits anymore? Yeah. He couldn't buy the melee weapons that he was grinding for all two days before the patch, and we already had to grind to get him the Rhino BPs so he can put the blueprint together. No. He's a casual gamer, he works all but two days of the week, and even then he can't stay on for too late. The Market change just killed it for him and several others of our group after they saw these changes. With no one to play with... I can't enjoy the game, myself. :/


That's terrible. =( Thankfully DE's said they'll be reviewing the market changes in a recent post that i'll go ahead and quote below. Hopefully they'll unfuck the market system at least. I know a few new players whom have been driven away by these changes myself, and you're absolutely right, it kills the casual playerbase.


6) Market Overhaul?


As we said in the Update notes: “Our Marketplace Weapon Pricing has received an overhaul. The Weapon Prices have been the same since Closed Beta, and now that we have grown, we are going to balance the pricing of our gear. An End-Goal of this is also to eventually include Platinum to Credit Bundles.”


The reaction this seems to be three-fold:


What is up with the Crafting Costs?

I do agree, and will ask when and if these will be amended.


We have destroyed new-player appeal!

We need a better tutorial, we need to introduce players to the systems within our game in a way that makes sense. This will take some time to implement, hopefully by adjusting the crafting costs it won't be "too little too late".


Grinding increase laments.

I'm seeing complaints that the grind has been increased because now what used to be credits are now craft-only and how this affects desire to play. I will pass this along with the suggestion to review the Crafting Component first.


May 21st @ 2:00 PM EST UPDATE:

Recipes are being reviewed and changed! I'll have more news on this later.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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