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Ancient Relics - Adding To The In-Game Experience


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I was playing a solo mission trying to find hidden rooms in the game, enjoying the scenery, running around and I just came with a great idea. In-game depth to this game can be widely improved with this. Here it goes:

A) THE IDEA (this is written before update 8)


Every level's hidden rooms or areas (only the most difficult to get or find) will contain a

special container that will have 2/3 chance to drop an "Ancient relic". The area doesn't have to be a hidden room, it can be an area that no-one really pays attention to, even without lockers. This container can spawn only once per mission and there is 55% not to spawn at all. All players can get the drop, but not necessairily easy, as accessibility might be restricted for certain warframes and may need supportive abilities like the "Bounce" of Vauban to reach the area that the relic is hidden or simply find a way to get there.



Relics were ancient Tenno artifacts formed by Council engineers resembling the form of

small-scale Warframe prototype models, also known as the "Prime designs". The first ever Prime design was built by Trevor Lotus, a formidable engineer with an unknown identity, species and origins. The traces of his designs were found and followed by the Council and adopted models were manufactured and tested in small scales (miniatures), as a form of the so called "Relics", then after a series of tests were produced in large quantities and scales and distributed with their respective blueprints. The lore claims that the first-ever designs by Trevor Lotus are said to be hold in a location not known to be discovered by any species but the designs were somehow found in various locations around the universe. The reason behind this is unknown but the lore claims that Trevor himself offered his designs as a form of goodwill. The relics are now found either lost in various locations or found and kept as a rare entity by various parties.



From the developper point of view, Relic markers can be placed in each tileset (only visible to the developpers) and one of them randomly will spawn the relic container. All markers will be in hidden rooms or locations that require acrobatics. For example, an empty transferring vehicle that is stopped in the rail mechanisms can have a relic container inside it (see picture 1).



Relics will be another form of resource (like rubedo), but will have a different object entity (resembling a small "warframe model" instead of the "cog" object). They will be used to purchase ancient Orokin weapons and armor (like alternative helmets but armor)that can be added into the game.



1) "Track" Objective: Working only as a form of an alert, "Track" objective, will have no objective marker but only a marker leading to the extraction, so that players have to search and find the container somewhere in the level. Lotus will announce in the beginning that rumors claim that a relic may exist in that area. Track objectives have a 100% chance to have a container having a 95% drop of an ancient relic. The other 5% will drop the blueprint for "the Glaive", the most ancient weapon in the game (or at least speculated to be).

2) Random hidden drops in all levels: Relics might not always be in a level. A chance of 45% will allow for the crate to appear somewhere in the mission, always in a well-hidden area specified by the marker (explained in C)and the chance of the actual relic container dropping a relic is 70%. The rest 30% will drop the Jaw sword blueprint or any reward which is equivalent to this rarity.



1) Relic "farming" will be a specific farming that players will establish, searching in parties for relics.

2) Acrobatics and acrobatic abilities will be put on a good use.

3) Different types of relics may exist, one for individual players obtained in normal missions and one for clan missions allowing two different types of farming.

4) Players will establish "search-guides" allowing for other players to spot hidden locations. Therefore, a search guide will include all possible hidden locations in each tileset.

5) Intermidiate players will know all hidden locations of all tilesets by heart.

6) Forum posts with search guides and Youtube videos will be created by the players.

7) Exploits will allow players to get a significant advantage over other players in farming so I would advice the release of this system WITHOUT any prices (like armors etc.) so that testing, observation and feedback from the players will allow the system to work fully and then prices to be entered in the market or the clan market. The first possible exploit that will be attempted is the Banshee's sonar ability to find the container.

8) Loot mods will be put into use.

9) Easy tilesets to spot a container can have lower chance of dropping a relic.

Picture 1: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/5527099/pics/original/1752567.jpg

Edited by wertandrew
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