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Raid - Second Mission - Tram Refuses To Go To The Trail End


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During a raid recently the tram stopped moving after reaching the end station of the trail.

The health still decreases over time but it did neither move forward or backward nor did the mission finish.

Here a picture of the scenario...




Please fix this, DE, i had this bug two times now and was not able to complete mission due to this bug!



edit: sorry, please shift it to the bug reports part of the forum. :(

Edited by DarkRuler2500
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Sure of course we tried.

Everyone went away but it didnt move backwards either.

It reached the goal and stopped moving but the mission didn't finish like it should have.

Oh well, that's sad then and must have been a bug, hope it wasn't nightmare raid as getting to that stage adn game bugg-ing would be really really annoying.

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