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Pvevp: Player Vs Enviroment Vs Player


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1: Introduction and something about me

2: Explanation of concepts 

3: Suggestion 



Hello dear Warframe forum, I'm quite new and I'm not sure, if I post this in the right place, but i have a great suggestion for this game. Now we all now that player vs player in Warframe would be quite unbalanced and I'm not here to suggest you the classic ''Call of Duty style'' PvP but a little more complex sort of ''PvP''. But first things first. 


Who am I ? I'm just a guy who used to enjoy video games, but kind of got bored of them really fast. Literary nothing made me fun anymore. Until one of my buddies suggested me to try out this game called Warframe. My reaction was just ''meh''. I looked at the trailer but it didn't really impress me, because I'm not a huge fan of shooters. I wouldn't even try the game if it was for me, but my buddy kept telling me how much fun this game is and that I'm missing something. A few days later I finally gave the game a try. I'm not sure what it is, but this game is fun as hell. In fact, i enjoyed it so much, that I became a founder. At first I bough the hunter package and today the Master. I just felt that I had to support the developers and thank them, just because they had accomplished something that most other devs failed to do, namely giving me a game where I'm actually having fun. But enough of this and lets focus on my suggestion. Please note that I'm not a native English speaker and you will probably find many Spelling and Grammar mistakes, but i will try my best. 




Alright, let us take a look at the current concept that we have in Warframe: PvE 


PvE stands for Player vs Environment  All we can do is fight vs the environment.  We ''only'' have a few mission types, for example: bring this back, safe this guy, guard that and so on. While this still makes lots of fun, i feel that we can do way more than this. Now we know that simple player vs player with the current system would be a big mess. A lot of skills would be overpowered. Levels, mods and different weapons also would be hard to balance. But what if we would have a ''PvP'' that wouldn't actually require to kill different players, but just ''beat'' them in the game. Let me introduce you to ''Player vs Enviroment vs Player (vs Alien vs Predator) '' ! ''What is that ?'', you may ask. ''Does this guy want us to kill the Environment and the Players ?''.

No ! my suggestion would be a completely different idea. Let me describe it to you.  




Imagine we would have two teams. Team Red and Team Blue. Team red starts at the very beginning of a level and team blue at the very end. In the middle of the map, there would be a little treasure.This treasure could contain Mods and maybe even a little platin (10-20). All that the team has to do, is to fight their way trough the level and arrive at the room with the treasure. The room is locked. The only way to open the door is to activate it with 4 players. If one of your teammates dies, you lose. The other team now still has to fight their way trough the level but now they know that you cant win anymore and that they can slow down and play save. This kind of Level would require a great amount of team play.  Mobs should be strong enough to slow you down or even ''force'' you to fight 'em. If one of your mates try to rush, on of your other team members might die and you will automatically lose. You have to take care of them and they must take care of you. While doing this level you should always be able to see how far the other team is, maybe trough a little mini map or something. Lets call this mode: Rushers Hell. 


The second idea that i had would be a kind of defense mission. Let's take a big arena and split it in two. On the one side, we would have team red on the other team blue. As the game starts the players must fight against different enemy's. The rounds should just take not more than a minute and the enemys should get notably harder with each round. This should ensure that you wont get bored to fast. To make things worse, the first team to kill the last mob, will get a little bonus. Either a Regeneration of health or a little dmg bonus. The team that killed the mobs slower will get punished. On the next fight their mobs will have 5-10% more hp. Now on the next round if Team Blue is able to score their kills faster, they get the bonus health and the opposite team now 10-20% more hp on their mobs. If one player dies, he can be ressurected trough a win of a round. Again, this should ensure that you wont get bored and that you cant just resurrect your teammates. Please note that this mode should be played fast. You shouldn't have much time to rest, you should be constantly under stress. If you made it to level 5 for example, you would fight a boss. If you lost a few rounds but still have all players, your boss should have 10-40% more health. I hope you understand where i am going with this. Again, good team play is everything here.


I have a lot more ideas, but i think this is enough for the moment and you porbably are tired of reading anyways, so..



Thanks for the read, please leave a comment an and tell me what you think. 



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One big issue I see with your defense mission one:

Once one team falls behind they are mostly likely going to stay behind simply because of how much harder it would then be to kill the next wave faster.

In that mode if you fall behind early on you *might* be able to recover, but once the waves get higher and the enemies tougher if your team falls behind then you're not going to catch up and get the bonus for killing your enemies faster for the rest of the matches until one team loses, and with the bonus/penalty system it would most likely be the team that fell behind early on that will lose..

Edited by Tsukinoki
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One big issue I see with your defense mission one:

Once one team falls behind they are mostly likely going to stay behind simply because of how much harder it would then be to kill the next wave faster.

In that mode if you fall behind early on you *might* be able to recover, but once the waves get higher and the enemies tougher if your team falls behind then you're not going to catch up and get the bonus for killing your enemies faster for the rest of the matches until one team loses, and with the bonus/penalty system it would most likely be the team that fell behind early on that will lose..



Yes most likely, but again, the number that I took, shouldn't me taken as a measurement. They could always be tuned to the point where good game play will be rewarded and bad gameplay will be punished. But again, it does not have to be much, but should be a bit noticeable. 

Edited by Kendoz
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Definite problem with your second idea is that punishing the loser that harshly does nothing but make it an unwinnable slope and no one would want to play and quit the second it turns in the opposing team's favor. If someone falls down, it's just bad game design to shove them back over when they try to get back up. If anything the players who win should get stronger, harder enemies but better rewards and it should keep stacking with each victory until blue team is able to get a win in which case red is reverted to base level enemies again and blue starts getting improved enemies or something.


As for the first one: It's not really a rusher's hell since its pretty hard to force certain team setups to actually fight if they want to rush. All it'd come down to is the fastest frames rushing to the end first and whoever has the better connection (the host's team) winning.

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So the victor is rewarded with buffs that make their next victory even more likely, and the loser is punished with penalties that make their next loss all the more certain?


I may never understand these types of "competitive" suggestions.
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So the victor is rewarded with buffs that make their next victory even more likely, and the loser is punished with penalties that make their next loss all the more certain?
I may never understand these types of "competitive" suggestions.


Because you see, despite all this talk and bragging about being "hardcore" and "better" people want the game to be made easier for them if they manage to eek out a victory.

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