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"unstable" Mods Concept


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Hi everyone.


Many of us have a TONS of useless mods, and keep receive them every single game (for an example, I have over 1k of Vitality). The question is - why do we need them? Fusion - we have Fusion Cores for it (it is faster and cheaper), Transmutation - money-wasting randomizer (2kk for nothing useful, really?), and selling them looks like the only option, but it is not so profitable (you need to sell really HUGE amount of mods to get any valuable profit).


Here starts the concept.

"Unstable" Mods are one time use mods, which can be crafted from normal mods. They will have a minimal energy cost, they WILL consume our precious but will grant some ridiculous abilities to the Warframe. For an example:


- The faster you move the harder you can be seen

- Reverse gravity, when close to wall or floor

- The lower your health is, the faster you move

- Stops time in a small sphere, when you are almost dead for small amount of time

- Mini-nuke on death

- Power\health regeneration, when moving\standing\killing stuff

- Various Eximus auras, etc.


Of course, the more ridiculous power is, the more rare mods with same polarity you'll need.

And they must not add bonus stats (well, mb except movement speed), but only abilities, that can be triggered with some events, or that you have from mission start to it's end.


What do you think about it? (except my bad English, ofc)


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Some of the effects sound pretty interesting. I was wondering about ways of putting temporary 'boosters' (like yours) into the game and some of these sound fun.

One problem is that I can imagine DE using some of these ideas in other areas (like adding new mods or having new Frames with some of those ideas). I also am not sure what DE thinks about consumables in general, but yours are interesting.  Also, there's a danger that people accidentally use a mod in a recipe, and it might be hard to sort through the full list of mods.

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