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My Perfect Idea Of A Rhino Rework


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Now before I get started, the changes I am suggesting are my ideas. And considering that, I could be making some op-ish changes. 


The biggest flaw about Rhino is his Iron Skin. It falls off at high levels making it almost useless. My Idea for Iron skin is to make it scale with enemies. Now, I'm not saying for it to have 1000 "health" for lvl 2 lancers. I think Iron Skin should have an innate 500 health with an additional 100 health for each level. Being power strength effective would be best. So with lvl 40 enemies. Iron Skin has 4500 health. Now if that is too big of a "buff' I have this too.


Iron Skin 500 * power strength bonus (intensify etc)  + 75 bonus health for each level. This way in a build with max intensify and lvl 7 Blind rage (giving 203% power strength, but I'm gonna round down to 200) gives 1000 iron Skin health. Now let's say you run a raid and a lvl 73 Scorpion decides to greet you. 


73*75== 5475, + 1000 == 6475 Iron Skin health. 


A scorpion at base rank (10) does 150 Damage. Using an alleged warframe enemy damage calculator, it stated that a lvl 73 scoprion does 1626 damage. Since Iron Skin has no armor, it's flat out damage. 


Now, 6475 iron skin health vs 1626 damage. Even at that pretty high level with decently high damaging enemy, that handles good. Not too much health but just enough. Obviously, this formula I am suggesting has a breaking point eventually, but at that lvl, you probably can't even kill the enemy under 10 seconds.




Now I think all abilities are fine as they are but I'd like one change to stomp. Make it range based. No, not have it made for 50 metres, but have enemies closer to you take more damage. That is all. 



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@Duch99pl (My quote button isn't working, not sure why) That's like saying damage doesn't fall off, just because you play safe doesn't mean it doesn't fall off.

Edited by Dan2Rock4
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Wow guys. .all of you made me feel like as if THERE Wasn't a SINGLE thred about this before! !!! Read read before you post.. Already 2 "Hot" threads talking about this idea and much more awesome ideas So go support thise thread before you make 1 with the same idea!!! ... THAT IS OUR PROBLEM ( RHINO BALANCE SEEKERS) EVERYONE WANT TO MAKE HIS OWN THREAD EVEN IF THERE IS THE SAM OR BETTER ALREADY EXIST... WE ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE CUZ OF THAT DE ISNT TAKING A LOOK AT RHINO.. WE...LACK...DISCIPLINE.

Edit: sorry for caps but i have to give it the "SHOUTING" effect so you know how much i am serious about this. ..just collaborate with other rhino threads writers and make a super thread neat and elegant ( I hope Ronyn reads this)

Edited by o_HiTMaN_o
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