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My Genuine Feeling On Whats Wrong With This Game (Energy Esage)


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As I said a p42w person would immediately jump in and say I'm wrong. These kinds of people never take into account how ability spam has hurt the entire game community as a whole and simply due to the fact that they CURRENTLY need said spam to play they think obviously they are right. Here's an idea, think about how the game would be more fun if it was balanced in such a way as to NOT be forced to push 1-4 to stay on our feet. Think about WHY we have to press 1-4 constantly and you will  recognize that the gameplay has been set up in such a way that you spam it constantly now because you HAVE to in order to feel you are playing properly when in fact quite the opposite is true.


DE never intended that anyone should be able to do an entire mission pressing one power over and over again to handle every situation, hence why nerfs come round the bend to powers constantly, hence why powers are designed to not allow energy regeneration pads while powers with toggles are in use, hence why EV does not regen energy while said toggles are on, hence why they made energy draining enemies and why they put in nullifiers.


DE has not changed the over arching energy systems and how we use powers because of a general uproar from the community based on tiny small changes. They feel that if they did a new system or majorly reworked the current one that the p42w crowd would basically birth a cow over the ensuing changes. It is clear that DE does not want anyone doing anything in a way that requires little to no thought whatsoever and they are in fact pushing through steady changes that make things far harder on everyone to combat these things. All because of these people that feel like it's ok to stand in one place and press one button or rush room to room pressing one button in every situation.


As far as difficulty is concerned there are plenty of ways to ratchet this up without resorting to 1 shot mechanics. If DE was not always so constantly fixated on thwarting indolent player behaviors they could perhaps actually work on things that matter such as finding a way to remove the artificial difficulty implemented already to thwart said behaviors of slothful individuals. Reworks to AI behaviors and implementation of mechanics OTHER than those designed specifically to reduce our ability spam could actually make the game more difficult and more enjoyable simultaneously. 


The real problem here is the ignorance of people that don't even see that they are at fault for a behavior that while allowed in game, is in fact toxic to the overall health and welfare of the community. It's okay though I suppose, DE did after all give players enough rope to hang themselves.

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The thing with cooldowns is they already exist, due to energy siphon, and yet people aren't hiding in a different room and waiting for their ult while it's equipped. Why? Because actively killing is promoted as well, and because there are more enemies now than when cooldowns existed (so running to another room accomplishes far less). All that has to happen for cooldowns is that they can be shortened drastically by killing enemies (although killing with an ability/while self-buffed by an ability/on enemies affected by an ability wouldn't shorten the cooldown for that ability, it would for the others), and that each ability has its own. Voila, spamming's been dealt with, hiding and waiting has become even less helpful, active play is encouraged, using all four abilities is encouraged, without permanent 95% damage reduction DE had no reason to make enemies do 20X more damage than they should. People who like abilities can use them constantly, just not the map clearing ultimates or powerful CC.

This guy gets it, bravo.

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His earlier post well he did perhaps made it to kill lvl 300 enemies possibly without crashing. but still I do not believe we are op the players play smart and get that far I think it is perfectly normal and good to accomplish.



Peace out again.



Chao, The Roaring Lion Warlord of Shadow Lords


Problem with ranking clans (i'm console and don't look at your ranks) is that the top ten are always gibbed.

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In my opinion , i feel as though what would literally make this game much fairer would be to remove efficiency mods altogether, and instead introduce mods such as energy regen. so basically energy siphon but for individual players. this would help the casters still be casters , but also at the same time ask players to use their primaries, secondaries, and melees, instead of just 4 WIPE OUT WHOLE ROOM, 4 WIPE OUT WHOLE ROOM 4 WIPE OUT WHOLE ROOM.

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In my opinion , i feel as though what would literally make this game much fairer would be to remove efficiency mods altogether, and instead introduce mods such as energy regen. so basically energy siphon but for individual players. this would help the casters still be casters , but also at the same time ask players to use their primaries, secondaries, and melees, instead of just 4 WIPE OUT WHOLE ROOM, 4 WIPE OUT WHOLE ROOM 4 WIPE OUT WHOLE ROOM.

While idea itself is great and i have nothing against it.


It would still require complete rebalance of abilities. 

If 1 costs 1/4th of 4 then it should be 1/4th as effective. As it stands now in most its 1/100th as effective.

Energy regen wont fix that problem, cooldowns could.

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I think that before we resort to cooldowns we can find better ways to balance the game, you know? Fixing up enemy scaling so it is consistient and interesting, alongside fixing up modding so essential mods like Serration don't dictate player progression and progression has its own proper system seems like it would fix a lot more problems a lot better.

Here's an easy bandaid fix, though: Take restores out of the game. Energy restores are used to completely bypass the energy systems gates and it needs to stop happening. We do that, and suddenly restoring energy is no longer so easy.

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I think that before we resort to cooldowns we can find better ways to balance the game, you know? Fixing up enemy scaling so it is consistient and interesting, alongside fixing up modding so essential mods like Serration don't dictate player progression and progression has its own proper system seems like it would fix a lot more problems a lot better.

Here's an easy bandaid fix, though: Take restores out of the game. Energy restores are used to completely bypass the energy systems gates and it needs to stop happening. We do that, and suddenly restoring energy is no longer so easy.

Rather, put long cooldowns on those restores. Although these would have implications, mainly in the raids, but that's probably for the best.

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You say the problem is the ability to efficiently clear rooms with a few press of an ability (aka Press-4-to-Win [P4TW]). Sorry but you could not be more wrong, some abilities must be spam'ed to be effective (Desecration/Energy Vampire) and at higher levels (Enemy Level 60+) even the most optimized damage abilities fall horrible short of being able to clear a room with "a few casts". Then you toss things like Parasitic/Nullifiers in to the mix and you find out how horribly inadequate damage based abilities are.


Really the things that need to be addressed are not power consumption is power scale ability, by building in static numbers in the ability damage it means that they will always become ineffective.


If YOU find the game "to easy" or "trivial" then try harder content, Tower 4 end-less missions offers quite a large amount of difficulty of you choose to go past 40 or 60 minutes.



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Then some abilities shouldnt ever be spammed like every aoe cc, buffs or actually energy vampire.


Then even desecrate wouldnt need to be spammed if it simply had 100% chance.

Edited by Davoodoo
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