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Speed In Parkour 2.0


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Clearly, you've never put a live rabbit on a stove.


You sir, would be correct. lol 


I honestly don´t buy that WIP anymore. What you´ve seen is what we will have when p2.0 comes out.


I would love to be wrong on this one though.


 Steve said "maybe, it's still a WIP" to a guy that asked if we could keep both wall running & wall hopping. This was post Devstream. Definitely a WIP.


Yeh, the recent devstream demo seemed slow, and the jumps too short.

As you can see, the distance she covered was not short, at all. Currently, you can only go that far by coptering. 
Edited by Rexlars
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Like what they do with the syndicates medallions?

Won't that make way levels last way to long if you've got people who just want to search for extra loot?

I have been suggesting for a long time now to allow people to extract individually. Plus, you can set the party to invite only, and set up treasure hunter squads.

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Sooo just cuz I feel the need to state this,

1; Work In Progress

2; Rebecca admits to not being great at the new system

3; Try to be open minded until you are playing it yourself; DE has talked about multiple mechanics that they didn't necessarily show/ have ready

4; Try to envision the game in a new way; they're trying to make it possible to make EVERYTHING usable in travel without overhauling all their tile sets

5; If memory serves, certain aspects of coptering are remaining (could be wrong)

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Comparing the two parkour systems directly, honestly I think parkour 2.0 comes out way, way on top. Rebecca—bless her heart—barely knew what she was doing, and she still managed to pull off some impressive stuff such as crossing an entire Void map tile without touching the floor. Is it clunky? Absolutely. It's not just a work in progress, it's a work that's still under experimentation to find out what works. 


I don't find wallrunning that useful to begin with, frankly. There are a few spots where it's useful, but for the most part those spots are specifically designed for wallrunning—big, long walls free of obstructions. With parkour 2.0, it looks like you can parkour off just about any surface. That is infinitely better than the current system.


Not to mention, so far as I'm aware they haven't actually concretely said that regular wallrunning is going away. They might decide that bunnyhopping along a wall designed for wallrunning isn't necessary. They've been pretty up front about having trouble envisioning exactly how the bunnyhopping will work in place of wallrunning.


And even if we bring coptering into it—honestly, with what Rebecca was able to do while still learning the system, I kind of expect parkour 2.0 to blow coptering out of the water. It won't be straightforward like coptering is; instead of just pointing in a direction and hitting two buttons, you'll have to ricochet in the direction you want to go. In the really big, open areas, such as on Earth or in some of the outside areas of Europa, you'll be slower because you won't have as many surfaces to bounce off of. But everywhere else? I think you're going to be unbelievably fast once you get the hang of it.


You know what I think the biggest problem with parkour 2.0 is going to be? Ceiling camping. People are going to find all kinds of high-! ledges where they can sit and put up a snowglobe or an electric shield, and mobs simply won't be able to get close enough to do anything.

Agreed completely.

They are still experimenting the whole thing, and once the animations get smoother, it should be awesome. Main thing in my mind is how versatile it is. Wall running really has been useful only in predefined spots, not gonna miss it to be honest.

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Hide lockers around the map and put ducats in them to promote exploring the map.


The game has more hidden rooms and lockers than you think, but they have nothing in it so there's no reason to waste time searching them.

Edited by PapaFragolino
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Only issues I see with the new system is that the jump still looks like it has an awkward delay, the latching lowers FoV to zoom levels (hopefully it rebound to something other than "Aim" on PC), and the movements seem too slow for avoiding enemy fire in a lot of situations.

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Ducats? I think prime parts and rare resources would be a better idea, like the special lockers in Sabotage missions.

If they were to do that, it would help them destroy the void; Tenno would be able to explore and scavenge, and maybe it'd be like one or two lockers a map, depending on the difficulty.
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The game has more hidden rooms and lockers than you think, but they have nothing in it so there's no reason to waste time searching them.


Ducats? I think prime parts and rare resources would be a better idea, like the special lockers in Sabotage missions.


If they were to do that, it would help them destroy the void; Tenno would be able to explore and scavenge, and maybe it'd be like one or two lockers a map, depending on the difficulty.

Corpus Archwing maps................... are PERFECT for this.

Use the Asteroids for Grineer maps.



Btw, I still think the "effect" for the new Parquor2.0 looks fine. The "hopping" up a wall does seem odd though.

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Oh, you know what we really need? A "Win Game" button. Like, you press it and it plays for you, finishing a mission in less than 5 seconds. It's what all you want, right? Because if you want to do a mad rush in all the missions, I don't see the point of playing. So you know what to do now DE, Win Game button!

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Oh, you know what we really need? A "Win Game" button. Like, you press it and it plays for you, finishing a mission in less than 5 seconds. It's what all you want, right? Because if you want to do a mad rush in all the missions, I don't see the point of playing. So you know what to do now DE, Win Game button!


You clearly didn't spend a single minute on reading comments in this thread.

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If they were to do that, it would help them destroy the void; Tenno would be able to explore and scavenge, and maybe it'd be like one or two lockers a map, depending on the difficulty.

This. If you add prime parts to lockers people wouldn't play the void anymore.  A few Ducats here and there in special, hidden lockers would be the better solution.

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This. If you add prime parts to lockers people wouldn't play the void anymore. A few Ducats here and there in special, hidden lockers would be the better


Yeah. Also if they make the chance too low (like getting an event mod in this fact alert) no one will want to loot lockers and people who do will rage in this website. Is say a considerable amount but not over 4 in a single run
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Yeah. Also if they make the chance too low (like getting an event mod in this fact alert) no one will want to loot lockers and people who do will rage in this website. Is say a considerable amount but not over 4 in a single run

Just put a special Cache Locker in hidden locations and have it dole out around 5 - 10 ducats each.  Have multiple caches per level, and put them behind parkour challenges.

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all i am saying is this: 


back in the beginning i could run a wall with unranked rhino. now i cant even vault off a wall with the precision that i had when it wasnt needed.


and now, our spy mission need that precision and we wall run like a drunk lizard.


DE: make up your minds: you want us to be ninjas? reset the wall running. want us to be mercs? then take wall running out completely and give us merc features like a aggro system like army of two or something

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Corpus Archwing maps................... are PERFECT for this.

Use the Asteroids for Grineer maps.

Btw, I still think the "effect" for the new Parquor2.0 looks fine. The "hopping" up a wall does seem odd though.

I think it is meant to be more of a stepping up the wall kind of thing. Like how some people scale up walls.. except infinitely.

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I think it is meant to be more of a stepping up the wall kind of thing. Like how some people scale up walls.. except infinitely.

I know what its for, I think the "hopping" up a wall animation, is souring peoples taste for the new system.


As I said, the "effect" seems fine.

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to be fair coptering is pretty much a bug that melee 2.0 brought around and was never even atempted to be fixed, im going to be overall happy with its removal as tile parts with acual parkour puzzles will finally come into play once again as well as cool new manuvours i will learn how to do all over again.


ya its going to feel extreamly slow, but that speed you are used to from coptering or air melee is a bug, was never ment to propel you that far

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