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Environmental Modifiers: A Rework Ii


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Cryo Leak

Ice all over the place (like it is already). All units run speed is slowed 5%. Melee is 10% slower (including charge time). weapon swap and reload is slower. All freeze damage +50%. Stamina recharge rate -20%. Air ducts and pipe leaks are pouring out a blue vapor like mist that is super cold. Units that step into mist are slowed by 60% for 3 seconds and take some cold damage. Units on the ice have a hard time moving (slipping a lot). Starting to move is very slow and stoping takes a long time (will probably slide off the ice before stopping).

Frost is immune.

can't happen on "outdoor" maps

Lotus informs: The ships Cryo chambers have malfunctioned. You'll feel a bit sluggish.


Self Destruct

Panels all over are occasionally discharging for a second, causing 1 second (and not longer) stun and minor electricity damage. All electricity damage is increased 50%. 20-30 minute timer is in place. (cinematic of ship exploding if timer counts all the way down).

Volt is immune (maybe gets energy).

Having Lightning rod reduces damage, 

Lotus informs: The ship is going to self destruct. You need to do this fast, and keep clear of energy overloads.


Ship is Under Attack

random fires all over the place, corpses in random locations. Random atmosphere leak in random location in the room occasionally and self seal after 30 seconds. breach causes a slight drag on all units (like Vauban's vortex) that are near. some tremors causing all units to chance a stumble.

Rhino does not stumble

Lotus informs:Stay on your toes, the ship is getting bombarded with enemy fire.


Over Oxygenation

Colors are saturated. All fire damage is increased 50%. stamina max +20%. stamina recharge rate +20%.

Ember does not take increased damage from fire.

Lotus informs: Take a deep breath, Tenno. And steer clear of fires!


Engine Ion Leak

All units with shields (if any) start at full and have a 1% reduction applied every 12 seconds (5% in one minute) to a cap of 50% in 10 minutes. Sheild recharge rate -20%.

Lotus informs: The ships engines are having issues. Mind your shields.


Radiation Leak

Corpses in random locations. When a unit looses shields, they are instantly "irradiated" for 30 seconds at 1 health per second. Units without shields are only irradiated once. edges of screen blink red while irradiated (like when poisoned by a toxic). A radiation based frame would be immune. 

Lotus informs: The ship is radiated. don't loose your shields, even for a moment!


Electro Magnetic Pulse

Max energy is reduced 20%. energy pickups give 20, instead of 25. Energy siphon is reduced to 1 every 3 seconds. Magnetic damage +50%. Occasionally, a "wave" of energy (looks like volts shield) passes through the ship, causing robotics to be stunned for a second, panels to over load causing electricity damage and stuns nearby units. HUDs are distorted for one second (like with disruptor hit).

Mag and Volt are immune.

Lotus informs: I'm detecting a lot of EM. you'll need to find extra power for this mission.


Ship Wide Lock Down

Every room of the ship is locked and must be hacked to be opened independently from the last room. Enemies are always looking for Tenno. (should not happen in single player)

Lotus informs: There are other Tenno aboard, and have already been spotted. you'll need to do this room by room.


Merchant Ship

This ship has 2 times drop of all resources and credits. Consequently, all enemies have increased level (standard level x 1.5 or something mildly significant)

Lotus informs: Take everything from this ship! We'll need it.


Gravity Plate Malfunction

The artificial gravity is malfunctioning. Canisters are floating, slowly spinning in place. Jump duration is increased 200% (3x jump height, and 3x range jump kicking), Wall running uses 1/3 stamina. Excalibur's and Vauban's jump really shine here! 

can't happen on planet maps. 

Lotus informs: The gravity plating on this ship is not working properly. remember your zero-g training.


Computer Virus

All AI units (osprey, MOA, grinders, etc.) attack anyone and sentinel shuts down randomly for a few seconds. Rooms randomly lockdown and unlock. laser doors and turrets randomly activate/deactivate. elevators randomly move. Hacks are tougher.

Lotus informs: Our enemies are attacking this location remotely, stay sharp and be ready for anything!


Battle Ravaged

Much of the ship is falling apart. What was an easily navigated tile is now wreckage with coolant lines leaking (being frosted), plasma lines spouting (fire damage), and electrical lines shorting (electricity damage). Occasionally debris falls from the ceiling. power is on but only enough for life support and doors. no alarms can be triggered.

Lotus informs: This place is falling apart. watch out for hazards. anything can break here.


---On Trigger Events---

These would happen when a corpus crewmen or grineer soldier hit a button, some destructible is destroyed (i.e. a window), a trap is triggered by a Tenno, or the Tenno hacks to make it happen....


Hual Breach

When a window is broken (and all windows should be breakable), a decompression sequence starts (this is already in the game, but only one window can break). a lockdown starts and the breach is sealed automatically in 10 seconds (it just makes sense!). Players still need to hack to reopen the room. During the time the atmosphere is escaping, all units take health damage at 5 health per second (bypasses shields). also, any loose items are sucked to the location (like Vauban's vortex) and all units stumble. can't happen on planet maps. 



Anytime the enemies are alerted to the presents of Tenno, the player may attempt to hack a REALLY hard cypher (12+hex's to hack). This will cause the enemies to return to normal alert mode (unalerted), and not respawn.



Players can start a lockdown on their own by performing a REALLY hard hack (12+hex's to hack).


Low Gravity

Players can shut down the gravity amps for a short duration (1 minute) by performing a hard hack (8+hex's to hack), causeing the Low gravity effects listed above for a single room.


Neural Toxin

Upon Corpus or Grineer activation, toxic chemicals are pumped into the room. All bio form units take poison damage. It is stopped with a hack. Does not happen more than twice a mission. Saryn and toxic ancients/crawlers are immune.

Lotus informs in a strangely creepy yet familiar female voice: Studies find that test subjects did not perform well when put in a room with deadly neural toxin. Saryn is immune to the poison



Cryo Pipe Burst

Upon being hit with enough damage, a pipe with coolant or cryo fluids bursts and sprays an area. anything in the area takes frost damage and the effect. Automatic safeties activate in 10 seconds, stopping the hazard. Frost is immune to the damage. 


Plasma Conduit Cut

Upon being hit with enough damage, a conduit with plasma bursts and spouts plasma in the area. anything in the area takes fire damage. Automatic safeties activate in 10 seconds, stopping the hazard. Ember is immune to the damage. 


Electrical Line Severed

Upon being hit with enough damage, a conduit with electricity running through it is severed. anything in the area takes electricity damage and the tenno HUD is distorted. Automatic safeties activate in 10 seconds, stopping the hazard. Volt is immune to the damage. 

Explosive Barrels(Yes, these are already in the game, but lets face it, they are virtually ignored.)

Explosive Barrels are set throughout the maps and indicated as such with red labeling. they increase in damage with level as well as armor. The number of yellow stripes indicates its explosive yield. Embur takes 50% less damage. 

Toxic Barrels

Green Barrels throughout the level will leak toxic gasses upon being hit with enough damage. the number of blue stripes indicates the toxicity level. Saryn is immune to the poison

Slime Barrels

Gray like barrels will spill a slime on the floor that will greatly slow the movement speed of anyone who steps in the goo.




Cryo: Currently cryo levels are irritating because the enemy isnt affected too. Your idea is an excellent one because it is both balanced and it makes sense. However, I think that Frost should be even stronger here.


Self Destruct: The idea makes much more sense than the current "Fire everywhere" Idea. It would also add much more pressure to the mission. However, this one SHOULD NOT happen on boss missions because of the length of your average boss fight.


Ship Under Attack: Good idea, but lets expand on that a little more. The rooms shouldn't just breach, there should be some effects. A big explosion that throws everyone back wards from it and leaves a large hole in the floor (Falling in just teleports you to its edge like a normal fall). That breach cannot be closed and the door must be hacked open to leave and enter, both times resulting in the other room temporarily losing atmosphere. Otherwise, people are stumbled and some lights explode, ceiling panels fall, etc.


Over Oxygenation: Interesting but there should be a penalty on fire. It shouldn't just do more damage, using a fire weapon should cause a fire blast around the offender that does minor damage and staggers. Since you have more stamina, you could just use your melee weapons, which are not affected. Also, exploding barrels and grenades should have a much bigger AOE. Ember should also get a little extra amp.


Ion Leak: Excellent.


Irradiation: Saryn shouldn't be affected by the rads, that girl is poison. I would suggest that units without shields be slowed because of the radiation, due to the fact that their armor somehow makes up for the lack of shielding but cannot totally protect them. Actually, Saryn's poison should be MORE effective in this environment, but also more unpredictable, ex. having varying damage, randomly confusing enemies, etc.


EMP: Great idea here. I love the concept of "WAVE!" *Massive wave of energy and exploding power conduits*. Wonderful. Perhaps the wave somehow empowers Volt and Mag for a few seconds.


Ship Wide Lockdown: At first I though this would be brutally unfair, then I realized locked rooms prevents reinforcements. You only have to deal with one room at a time, but running is harder. Another suggestion: Every so often a special unit attacks, who can open doors to catch fleeing Tenno. Also, enemies should be able to vent the air from the room at a terminal and you must hack it back in.


Merchant Ship: YES. @(*()$... YES.


Gravity Malfunction: Interesting but perhaps there should be a possibility of INCREASED gravity with the opposite effects, and the bonus of it knockdowns being more brutal. As for low-G, aiming should be harder because of the recoil in a low gravity environment.


Computer Virus: Excellent idea, maybe have the lights go out occasionally as it messes up the power supply. Also, the Dethcube should be randomly shut down as well. Shield drones cant fight anything, so how about they randomly latch a shield to someone and then suicide bomb them?


Battle Ravaged: Wonderful. I love the idea of picking through a derelict looking for its data cores, but rescue missions should be disabled and captives should be wearing pressure suits. Also, the dialog for a sabotage mission should be changed to something along the lines of "We have to destroy the reactor and blow up the ship before it impacts a civilian colony" or some such.


Hull Breach: The direct health damage should be delayed. Computer virus should also cause the vents to have to be hacked manually. Your health should only start dropping after a few seconds because your shields still hold some air in. Enemies near the breach should be pulled out and Tenno should be knocked down if near it.


Alarm: Very nice, would help with the "SPESS NINJA" feel if you could end the alert.


Lockdown: Interesting and a good idea, I could see Tenno locking themselves in a room with a heavy unit so they could take him down without interference


Low Gravity: Great idea for those big open areas inside Grineer ships and the Corpus factory rooms.


Neural Toxin; Would be irritating but thanks to the limit of twice, a good feature. Could be disasterous in a fight with the Moas though. Perhaps it should take a few seconds to begin working to give you a bit of breathing room (heh heh)?


Coolent Pipes: Great Idea here.


Plasma Lines: Again, Wonderfull.


Electrical Line: Volt should get a buff to his next ability but if he doesn't use it in the next 10 seconds he takes damage from the overload.


Explosive Barrels: Nice idea with the scaling, currently these things are laughable later on. Perhaps let Mag pull them?


Toxic Barrels: Again, Mag should be able to pull it.


Slime Barrels: Same, mag can pull. Perhaps make these freeze the feet of anyone standing on them to the floor during a cryo level or a frost blast, stunning them for a few seconds? Also, it should be flammable so if it touches a fire the whole thing should go up


Wonderful ideas all, they would make the game so much more immersive.

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This was a forum post a while back. I revamped it and posted it to the wikia blogs (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Juper0/Environmental_Modifiers:_Rework). got a lot of good feedback. The devs also mentioned something like this in live stream 6. so i am continuing to edit this with hope that some of this gets into the game one day! 


I know its a text wall, but its an easy read with a bit of humor. please read/skim through and let me know what you think. thanks! 


Currently in the randomizer of map making, there are options that will make the environment effect the players.

->  cryo leak: 1/2 shields

->  self destruct: fires in random locations. fire attacks do more damage

->  haul breach: shields drain, room is locked, and audio is reduced (low pass filter applied) and visual is blurred.

so, 2 of these 3 don't make any sense, and the third only a little. I like them and would enjoy some more work on them, however. and I think there can be a lot more. I know they will not make it into UD8, but maybe this will get in eventually. the rest is a rework idea and some additions: (all units = players and enemies).

The numbers may not be perfect yet, but I'm thinking this will really help out with the randomization of maps and keep players thinking about who else is on their team. Sometimes, other frames may have bonuses! some of these things can even be added to the same mission, but some need to NEVER be added at the same time. sometimes some modifiers are actually impossible. Some of these ideas here could be applied at the start of a mission, or after the objective has been complete. Each event would occur once throughout 20 missions or so, meaning that 8 missions are done under "optimal conditions" (no modifiers). 


Cryo Leak

Ice all over the place (like it is already). All units run speed is slowed 5%. Melee is 10% slower (including charge time). weapon swap and reload is slower. All freeze damage +50%. Stamina recharge rate -20%. Air ducts and pipe leaks are pouring out a blue vapor like mist that is super cold. Units that step into mist are slowed by 60% for 3 seconds and take some cold damage. Units on the ice have a hard time moving (slipping a lot). Starting to move is very slow and stoping takes a long time (will probably slide off the ice before stopping).

Frost is immune.

can't happen on "outdoor" maps

Lotus informs: The ships Cryo chambers have malfunctioned. You'll feel a bit sluggish.


Self Destruct

Panels all over are occasionally discharging for a second, causing 1 second (and not longer) stun and minor electricity damage. All electricity damage is increased 50%. 20-30 minute timer is in place. (cinematic of ship exploding if timer counts all the way down).

Volt is immune (maybe gets energy).

Having Lightning rod reduces damage, 

Lotus informs: The ship is going to self destruct. You need to do this fast, and keep clear of energy overloads.


Ship is Under Attack

random fires all over the place, corpses in random locations. Random atmosphere leak in random location in the room occasionally and self seal after 30 seconds. breach causes a slight drag on all units (like Vauban's vortex) that are near. some tremors causing all units to chance a stumble.

Rhino does not stumble

Lotus informs:Stay on your toes, the ship is getting bombarded with enemy fire.


Over Oxygenation

Colors are saturated. All fire damage is increased 50%. stamina max +20%. stamina recharge rate +20%.

Ember does not take increased damage from fire.

Lotus informs: Take a deep breath, Tenno. And steer clear of fires!


Engine Ion Leak

All units with shields (if any) start at full and have a 1% reduction applied every 12 seconds (5% in one minute) to a cap of 50% in 10 minutes. Sheild recharge rate -20%.

Lotus informs: The ships engines are having issues. Mind your shields.


Radiation Leak

Corpses in random locations. When a unit looses shields, they are instantly "irradiated" for 30 seconds at 1 health per second. Units without shields are only irradiated once. edges of screen blink red while irradiated (like when poisoned by a toxic). A radiation based frame would be immune. 

Lotus informs: The ship is radiated. don't loose your shields, even for a moment!


Electro Magnetic Pulse

Max energy is reduced 20%. energy pickups give 20, instead of 25. Energy siphon is reduced to 1 every 3 seconds. Magnetic damage +50%. Occasionally, a "wave" of energy (looks like volts shield) passes through the ship, causing robotics to be stunned for a second, panels to over load causing electricity damage and stuns nearby units. HUDs are distorted for one second (like with disruptor hit).

Mag and Volt are immune.

Lotus informs: I'm detecting a lot of EM. you'll need to find extra power for this mission.


Ship Wide Lock Down

Every room of the ship is locked and must be hacked to be opened independently from the last room. Enemies are always looking for Tenno. (should not happen in single player)

Lotus informs: There are other Tenno aboard, and have already been spotted. you'll need to do this room by room.


Merchant Ship

This ship has 2 times drop of all resources and credits. Consequently, all enemies have increased level (standard level x 1.5 or something mildly significant)

Lotus informs: Take everything from this ship! We'll need it.


Gravity Plate Malfunction

The artificial gravity is malfunctioning. Canisters are floating, slowly spinning in place. Jump duration is increased 200% (3x jump height, and 3x range jump kicking), Wall running uses 1/3 stamina. Excalibur's and Vauban's jump really shine here! 

can't happen on planet maps. 

Lotus informs: The gravity plating on this ship is not working properly. remember your zero-g training.


Computer Virus

All AI units (osprey, MOA, grinders, etc.) attack anyone and sentinel shuts down randomly for a few seconds. Rooms randomly lockdown and unlock. laser doors and turrets randomly activate/deactivate. elevators randomly move. Hacks are tougher.

Lotus informs: Our enemies are attacking this location remotely, stay sharp and be ready for anything!


Battle Ravaged

Much of the ship is falling apart. What was an easily navigated tile is now wreckage with coolant lines leaking (being frosted), plasma lines spouting (fire damage), and electrical lines shorting (electricity damage). Occasionally debris falls from the ceiling. power is on but only enough for life support and doors. no alarms can be triggered.

Lotus informs: This place is falling apart. watch out for hazards. anything can break here.


---On Trigger Events---

These would happen when a corpus crewmen or grineer soldier hit a button, some destructible is destroyed (i.e. a window), a trap is triggered by a Tenno, or the Tenno hacks to make it happen....


Hual Breach

When a window is broken (and all windows should be breakable), a decompression sequence starts (this is already in the game, but only one window can break). a lockdown starts and the breach is sealed automatically in 10 seconds (it just makes sense!). Players still need to hack to reopen the room. During the time the atmosphere is escaping, all units take health damage at 5 health per second (bypasses shields). also, any loose items are sucked to the location (like Vauban's vortex) and all units stumble. can't happen on planet maps. 



Anytime the enemies are alerted to the presents of Tenno, the player may attempt to hack a REALLY hard cypher (12+hex's to hack). This will cause the enemies to return to normal alert mode (unalerted), and not respawn.



Players can start a lockdown on their own by performing a REALLY hard hack (12+hex's to hack).


Low Gravity

Players can shut down the gravity amps for a short duration (1 minute) by performing a hard hack (8+hex's to hack), causeing the Low gravity effects listed above for a single room.


Neural Toxin

Upon Corpus or Grineer activation, toxic chemicals are pumped into the room. All bio form units take poison damage. It is stopped with a hack. Does not happen more than twice a mission. Saryn and toxic ancients/crawlers are immune.

Lotus informs in a strangely creepy yet familiar female voice: Studies find that test subjects did not perform well when put in a room with deadly neural toxin. Saryn is immune to the poison



Cryo Pipe Burst

Upon being hit with enough damage, a pipe with coolant or cryo fluids bursts and sprays an area. anything in the area takes frost damage and the effect. Automatic safeties activate in 10 seconds, stopping the hazard. Frost is immune to the damage. 


Plasma Conduit Cut

Upon being hit with enough damage, a conduit with plasma bursts and spouts plasma in the area. anything in the area takes fire damage. Automatic safeties activate in 10 seconds, stopping the hazard. Ember is immune to the damage. 


Electrical Line Severed

Upon being hit with enough damage, a conduit with electricity running through it is severed. anything in the area takes electricity damage and the tenno HUD is distorted. Automatic safeties activate in 10 seconds, stopping the hazard. Volt is immune to the damage. 

Explosive Barrels(Yes, these are already in the game, but lets face it, they are virtually ignored.)

Explosive Barrels are set throughout the maps and indicated as such with red labeling. they increase in damage with level as well as armor. The number of yellow stripes indicates its explosive yield. Embur takes 50% less damage. 

Toxic Barrels

Green Barrels throughout the level will leak toxic gasses upon being hit with enough damage. the number of blue stripes indicates the toxicity level. Saryn is immune to the poison

Slime Barrels

Gray like barrels will spill a slime on the floor that will greatly slow the movement speed of anyone who steps in the goo.






well i hope they put this depending on the map if the ever do this type of change would be nice and gives every map a new feel 

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Every single one of these should have a counterplay option (IE dont touch the fire or the discharging panels). That's the reason why I hate the current ice thingy, it halves my shields without letting me do anything about it

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Every single one of these should have a counterplay option (IE dont touch the fire or the discharging panels). That's the reason why I hate the current ice thingy, it halves my shields without letting me do anything about it


It could be made like Metroid where certain rooms are obviously leaking space-cryo fluid and extremely foggy. Being in these rooms would rapidly ice your shields. The same could be done for the hot rooms (replace ice fog with heat haze), but then the two hazards would be too similar...

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I like the custom enviromental hazards benefiting some warframes. So players taking on the missions can benefit more if they have a few to chose from. Also, if it's a defense mission it can help someone out in a tight spot more than just your own aoe. It's just more to be mindful about, but benefiting a player who actually is mindful, and knows how to manipulate the map.


I like the radiation leak idea too as a mission of it's own. Say you cannot heal damage at all even from health globes, but shield globes are dropped instead or something ? cause during radiation leaks cells are constantly being mutated. /storywise anyway

Maybe even become increasingly hard like defense missions... you reach milestones on the map and have the option to leave or move on... moving on becomes increasingly harder and you cannot heal once the shield is gone, but rewards for each milestone is bigger.


Also like the revamping of lotus's alert messages and such cause sometimes it seems odd she is warning of this and that faction being "alerted" or entering a ship belonging to Grineer when an entirely different faction is what you're fighting. I mean, even if it was taken over by someone else, she should sort of be in the know as to why you're being sent there. If actual factions you're fighting are advertised, or factions taken out of the messages altogether just to imply it's a generic missions, and whoever you're going to fight is not important to the mission (this will not work on exterminate missions of course) ... having generic mission statements from her completely ignoring the race you fight, and focusing on the task at hand sort of helps to "elevate" the status of a tenno warrior compared to whatever he/she is fighting.

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Thanks for the input guys. I am constantly reworking the OP to fit new ideas in. i'll make some changes today.

I keep hearing about how Saryn should get an immunity/buff from the radiation type (I have many places I am getting input from). but she is poison based. not radiation. Once there is a radiation based frame, and i am sure there will be, then it would get an immunity/buff from that type.

Keep the input coming all, and let all your friends know about this thread. the more that see it, the more likely DE will see it and decide that its a good idea to implement.

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To evilkyle24 who said a lot of stuff about Op. here are my responses.

Cryo: All cold damage gets a buff. so everything frost does gets buffed.

Self Destruct: True. or the timer needs to start after the fight... or something to keep it from being stupid.

Ship Under Attack: I think your idea is a bit overkill. these are suppose to modify the environments, not kill the progress of the mission...

Over Oxygenation:Ember does because because all fire damage is increased. extending AoE's might be a good idea, but otherwise i don't want one envi mod to have completely outshine the others in terms of how it boosts an element. adding abilities to melee might be too much... though, its a fun idea.

Ion Leak: thanks. it was my personal response to the idea of degrading shields.

Irradiation: Saryn should be as i don't think that she should be immune to "radiation." she does not use radiation. she is poison. and there is a poison type mod here. a radiation type frame would be immune.

EMP: That is a good idea. I don't want a warframe specific buff for any of these, but rather a buff to anything that uses electricity/magnetics. there already is a buff to magnetic damage which only the mag frame can take advantage. I might need to find a place for volt. also all the others, like tryn and vaub, might need something.

Ship Wide Lockdown:idk about the venting the air thing... but the special units are cool. i got a list of idea for units almost as detailed as this list of environmental ideas.

Merchant Ship:I thought of this cause i think that with all the bad things that can happen it would be a good idea to give the tenno some random reward they can work for. something extra that can come up and it actually makes it feel like DE loves us. =]

Gravity Malfunction:based on your idea here, i added the extra grav mod. i didn't add anything about aiming, but then that got me thinking about what another person said about night vision and i made the idea about smoke/fog. also, the valley i live in is full of smoke from a nearby fire as i type this.... =[

Computer Virus: This was another persons idea that i revamped. making it mess with the lights too is good. i'll add that. all sentinels (including the dethcube) will randomly shut down. haha. making the shield drones shield tenno would be pretty funny!

Battle Ravaged:i think your getting excited here. idk if the tenno care that a ship is about to crash into a civilian colony. and i was thinking that the ship was more adrift than hurdling towards a planet... also about the planet maps? i do agree that the rescue missions might be bit odd, but maybe it was part of the escape plan? anyway, this would be the most intensive envi mod as it would require the most reword of a tile set. why would the captive be wearing a pressure suit?

Hull Breach:I was thinking that the warframes were bad &#! enough that they remained standing, but its hard. i see the whole delay on health. maybe i add that to the list...

Alarm: indeed =]

Lockdown: this was thought up of the idea that normal enemies would continue to flood in during a boss fight. i don't like that they can't. it makes no sense and then most bosses are damage sponges and having normal enemies would require us to think more about it. maybe solos don't need extra enemies, but team fights for sure do!

Low Gravity: EXACTLY!

Neural Toxin: i think that its part of the gme that some things have an advantage you were not expecting. besides, the virus knocks out all AI's...

Coolent Pipes:thanks. i have another idea in the works for this, but i want to think about it some more.

Plasma Lines: again, thanks. same as above.

Electrical Line:interesting idea.... also, same as above.

Explosive Barrels:mag pull is a great idea. added!

Toxic Barrels: same as above

Slime Barrels:idk about making them flamable... but i ll think about it.

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Cryo: All cold damage gets a buff. so everything frost does gets buffed.

Self Destruct: True. or the timer needs to start after the fight... or something to keep it from being stupid.

Ship Under Attack: I think your idea is a bit overkill. these are suppose to modify the environments, not kill the progress of the mission...

Over Oxygenation:Ember does because because all fire damage is increased. extending AoE's might be a good idea, but otherwise i don't want one envi mod to have completely outshine the others in terms of how it boosts an element. adding abilities to melee might be too much... though, its a fun idea.

Irradiation: Saryn should be as i don't think that she should be immune to "radiation." she does not use radiation. she is poison. and there is a poison type mod here. a radiation type frame would be immune.

EMP: That is a good idea. I don't want a warframe specific buff for any of these, but rather a buff to anything that uses electricity/magnetics. there already is a buff to magnetic damage which only the mag frame can take advantage. I might need to find a place for volt. also all the others, like tryn and vaub, might need something.

Ship Wide Lockdown:idk about the venting the air thing... but the special units are cool. i got a list of idea for units almost as detailed as this list of environmental ideas.

Merchant Ship:I thought of this cause i think that with all the bad things that can happen it would be a good idea to give the tenno some random reward they can work for. something extra that can come up and it actually makes it feel like DE loves us. =]

Gravity Malfunction:based on your idea here, i added the extra grav mod. i didn't add anything about aiming, but then that got me thinking about what another person said about night vision and i made the idea about smoke/fog. also, the valley i live in is full of smoke from a nearby fire as i type this.... =[

Computer Virus: This was another persons idea that i revamped. making it mess with the lights too is good. i'll add that. all sentinels (including the dethcube) will randomly shut down. haha. making the shield drones shield tenno would be pretty funny!

Battle Ravaged:i think your getting excited here. idk if the tenno care that a ship is about to crash into a civilian colony. and i was thinking that the ship was more adrift than hurdling towards a planet... also about the planet maps? i do agree that the rescue missions might be bit odd, but maybe it was part of the escape plan? anyway, this would be the most intensive envi mod as it would require the most reword of a tile set. why would the captive be wearing a pressure suit?

Hull Breach:I was thinking that the warframes were bad &#! enough that they remained standing, but its hard. i see the whole delay on health. maybe i add that to the list...

Lockdown: this was thought up of the idea that normal enemies would continue to flood in during a boss fight. i don't like that they can't. it makes no sense and then most bosses are damage sponges and having normal enemies would require us to think more about it. maybe solos don't need extra enemies, but team fights for sure do!

Neural Toxin: i think that its part of the game that some things have an advantage you were not expecting. besides, the virus knocks out all AI's...

Explosive Barrels:mag pull is a great idea. added!

Toxic Barrels: same as above

Slime Barrels:idk about making them flamable... but i ll think about it.


Cryo: Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't make the connection.


Self Destruct: The timer could start after the fight to make it less irritating, good idea. Doesn't make sense for the ship to be Self Destructing whilst a VIP was onboard.


Ship Under Attack: The blasts would have to have safe zones, such as it cannot blow a security panel and leave you stuck in the room. I could see how the doors locking and the panel breaking would be a problem. How about a lightshow of the ships firing at each other when you look out of windows, or weapons bays on the ship where you can see the guns fire? Sabotaging the reactor should also have an impact, such as your ships guns no longer firing while the ship begins to either take more damage because its sheilds are down, or it stops taking damage because the enemy is fleeing/ignoring the now exploding ship.


Over Oxygenation: Yes, I can see how the exploding guns would be a problem. I still think explosions should have a larger AOE. More oxygen=more fire.


Irradiation: You're right on that, rads don't really count as poison so much as harmful evolution.


Ship Wide Lockdown: I'd love to see the list of specials, I think our current "Heavy Units" Are cheap. They're all basically the same and even have the same melee (The irritating fist slam).


Neural Toxin: THIS is what Saryn should be immune to, not the rads. As I said, that girl is poison, and it wouldn't make much sense for a poison user to be affected by her own poison (Though I'm sure if a snake bit itself it would suffer the effects of the poison).


Coolent Pipes: Perhaps frost could manipulate this like Volt manipulates the electrical lines. He can channel the excess cold but if he doesn't do it fast enough it gets through his insulation and freezes him.


Plasma Line: I would say that Ember should also be able to mess with this, but plasma isn't fire. Nothing close.


Electrical Line: I came up with the idea based on how you see heroes using more energy than they can really handle, and how sometimes you'll also see electrokinesis users grabbing a live wire and sending out a bolt of lightning to hit people.


All the Barrels: It would be nice if Mag had an ability where she could magnetize two things and pull them together, instead of just yanking things towards herself. Pushing would be nice too.


Hacking in General: Perhaps when hacking you could also pull up a map of nearby rooms, and have the effect happen THERE (Boss rooms should be immune to external hacks, so you cant just lock him in a no atmos room and wait). Perhaps on Corpus ships you could also look through the cameras from a terminal to see how many people are in the room. You can do a lot whilst hacking the system. Perhaps volt could also send a charge through the system to make a few things explode in the room targeted, or remotely booby trap a terminal so that it shocks the next user (Including himself) to prevent the alarm from being raised?


Battle Ravaged: The crew member would be in a pressure suit because the ship is really messed up (Reactor offline or leaking, hull breached, air system no longer working, etc.) to give him a better chance of survival. I do see your point of why the ship would more probably be drifting. The "Impacting a civilian colony" thing fits more with self destruct missions. Also, the Grineer are stated as being oppressive, and the Tenno might be here to stop their reign of terror. The Corpus are a CULT with a presumably brutal indoctrination. The Tenno are probably in the Sol System to stop these guys.


We should really have a brainstorming session together.

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Ship Under Attack: I am of the view that all cosmetics should focus on giving the play info about what is going on. the light show outside the ship is a cool idea, but i'm not interested in cool looks for the sake of cool looks when there are 10,000 other things to be done. maybe when they go to polish everything and really make things over the top having things like a battle scene outside going on would be cool. 


Some rooms should remain safe, but for the most part, changing a room while a player is in it can cause all sorts of issues and frustration. especailly if there is suddenly a hole in it... =[


Ship Wide Lockdown: I think all the old units need some work. i'll try to type up that list of ideas for enemies some time. its all on paper right now. and i am trying to focus on this one idea rather than several. 


Neural Toxin: I have already listed that she is immune. 


Coolent Pipes: like i said before, i would not like to see the elemental frames to get all sorts of buffs while the others (trinity, rhino, vauban, excal, banshee, etc.) get nothing. some immunities are cool and buffs to everything that uses an element type means that everyone can use the buff. 


Plasma Line: your right that plasma is not fire... and like i said for the coolent and frost, no extra buffs. its not fair to the other frames. 


Electrical Line: same as above. 


All the Barrels: maybe an alternate (male version?) frame... post that to the warframes topic. i would like to see a fframe that had a way for his/her powers to interact. 


Hacking in General: your ideas are getting complicated. i like them, but that is getting away from the spirit of the game. i would like to augment the game, not make a whole new one =p i think that a master panel in rooms that are acceptable for many manually triggered hazards is a good way to keep things balanced and even prevent trolls from annoying everyone else by tripping a hazard in every fracking tile. and this would also help control what rooms make no sense to have a lot of the hazards like boss arena tiles and out door tiles. 


Battle Ravaged: The Tenno are actually more cult like than the Grineer. whether the captive is in a pressure suit or not is of no concern to me. just as long as i can hear him scream when i suck his soul into my hand! =p 


I think this thread counts as brain storming.... 
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Yeah, the room damage idea I had needs some serious rework. It'd be pretty irritating to have a hole open up right beneath your feet and be instantly killed by a ship firing.


The Tenno are more like a race than a cult. Lotus looks human, but its strongly hinted she's an AI. We never actually see what any Tenno look like, though they're though to be human as well, one thing stood out to me. Look at their feet. After all, the forerunners looked like humans when they were in full armor, but remove the helmet and you see they are nothing alike. Especially with the whole Clan thing, they appear to be more like a race.


Hacking: Yeah, I played Dues Ex: HR recently, and I just noticed a few similarities. You're right about troll players, I can see some jackass flooding a room full of his teammates with Nuerotoxin just to be evil.

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Gravity Core Malfunction:

Going along with the "gravity core" malfunction: There could be a scenario where the gravity shifts. To keep it as simple as possible, the gravity will only shift to either the walls, or ceiling. Lotus could give a warning to the tenno, "Watch out, gravity is shifting left/right or reversing. The only way to not get knocked down when the gravity switched would be to be in the air when the change happens. Anything on the ground when the gravity switched will fall and take damage. Tenno just get stunned since they can fall from any height.

No entry point found/Stealth Ship:

Concept for this one would be that the ship that the tenno are about to infiltrate either doesn't have any known entry points, or has a stealth technology that keeps them hidden. The tenno seem advanced enough to be able to spot the other faction's stealth, but maybe it's good enough to close a vent.

-At the beginning of the mission the tenno start outside of the ship and must go through a short obstacle course, find a vent, blow it open, and jump in before the vacuum of space kills them. This would only happen at later levels, possibly 15+ to limit the stress on lvl 1 frames without mods.

Not much, but it's all I can think of at this time. Let me know if these sound fun, I know they will be difficult to implement.

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Gravity Core Malfunction:

Going along with the "gravity core" malfunction: There could be a scenario where the gravity shifts. To keep it as simple as possible, the gravity will only shift to either the walls, or ceiling. Lotus could give a warning to the tenno, "Watch out, gravity is shifting left/right or reversing. The only way to not get knocked down when the gravity switched would be to be in the air when the change happens. Anything on the ground when the gravity switched will fall and take damage. Tenno just get stunned since they can fall from any height.

with the barrels and all also being able to be effected by gravity this could be fun. as long as the grav change didn't last longer than a few seconds (like 5-10). more than that and it could be annoying. the levels were not designed to have tenno running on the walls and ceiling. many doors would become inaccessible. 



No entry point found/Stealth Ship:

Concept for this one would be that the ship that the tenno are about to infiltrate either doesn't have any known entry points, or has a stealth technology that keeps them hidden. The tenno seem advanced enough to be able to spot the other faction's stealth, but maybe it's good enough to close a vent.

-At the beginning of the mission the tenno start outside of the ship and must go through a short obstacle course, find a vent, blow it open, and jump in before the vacuum of space kills them. This would only happen at later levels, possibly 15+ to limit the stress on lvl 1 frames without mods.

I think this is something else than what i am talking about here. its not a bad idea, but its kinda in its own category. i would like it if every mission started like this in the higher levels! 

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with the barrels and all also being able to be effected by gravity this could be fun. as long as the grav change didn't last longer than a few seconds (like 5-10). more than that and it could be annoying. the levels were not designed to have tenno running on the walls and ceiling. many doors would become inaccessible.


Definitely, the switching would have to be rather short, or in levels that could still operate from any surface. This might actually make more sense in ships either being invaded by, or already infested. The process of infesting the ship might play havoc with the core. The other option could be having the core malfunction for 30sec - 1 min, but continuously switch, so doors could be accessible throughout the malfunction.


I think this is something else than what i am talking about here. its not a bad idea, but its kinda in its own category. i would like it if every mission started like this in the higher levels!

I did think of that, but I figured it fell in the "random modifiers" category. So I hit the broadest possible tag I could. I do see how it isn't really an environmental modifier unless it somehow messes with the map or waypoints. The stealth tech in particular could mess with radar systems, or give false waypoints (not one false one, but maybe three and only one is correct).

Edit: This would make more sense for a boss mission. If I'm a person of importance, I kinda want as many precautions as possible. Elite guards are nice, but having a way for my enemies to not even know where I am is better.

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The whole stealth ship idea is interesting, but we Tenno seem to be ridiculously tech savvy.  Besides, the ships we are breaking into are pretty big.  They would have to hide large amounts of heat and waste gasses.  Also, they would have to be drifting for any stealth to occur.  Think like the Normandy from ME.  However, that would be a cool tileset, with even more advanced technology for that respective faction.

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The whole stealth ship idea is interesting, but we Tenno seem to be ridiculously tech savvy.  Besides, the ships we are breaking into are pretty big.  They would have to hide large amounts of heat and waste gasses.  Also, they would have to be drifting for any stealth to occur.  Think like the Normandy from ME.  However, that would be a cool tileset, with even more advanced technology for that respective faction.

My point with the stealth tech interfering with the Tenno scanners is that we can find the ship without much effort, but the small details are hidden and being in space we don't have the time to do a covert mission and look for an entry point.

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Besides, the ships we are breaking into are pretty big.  They would have to hide large amounts of heat and waste gasses.  Also, they would have to be drifting for any stealth to occur.

it's sci fi... we just call it future tech and all the problems go away...

a like the idea, but this idea is good for another thread. please don't derail my thread. X_X i would post on it.

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Gravity core malfunction seems very interesting. Perhaps it could stack with the other gravity mods, so we have low gravity malfunctions or high gravity malfunctions, or possibly randomely shifting gravity malfunctions. So we get gently pulled towards the walls, or brutally slammed into the ceiling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There needs to be serious incentives to complete missions with environmental modifiers [especially if you make them more effective], or people will just end up quitting and restarting the mission.


If I start a mission and I get an environmental modifier, I should feel "This will be a lot harder to complete but I'll get something cool at the end so I'm kind of happy it happened" not "Welp, better start again".

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There needs to be serious incentives to complete missions with environmental modifiers or people will just end up quitting and restarting the mission.

there need to be some incentive to no quite a game at all. i could see something like the skill stat reflecting difficulty from envi mods, but in general, if someone quits a game cause its harder than most, they are just lazy. also, it would be nice if almost every mission had an envi mod and occasionally you get to play one without any unless your playing only lower levels.
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There needs to be serious incentives to complete missions with environmental modifiers [especially if you make them more effective], or people will just end up quitting and restarting the mission.


If I start a mission and I get an environmental modifier, I should feel "This will be a lot harder to complete but I'll get something cool at the end so I'm kind of happy it happened" not "Welp, better start again".


Not entirely necessary. For certain players such as myself the incentive to play/complete the mission is to experience the hazards/challenges involved. A reward would be nice and all, however, if a simple but unique twist to the mission leads to quitting as a response unless there lies a reward at the end (not saying that you fall within that response category) the extrinsic motivation for such compensation is really dull and shows the rather lazy and/or even pessimistic views that the player possesses (ie: "Oh, this S#&$ again" vs "Oh, this sounds fun/challenging to do") But I do see where your reply is coming from.

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