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Parkour 2.0: Come Forth And Deliver Us From These 3 Devils;


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1 - Beelzebub: Unresponsive jumps and wallruns;


In Warframe, jumps are highly unresponsive when you are moving in a less than perfectly flat surface. You sometimes will press the 'jump' key several times in a row without your character jumping and the rougher the surface and the faster you are moving, the more unresponsive it gets. If you are moving in a very rough surface you will have to stop moving altogether and wait half a second in order to jump.


Wallruns suffer from this same unresponsiveness as well, specially when you have acquire some speed and jump straight into a wall too fast.


2 - Baphomet: Weird momentum;


Warframe treats momentum in a very weird way, for starters; collision with static and solid surfaces does not immediately brings you to a stop, thus if you run into a wall at a very high speed you will continue to be pushed against it by a 'ghost force' for a few instants. This force happens to be your momentum which is slowly dwindling instead of simply being broken on impact.


But this is not the worst part of the 'ghost momentum' phenomenon, the worst part is how it affects directional melees; melee strikes do not seem to be able to differentiate when your character is moving at a high velocity or a low velocity. Thus if you are moving at a certain direction at a very slow speed (ex: 0,5 m/s) while wielding a very fast 'coptering melee (ex: Tipedo) and you quickly look sideways and throw a sliding melee strike, you will be violently pushed diagonally to the direction you threw your melee strike into! As through your sideways velocity was much faster than it actually was. This affects air melees as well: If you are doing a straight upwards wallrun, do a wall jump backwards and try to do a air melee in the forwards and upwards direction at the apex of the jump when there is very little momentum pushing you backwards, you will be strongly pushed upwards, but not forwards.


3 - Lucifer: Automatic rolling on long falls;


If you are falling from a height taller than 2.5m and you so much as brush a movement key along the way, your character will automatically do a slow roll on fall that takes you some meters forwards (potentially throwing you into an environmental hazard, endless pit, nullifier bubble, etc...), you cannot control the direction of the roll (even if you are pressing directly backwards you still do a forward roll) and it has a rather slow animation that breaks your momentum.


I have never wanted to do a forward roll on any fall and yet I have rolled hundreds if not thousands of times.

Edited by lvl999ArchNecromancerIRL
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1 - Beelzebub: Upcoming Fix with Parkour 2.0


2 - Baphomet: Upcoming big change with Charged Jumps, and the chance to connect wall with wall, and the removal of coptering (See Last Devstream)

3 - Lucifer: They are putting the eye on that.


Really? D:


What minute mark should I look at, if you don't mind me asking?

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1 - Beelzebub: Upcoming Fix with Parkour 2.0


2 - Baphomet: Upcoming big change with Charged Jumps, and the chance to connect wall with wall, and the removal of coptering (See Last Devstream)

3 - Lucifer: They are putting the eye on that.


last dev stream Scott said that the a player will be able to choose the roll direction or choose not to roll by not pressing in any direction. (i personally would rather not have a roll at all either)

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1 - Beelzebub: Upcoming Fix with Parkour 2.0


2 - Baphomet: Upcoming big change with Charged Jumps, and the chance to connect wall with wall, and the removal of coptering (See Last Devstream)

3 - Lucifer: They are putting the eye on that.


 i dont think coptering is being removed i remeber them mentioning how coptering will have a more predicatble pattern instead of current coptering momentum

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One thing they HAVEN'T talked about is the ugly strafing animations while firing from the hip. Not only does strafing feel unresponsive, it looks incredibly awkward. Highly trained assassins shouldn't be spinning around in circles while firing their weapon. If I'm aiming at a certain point, circular strafing (while un-scoped) makes the character spin around and point their weapon behind them, and it looks even more odd when firing a beam weapon (beams collide with the warframe and continue firing at the point where the reticle is, despite the weapon being pointed in a different direction). I'm beginning to suspect the Tenno skipped out on their "Gun Safety" classes.

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One thing they HAVEN'T talked about is the ugly strafing animations while firing from the hip. Not only does strafing feel unresponsive, it looks incredibly awkward. Highly trained assassins shouldn't be spinning around in circles while firing their weapon. If I'm aiming at a certain point, circular strafing (while un-scoped) makes the character spin around and point their weapon behind them, and it looks even more odd when firing a beam weapon (beams collide with the warframe and continue firing at the point where the reticle is, despite the weapon being pointed in a different direction). I'm beginning to suspect the Tenno skipped out on their "Gun Safety" classes.


You see, your problem here is that people don't fire from the hip to their left or right while running.  At least, not in any way that might hit something.  So the artists have no point of reference in this case.

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