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Annoying Pvp Experience >>>Kogake Op<<<

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Sure Footed does not seem to affect the Kogake knockdown. I seem to get knocked down 10/10.

And there is literally no counterplay. They move at high speeds while disabling you and then instantly finishing you off once you flop on the ground. "And just having 100 energy" to zapp them away is also hard...8 people on the map and energy spawns like once every 5 hours. (Yea, thanks for that DE).

Not to mention I feel even more sorry for new people. Veterans will have crap like "get free energy on kill" mods so you can just Kogake Rhino and get yoursel some noice Iron skin 24/7.

The only way you deal with them is when you see them scrubbing around like way too far from you so you can just blast them away...but at least the Annihilation maps are mostly just full of very tight ways and no open space.

In capture the flag it's a bit better...but there it doesn't matter since I can just copter around like a hurrrdurrrrr

Edited by Shehriazad
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While fighting with the kogake, the best approach is the copter knockdown. If you sneak up on a player trying to do quick melee(kogake) you have to hump the enemies leg as fast as possible or he'll slowly walk away shooting your face off Or 2 shot lex to the face, God forbid one tempo royale maneuver -_- lately people have managed to find a counter to kogake, I myself try and survive the knockdown and jump up and away(think directional copter). bo prime can get scary OP if done right. It does take skill to use em and maintain the lead, but a kogake user can get rekt any game.

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I use handspring the whole time but i still isn´t helping, im still downed the whole time. Even pressing any dodge or move button does not help while my frame tries to get up. It´s annoying, frustrating and i refuse to go down on this train only to have some sort of chance to win...

I don't see how you could have problems getting chain knocked down.


First, you can;t be knocked down again while you are getting up. You have to finish getting up before you can be knocked down again.

This means that you have at least a split second to react before they knock you down again, unless they have god-like timing.

Rolling prevents you from being knocked down or staggered, it overrides any other animation taht might be forced on you.

You SHOULD be able to roll away from the second attack after getting up, and still be able to act after rolling even if they do hit you during your roll. It's not easy, but it's not impossible as you claim.

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Handspring does not seem to affect the Kogake knockdown. I seem to get knocked down 10/10.


Why are you even argueing with people if you don´t understand how the mechanics work? It isn´t supposed to prevent knockdowns - it allows you to recover quicker.


Kogake is already borderline useless against a good player since it lacks a lot of mobility compared to Bo prime and gets hard countered by a maxed handspring. I do undestand why many newer players to conclave may think that it is op since without handspring the knockdown animation takes forever (and maybe DE should do something to adress this since it may put off a lot of players from pvp for a avoidable reason) but this doesn´t change that kogake is a non issue once you are competent at pvp.

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Handspring does not seem to affect the Kogake knockdown. I seem to get knocked down 10/10.



You equip Sure Footed with your Handspring.  So 60% of the time you don't even get knocked down, and the times you do you pop up right away. 

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Yes yes, burn me alive for mixing up mod names....can happen, y know...there's like 43534534534 mods in this game...sometimes you just lose oversight.

So either I'm super unlucky or something is wrong. Because I've always had my Sure Footed on my PvP builds installed...and I have yet to resist a Kogake knockdown...seeing how I should have a huge chance to actually resist.

Edited by Shehriazad
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