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Death To The Rollers!


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What? The rollers? No, why do you hate those? Everyone loves them so much. I really hope they don't take them out of the game because they are the best ever. I don't see how you could possibly find any flaw in them.

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There are so many options to destroy the rollers;


1) Stand on higher ground 

2) Shoot them as they chase your team mates

3) Do the wallrun while shooting

4) Use your uber skill


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I agree with the OP, rollers need to go. They are poorly designed and just a general pain in the a**.


What? The rollers? No, why do you hate those? Everyone loves them so much. I really hope they don't take them out of the game because they are the best ever. I don't see how you could possibly find any flaw in them.


If you were being serious, you should probably see a doctor. If you were being sarcastic, well played.


Aaaaaand we are back to this circle jerk again. Rollers are fine, they don't need fixing, it's very hard to get permastunned.


Now, see, you're a prime example of why I don't trust founders. They are almost always biased.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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In case you don't remember there was a threat not too long ago I made sever post where I thoroughly explained what rollers are and what they supposed to do and that they do it just fine. If you want I can try looking for a link but that guy with which I was arguing got me mad thus resulted in poor reply. Also founders are nice well most of them are but there are still a few C*** out there no matter founder or not.

Edited by GoneM4d
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In case you don't remember there was a threat not too long ago I made sever post where I thoroughly explained what rollers are and what they supposed to do and that they do it just fine. If you want I can try looking for a link but that guy with which I was arguing got me mad thus resulted in poor reply. Also founders are nice well most of them are but there are still a few C*** out there no matter founder or not.


Look, if you're still going to defend them, rollers are poorly designed enemies. That's literally all there is to it - if you still can't accept that then I guess you'll just have to get your panties in a knot when the devs remove them, which WILL happen, sooner or later. At the very least, they'll get a complete overhaul. There are simply too many people in favor of removing them for the devs to just ignore it all, just look at the poll on the wiki.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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Does this need explaining? i CAN'T be the only person who hates those damned guneer rollers. they are nigh-impossible to hit, stun lock you like crazy, and are generally a massive pain in the &#!.

The rollers have done their job well I see.

I like the rollers. They're easy to dodge really, but once they get you, they will get you good.

People need to learn to play instead of wanting things taken out of games so they can steamroll everything.

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At first I was all for taking the rollers out, but personally, I don't mind them much. I've died at least once because of them, but mostly, they're just agitating jerkmuffins. They're not OP in any sense. A few shots and they're down. I think most people's problems with them is that they're not large, easy to hit targets like the Grineer and Corpus. They actually require some skill to get rid of or some clever thinking. 

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At first I was all for taking the rollers out, but personally, I don't mind them much. I've died at least once because of them, but mostly, they're just agitating jerkmuffins. They're not OP in any sense. A few shots and they're down. I think most people's problems with them is that they're not large, easy to hit targets like the Grineer and Corpus. They actually require some skill to get rid of or some clever thinking. 


The fact that they are agitating is exactly why they should be removed. No enemy should be agitating, no matter how challenging it is, since that means that it is poorly designed and representing false difficulty.  I'm looking at YOU, Jasper Batt Jr. Either way, my point stands. Either remove the rollers altogether, or replace them with something new. Preferably the latter.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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At first I was all for taking the rollers out, but personally, I don't mind them much. I've died at least once because of them, but mostly, they're just agitating jerkmuffins. They're not OP in any sense. A few shots and they're down. I think most people's problems with them is that they're not large, easy to hit targets like the Grineer and Corpus. They actually require some skill to get rid of or some clever thinking. 

I agree. I do think the problem is more when they come with friends.


1 is fine.

2 is er ok.

3 is hmmm.

4 is o ffs omfg.

5 is headbutt keyboard.

6 is come to forums and scream blue murder.




I'm looking for some support for my new boss idea https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/48783-tenno-i-challenge-you-boss-design/#entry502680 I'm at the bottom.

Edited by stacey69
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1 is fine.

2 is er ok.

3 is hmmm.

4 is o ffs omfg.

5 is headbutt keyboard.

6 is come to forums and scream blue murder.


Depending on the circumstances, 1 can actually be pretty bad. For example, on it's own, a single roller can be taken care of with a bit of a persistance and a LOT of jump attacks (unless you're using a weapon with practically no AoE at all, in which case you're going to get rather frustrated), but if it happens to jump you when you're in the line of fire of a bunch of marines, if not actually in the marines faces meleeing them, you are in for a whole world of pain, especially on higher levels where enemies can drop your shields in a few seconds. Bonus points if there's a heavy unit approaching.

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I personally hate them. 

You can hear the sound they make from afar and you say to yourself "Oh boy, here we go." 


And I'll be honest, rollers are one of the well designed and balanced enemy in this game. They aren't OP, but at the same time, causes you difficulty and frustration - as all enemies should.

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Look, if you're still going to defend them, rollers are poorly designed enemies. That's literally all there is to it - if you still can't accept that then I guess you'll just have to get your panties in a knot when the devs remove them, which WILL happen, sooner or later. At the very least, they'll get a complete overhaul. There are simply too many people in favor of removing them for the devs to just ignore it all, just look at the poll on the wiki.

There are over 1000000 people playing this game and wiki got under a 1000 votes which is less than 1%, Additionally if rolles were such a big problem as you guys make it out to be there would be waaay more, waaaaay more people on the forums complaining and yet there are still only few. Rollers are a simple unit that has one job which is to roll toward warframe and attack+stunn him once every 3-8 seconds, if you manage to get more than 3 rollers attacking you at the same time, it's not the games fault for your failure to kill them earlier. Rollers are easy to kill and cannot get you perma-stunned unless you were collecting rollers from all over the map and put yourself in corner intentionally.

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