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The Death Of Mastery Locking


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i had 2 friends who thought the same way when introduced to the game, and i said "trust me, when you get a higher level and try some of the weapons there is a reason you needed to work a bit for them" they didnt beleive me till roughly a few days ago when they hit 5.


one of them got the merlock and the other got the atomos, both if them feel the weapons make the game extremely easy now because how strong they are and i simply told them "that is why they are mastery locked, if you had them at the start yo would never get a different weapon"

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An easy example is me - I complained about grind, yet I played so many missions to get Primes and all in the past. Now, I have almost everything that is obtainable, except just Vermillion Storm. Every mod, every frame, every prime. Now, I have reduced my playing intensity a lot. I just log in, do Normal and NM raid and log out. I play a bit more again when new contents are released.


And I believe I am not the only one who follow this trend.



Heh you are the same as me.

It has gotten so bad that I deliberately keep myself 1 prime frame behind.

So when Ash prime comes out, that is the time when I get Volt Prime :p


I have already gotten nearly everything else.

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