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Stalker Vs. Tenno [Pvp Gamemode Concept]


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I would like to start off by saying that I don't have a solid decision on what this game-mode would be called, so name suggestions would be much appreciated. A list of names for this game-mode will be listed at the end of the thread, and will be updated as names are suggested or thought of. Please be aware that Stalker is a placeholder name, and is used to make the game-mode easier to understand. It WILL have to be changed to have a better fit into the lore of the Conclave.


Stalker vs. Tenno is a game-mode where 1 "stalker" faces off against 7 tenno. At first thought, the stalker may be thought of as some super-tank that can barely be killed, but that is not how this is supposed to work. The stalker may get a few special abilities, but that will be discussed later in the thread.


This game-mode draws inspiration from the game Metroid Prime Hunters, and the game-mode Prime Hunter.


Now to get into the core mechanics of the game-mode. The name of Stalker will change for a better fit into Warframe lore.


What is Stalker vs. Tenno?

In essence, Stalker vs. Tenno is a game of King of the Hill, but the "King" doesn't have to stand still, waiting in a bright circle to be shot in the head by a Daikyu. The game starts out as a free-for-all mode. The first tenno to be killed drops an Oro, which can then be picked up by any Tenno, whether or not they killed the tenno or not. When the Oro is picked up, the tenno that picked up the Oro becomes the Stalker, a High Priority target who is then announced to all players to be the Stalker, and is also marked on the map. After picking up the Oro, the stalker is granted 5 seconds of enhanced mobility, and has shields instantly restored. To win the match, a tenno must be the stalker for a combined total of 3 minutes, or more than all other tenno when the match ends after 15 minutes.


The Stalker: How He Can Win

Being the stalker is complicated to say the least.

The Stalker has a huge armor boost, having even more armor than Valkyr, having 750 armor (Valkyr has 600 in PvP for reference). The Stalker is also completely immune to knock-downs (no Kogake gang-ups going to be happening to this fellow). And as an added bonus, when reaching maximum energy, and ONLY when reaching maximum, the Stalker turns invisible for 10 seconds, not showing up on the mini-map, and not being able to be seen by the tenno. This ability will not activate within 5 seconds of picking up the Oro. However, this ability has a cool-down of 15 seconds after the ability ends. The ability automatically ends at the end of the duration, or when the Stalker fires a weapon. The Stalker also receives an innate 10 - 20% increase to the damage dealt by all of his weapons, so he can handle the 7 tenno trying to kill him a bit better.


However, being the stalker also has it drawbacks. Over time, the Stalker takes damage to encourage him to keep killing. (3 health a second) The damage taken over time does not damage shields, and only directly damages health. When the stalker gets a kill, his health is instantly regenerated (by 30 health points, effectively increasing his time alive by 10 seconds) in order to counteract this. The Stalker can’t pick up health orbs, since those could be camped by the stalker and effectively make him win. The stalker has a large mark above his head, and shows up on the mini-map at all times unless he's invisible. The Stalker also has decreased speed, but due to his inability to be knocked down and his ability to become invisible, this isn't too much of a hindrance. (The stalker would move at the speed of a player holding a void key in a void sabotage mission.)


Every second a player is the Stalker, they are closer to winning. To reiterate, a player wins by either being the Stalker for 3 combined minutes, or being the stalker more than the other tenno in the game when the match ends 15 minutes after the match starts.


If the Stalker dies due to his DOT, no Oro is dropped, and it is like the game has been started over. The next tenno to be killed will drop the magical Oro of the Stalker. The Oro will drop if his health was damaged directly within the past 3 seconds.


The Tenno Side of Things

But what about the tenno? What do they have to fight this monster? What they always have. Their weapons, their abilities, and their mobility.


Other Ways This Could Work

Since not everything is perfect, it's always good to have some other way to do everything. These are ideas that keep the general vibe of the game-mode, but change the actual game-play.


Remove the health drain from the Stalker, but keep it so that he gets health on kill. Of course, this is meant to make the Stalkers life a bit easier.

Or, remove the speed de-buff.

Or remove both the speed-debuff and the health drain.


Instead of making the victor be determined by amount of time spent with the Stalker Oro, make it so that the amount of Oro picked up while a player is the stalker is what determines the victor. All tenno killed, whether by team-mates or by the Stalker, will drop an Oro. Regular tenno can absorb the Oro, but will not get any points for doing so. This would also change the beginning of the game, so all tenno killed drop an Oro during this period, but the first to actually grab an Oro becomes the Stalker. As the Stalker, he gets the 30 health bonus for annihilating an Oro, not killing a tenno. {Suggested by Vyrnaazus}


Miscellaneous Things

Just a few final things. This game-mode would be locked until mastery rank 3/4, due to how complicated it is. Although this may lower the amount of players in this specific mode, it is for the better of the new players, because I can just imagine a new player shooting a "friendly" tenno, and wondering why they keep damaging themselves, and they may not have the weaponry or skill to effectively handle the Stalker.


I also have the idea that the tenno not in control of the Oro can damage each-other. This idea could be as simple as you can shoot whoever you want to in the game, to no danger except the person you shoot shoots back, or as complicated as taking away health from the person damaging another, and then kicking someone who has killed too many “friendly” tenno. But then that system has a lot of kinks, such as the person doesn’t know how to play the game-mode, or that someone was just defending him/herself. The main reason I believe that there should be the ability for tenno not in control of the Oro to be able to kill each-other is because that it will bring more tactics to the table. A quick example is that the stalker is about to die, and a tenno is trying to melee him to death. A smart tenno would kill the tenno melee attacking the stalker first, then finish off the stalker and take the Oro. Another reason this would be good is that it would prevent all 7 tenno from just gathering around the stalker and melee spam randomly.


Energy surge will trigger when there is 5 minutes left in the match or when a tenno has 45 seconds left until victory.


Teshin's Quotes

These quotes symbolize what Teshin would be likely to say during the matches in the Conclave.

"There will come times when you are faced with an opponent who's strength outmatches even the combined might of many Tenno. You must learn to rely on your insight and instincts to battle instead of merely power and numbers." {Morec0}



"The mantle has been passed to another." {Morec0}


"There is a new Stalker present." {Wingdude100}


"A tenno has become the first Stalker." {Wingdude100}


List of Names

This is a list of names that are likely to be good for this game-mode. The format for the name list is as follows: [Game name] ; [Official name for the Stalker.] The first name is what I used as explanation in my thread to show the format, and the following names are ranked in order of best to worst, best being on top. Names suggested by other players will be labelled next to the name of the game-mode.


Stalker vs. Tenno ; Stalker (Here is an example of a suggested name) {Wingdude100}


Oro Securus ; Oro Guardian (Securus is Latin for secure, which means to: free from danger, or free from loss, which is a  good description for how this gamemode works.) {Wingdude100}


Oro Capture ; Carrier {Bizarro21}


Oro Champion ; Oro Champion (So original…) {Wingdude100}


Please suggest names, I want to have a list of as many names as I could possibly have for DE to consider. Please try to follow the format that I have made, by having a name for the game-mode itself and a name for the tenno that holds the Oro. If you can give a reason why that name would work, I will be sure to include that reason why. Lastly, tell me what you think of this, and how it can be improved.

Edited by Wingdude100
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With some tweaks, a game mode like this could be pretty fun. It's basically Halo's Juggernaut.


My one major recommendation would be to change the winning conditions from most time spent as "Stalker" to a point system wherein only the Stalker can gain points. Other players could still kill each other, but grabbing their Oro would do nothing unless you are the Stalker.


That changes the game from running and hiding to hunting and killing.


edit: With such a change, the gradual health drain would be removed. That health drain (and the speed loss) didn't really work for me personally, so I guess this change would also work as a way to remove it while still keeping the idea.

Edited by Vyrnaazus
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the fact that you nerf the stalker is ridiculous, I think you should just buff the player who is the stalker; remember there are 7 other people... hunting him... so...


buff running by 50% buff shields by 75% give him valks armor, and buff his damage by 35% and give him dispel, invisibility, slash dash and absorb like the real darn stalker. then it will be a sick fight. and real king of the hill.

Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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it`s pretty fine as it is, only change it needs is the slow coachies on stalker, i think the speed debuff should be to a standard limit (can`t imagine a frost carrying it) like make it always drop to 0.80

also, a name suggestion... Carrier: oro capture

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the fact that you nerf the stalker is ridiculous, I think you should just buff the player who is the stalker; remember there are 7 other people... hunting him... so...


buff running by 50% buff shields by 75% give him valks armor, and buff his damage by 35% and give him dispel, invisibility, slash dash and absorb like the real darn stalker. then it will be a sick fight. and real king of the hill.


Please be aware that Stalker is a placeholder name, and is used to make the game-mode easier to understand.

This isn't supposed to be a game-mode where you ARE the stalker, as I stated in my Original post. A real Stalker game-mode would conflict with the lore of The Conclave. Also, the Stalker shouldn't be nearly impossible to kill because then he's nearly impossible to kill, and that could lead to issues in game.


With some tweaks, a game mode like this could be pretty fun. It's basically Halo's Juggernaut.


My one major recommendation would be to change the winning conditions from most time spent as "Stalker" to a point system wherein only the Stalker can gain points. Other players could still kill each other, but grabbing their Oro would do nothing unless you are the Stalker.


That changes the game from running and hiding to hunting and killing.


edit: With such a change, the gradual health drain would be removed. That health drain (and the speed loss) didn't really work for me personally, so I guess this change would also work as a way to remove it while still keeping the idea.

I really like this suggestion, so I added a new section to my original post.

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"There will come times when you are faced with an opponent who's strength outmatches even the combined might of many Tenno. You must learn to rely on your insight and instincts to battle instead of merely power and numbers."




"The mantle has been passed to another."


"A Tenno has taken the power of the Stalker."


"A new Stalker has arisen."


Obviously Stalker would need to be changed to something else, but I can't think of what it could possibly become at this moment. Maybe just "Chosen"?

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"There will come times when you are faced with an opponent who's strength outmatches even the combined might of many Tenno. You must learn to rely on your insight and instincts to battle instead of merely power and numbers."




"The mantle has been passed to another."


"A Tenno has taken the power of the Stalker."


"A new Stalker has arisen."


Obviously Stalker would need to be changed to something else, but I can't think of what it could possibly become at this moment. Maybe just "Chosen"?

These are nice quotes, forgot that Teshin does these. Added a few of these to the OP.

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