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To All Of You Asking For Pvp 1.0 Back, Here's Something To Think About


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so now you two become insulting a whole region have no honor & unfair? @DE modder check this out.


If we use a hack, that's dishonor because thats something outside the game, we using all thing DE provided items in the game how can that be "dishonor" ? We can use same item how can that be unfair?

I'm not insulting your region. I'm saying that your region simply didn't follow the same playstyle. That's literally all I said. Stop victimizing yourself. Just because I made a point about how your version of the "honor code" is different from the vast majority of players (Asia, NA, SA, Oceanic) .... that doesn't mean I'm insulting you or your region.


What you, yourself, said rang very true for your region. The people of Europe region used whatever was neccesary to win. Anything that was available to them. My point being: that was unique to the Europe region and was something that every other region disagreed with greatly.

Edited by AuraMau
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so now you two become insulting a whole region have no honor & unfair? @DE modder check this out.


If we use a hack, that's dishonor because thats something outside the game, we using all thing DE provided items in the game how can that be "dishonor" ? We can use same item how can that be unfair?




even its unbalance it's just the game mode which provided by DE

Nope not the entire region, and Auramau said part of your region. There were some great players in Europe region.


I've heard that excuse so many times...

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I'm not insulting your region. I'm saying that your region simply didn't follow the same playstyle. That's literally all I said. Stop victimizing yourself. Just because I made a point about how your version of the "honor code" is different from the vast majority of players (Asia, NA, SA, Oceanic) .... that doesn't mean I'm insulting you or your region.

actually I play every server as it's hard to get a match(too less players), 99% they are waiting other player with OP items.

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Unless the gametype says nopowers, no guns, no melee etc UPFRONT, BEFORE you join, you cannot claim "Its an honor thing". A random public match is just that, random.... and public.

If you want to claim "honor system", in any game, get the developers to put a filter on it. Or better yet, play private games.

Do not say people should just know.

Do not say its unspoken. Thats excatly it. Its unspoken.


Battlefield and a few other games have filters for this reason. Custom games. If you want to play public, dont complain about public players.

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Unless the gametype says nopowers, no guns, no melee etc UPFRONT, BEFORE you join, you cannot claim "Its an honor thing". A random public match is just that, random.... and public.

If you want to claim "honor system", in any game, get the developers to put a filter on it. Or better yet, play private games.

Do not say people should just know.

Do not say its unspoken. Thats excatly it. Its unspoken.


Battlefield and a few other games have filters for this reason. Custom games. If you want to play public, dont complain about public players.

Ya~~~~they just think it was spoken forever, and even more official than the origin game mode

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Unless the gametype says nopowers, no guns, no melee etc UPFRONT, BEFORE you join, you cannot claim "Its an honor thing". A random public match is just that, random.... and public.

If you want to claim "honor system", in any game, get the developers to put a filter on it. Or better yet, play private games.

Do not say people should just know.

Do not say its unspoken. Thats excatly it. Its unspoken.


Battlefield and a few other games have filters for this reason. Custom games. If you want to play public, dont complain about public players.

We arent complaining about public players we are complaining about a game mode being removed, and told by other players that its irrational to have this feature braought back with just one feature added(removing powers)

Edited by elfkinn
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We arent complaining about public players we are complaining about a game mode being removed, and told by other players that its irrational to have this feature braought back with just one feature added(removing powers)

Im not adressing you. I was addressing an arguement about Honor v Rules and the differences, which a few people dont seem to understand.

Ill leave the topic now.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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Actually I play old Conclave alot and have over 10K kills.


never use those XYZ codes, and don't care, win is win, bladestorm is strong, and those rule have no power to us.

95% I random matching opp. is a ASH or Loki(and i quit of cuz, only I can be the ash, and no one should stealth)


A true random matching!!



Conclave 1.0 with "honor code" is never a origin Conclave 1.0, you guy play too much time with you own group of  " community", and PVP 1.0 origin have too small player base make you most time matching to your friends, these made think your rule is widely recognized but actually not.


​it's a illusion


Dude, you keep complaining about Bladestorm. It was rarely used ever in a match. Plus, it had been nerfed in conclave 1.0. It couldn't even take out a Zephyrs shields. So... Why do you keep complaining about it??

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we dont even need 2.0 removed just an option to play 1.0


Exactly, even if DE just give larger dojo dueling rooms or something like that. People have been suggesting this lately.


I for one, amoung MANY others, was extremely disappointed when 2.0 REPLACED 1.0 instead of just being added and keeping 1.0

Edited by FlyingThund3rGod
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Exactly, even if DE just give larger dojo dueling rooms or something like that. People have been suggesting this lately.


I for one, amoung MANY others, was extremely disappointed when 2.0 REPLACED 1.0 instead of just being added and keeping 1.0

I think it would be better to have it as a 4th mode in the menu, since matchmaking in the dojo would be weird.

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And 1.0 have a biggest weakness. WF add PVP is for attracting new player base to join, but in PVP 1.0 the most important fact is not skill or tactic---------------- but full rank of R10 mods, which the new players won't have.


In 2.0 new player still can get some kill if they shot someone many time enough with bratons without mod, but in 1.0 won't be happen.


So it means 1.0 is going for attract old players, but really origin old players in WF is a PVE base/ grind player base over 2 year. So they are not interested to PVP and thats why 1.0 is such small player base over years.



I think DE if going to dev or bring back something, it need to be benefit WF itself, open a new player base in PVP, 1.0 is most worst idea.

Edited by cary2010haha1
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And 1.0 have a biggest weakness. WF add PVP is for attracting new player base to join, but in PVP 1.0 the most important fact is not skill or tactic---------------- but full rank of R10 mods, which the new players won't have.


In 2.0 new player still can get some kill if they shot someone many time enough with bratons without mod, but in 1.0 won't be happen.


So it means 1.0 is going for attract old players, but really origin old players in WF is a PVE base/ grind player base over 2 year. So they are not interested to PVP and thats why 1.0 is such small player base over years.



I think DE if going to dev or bring back something, it need to be benefit WF itself, open a new player base in PVP, 1.0 is most worst idea.

Actually 1.0 drew a lot of veterans in and kept them from abandoning the game when there was a lack of content or inbetween updates because just about every other mission is trivial to them but going head to head against another player isnt. Yes PVP 2.0 draws in new players, but it teaches them that 4 spam is how the game should be played, and im not asking for pvp 2.0 to be removed im just asking for the option to play 1.0. And DE doesn't need to develop something its not a waste they already developed it you are so blind and don't understand what anyone hear is saying hell adding another game mode that is already made cant possibly damage war frame it can just make it better; and please learn basic grammar reading your posts is giving me a headache.

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Actually 1.0 drew a lot of veterans in and kept them from abandoning the game when there was a lack of content or inbetween updates because just about every other mission is trivial to them but going head to head against another player isnt. Yes PVP 2.0 draws in new players, but it teaches them that 4 spam is how the game should be played, and im not asking for pvp 2.0 to be removed im just asking for the option to play 1.0. And DE doesn't need to develop something its not a waste they already developed it you are so blind and don't understand what anyone hear is saying hell adding another game mode that is already made cant possibly damage war frame it can just make it better; and please learn basic grammar reading your posts is giving me a headache.

how many veteran can you get them sign up here? do you know how many PVP game we did last Statistics post(by DE) told?

and do you know most $$ purchase are from which player base?

WF veterans mostly don't like PVP, and PVP veterans are not that much

Edited by cary2010haha1
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I cant get any veterans to sign up to something they cant play anymore, but it seems like a lot have been saying they would like 1.0 back after all you decided to make a thread about how it shouldn't come back because you saw enough posts by other players asking for it to come back. And I just played with some founders who clearly have given a lot of money to the game who said they would like 1.0 back i played with 10 people in a row who have purchased some form of prime access or founder pack and said they preferred 1.0. Dont you see a lot more players would like this option in the game, you are 1 to 20 just count how many different people are for it and against it in the 2 threads you posted in and you will see more players want 1.0 back than those that don't. You are like the only person who doesn't want 1.0.

Edited by elfkinn
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I cant get any veterans to sign up to something they cant play anymore, but it seems like a lot have been saying they would like 1.0 back after all you decided to make a thread about how it shouldn't come back because you saw enough posts by other players asking for it to come back. And I just played with some founders who clearly have given a lot of money to the game who said they would like 1.0 back i played with 10 people in a row who have purchased some form of prime access or founder pack and said they preferred 1.0. Dont you see a lot more players would like this option in the game, you are 1 to 20 just count how many different people are for it and against it in the 2 threads you posted in and you will see more players want 1.0 back than those that don't. You are like the only person who doesn't want 1.0.

that means nothing because most of player in WF won't come to forum, thats why I say see how many games we did through last Statistics. Here are not even 100 different player supporting it yet.

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Actually if we can have a vote :P I want to start a vote about "should WF have PVP?" and see the result, lucky here is not allow that. 



Do you see the last hot topic vote DE ask about PVP, whats the reaction :P:P:P



Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Can you please link me to the issue of by the numbers that says how many people played pvp 1.0 because i went through 50 pages on the main site and didn't see one post about it. Also there may not be 100 players supporting it, but there is 1 person against it, and more than 20 for it. 


Why are you so against having a new feature that is already made added, you wont have to play it it wont give any rewards it will just be for fun and it wont affect how long it takes DE to make new content because it already exists can you answer me on why adding this is bad if it costs nothing to put back in.

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Can someone give me an unbiased explanation on why this is such a big topic today?

this has spiraled out into an argument on why pvp 1.0 shouldnt even exist. And I strongly desire it for it to be brought back, so I am spending time on the forums arguing with someone about why it should be brought back. Is there anything wrong with that?

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this has spiraled out into an argument on why pvp 1.0 shouldnt even exist. And I strongly desire it for it to be brought back, so I am spending time on the forums arguing with someone about why it should be brought back. Is there anything wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with that. I'm just not following and not interested in reading through all the arguing in multiple threads.

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