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Stalker: Eat My Sound Quake


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So yeah, another Stalker thread. I've had pretty bad luck with the Stalker. Every single time he came after me, I was in a low level warframe, usually with mid-grade weaponry and usually didn't stand a chance. This time... This time I was somewhat ready. 


We open up in an alert. I had accidentally started in Private mode, so I started solo. I was helping some friends into the game and left it on private. Bad idea. Anyways, I had started the match with a level 27 Banshee (12 Redirection, maxed Soundquake, 8 Focus, 6 Continuity), a level 30 Paris (with a basic Hellfire, Fast Hands, and a 3 Ammo Drum. Forgot to equip mods), a level 22 Kraken (10 Hornet Strike, 6 No Return, 4 Deep Freeze), and a level 24 Furax (10 Killing Blow, 6 Sundering Strike, 5 Reflex Coil), as well as my Shade sentinel(I won't go into the mods for that, but both his pistol and him were maxed with a good array of mods).


Anyways, here I am, minding my own business on this alert, smacking around Corpus with my Furax and then comes the first flicker. Oh crap, I think to myself. I'm screwed. Then I think, wait, my Banshee's almost max level. Yeah, I'm ready. Bring it on, Stalker! He comes after me on the bridge. I take out some more Corpus and see him kneeling behind me. I turn around and get ready. He comes after me with a slash dash, we exchange some fire, my ghost activates, I hit a soundquake and I see his health fall in the relative safety of my invisibilty. Then we exchange some more fire, he slash dashes and bam, shields gone. I get ready for an Ohsh#$ moment, but my sentinel pops me some shields. We exchange some more fire and I say "Screw it, I'm going for it" and soundquake again. He starts in on me with his pick-axe thing and I'm sitting here vulnerable not knowing what to do and he backs off. Phew. Finally, a victory for me. Eat it, Stalker. Completely on my own. No help, I win. Even without a decent primary weapon. 

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Put up a great fight with unpotatoed weapons?


Sounds normal...he does not stand a chance against potatoed weapons...


Well, unsure what to say to that. XD I did enjoy the challenge with my not max level stuff, though. I'm just glad he wasn't more difficult. Woulda sucked for me. 

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