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Fan Warframe Concept: Paradox Lore Entry


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Greetings fellow Tenno!


For my first ever post after being a member for so long I figured I'd make it my warframe idea that I've had for a good bit now, while this is only the lore for the moment I wanted to make sure people actually like the backstory before learning about the frame itself.


Once I fully flesh out stats, passives, abilities and such I'll post that afterwards, unfortunately I'm very limited in what I can show off the most being the below text wall; I have absolutely no artistic nor modeling skills at my disposal but by all means if anybody gains an interest I could give a detailed description of its appearance and you could tackle it yourself, I would be more than happy to credit you.


Alright enough jibber jabber out of me I hope you enjoy reading this, as much as I did writing it with a little help from Blujet95!







"That damn clock, I always hated that sound" Kaz mumbles under his breath.


I always found it calming, a good way to gather my thoughts.


"Hey Finn wheres that scientist we were ordered to keep an eye on?" He asks.


"Should be here any moment now" I reply.


A door on the oposite end of the hallway opens and out steps a man that has clearly had no sleep in what might be weeks, a bundle of documents in one hand and an audio recorder in the other.


"Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen" he says in a stressed tone, "my name is T'sark are you the ones that are going to be assisting my research?"


"Thats right my name is Finn and this is Kaz, what kind of research is it?" I inquire.


"The very important kind" he says whilst maintaining a serious face "It's a prototype and it's in need of components to function properly."


He carries on... "So far the helmet is all I've been able to build right over here" the fizzing and whirring of the crafting table is always a familiar comfort. The helmet is of an odd design with writing on the back of it, Tenno Model 2100N serial 148-H a mouthful to be sure.


"For the rest of it I'm going to need a Control Module, an A class battery pack, a holographic projector and some Morphic rings" he finishes his explaination, "Nothing I can't handle I'll be back with what you need" I state confidently.


"I'll stay and help the doc set up here" Kaz says as I head out, the Module is easy to barter if the credits are right and projectors are always being salvaged from abandoned cargo ships.


The thing that bothered me were the Morphic rings and the battery pack, what good would they serve? They seem completely unrelated to the final product, regardless I continued to search and finally found the requested amount of them.


"Good work Finn" T'sark says with a pleased expression "this is exactly what I'll need..."


"And what would that be?" Kaz asks suspiciously "I've been taking notes and keeping a very close eye on you, these materials you've been gathering would not be necessary according to these blueprints."


The scientist froze up turning as white as his lab coat, his breathing cut short as though he'd just had a noose tightly woven around his neck, he starts backing away toward the exit but I block him.


"Spill it" Kaz barks angrily.


"Very well but I beg you, you must help me" T'sark pleads.


He moves past us to the back of the lab and reveals a hidden room, dark and dank littered from wall to wall with various sketches and notes.


And there it was T'sarks pet project sitting lifelessly in a chair, "this is what I am truly working on, an empty shell that does not require a user as the prototype would, it's an attempt for a safer alternative a puppet if you'd prefer."


"You want our help to get this souless monstrosity operational?" Kaz states disgusted.


His anger was obvious I knew him better than anybody, his fierce loyalty to his superiors was unmatched and would not tolerate somebody going against their wishes so flippantly.


"You were given explicit orders to complete the prototype weapon, not squander precious resources on the theories of a lunatic" He declares as he storms out of the lab.


"Kaz wait what if he's correct?" I ask.


"What if Finn?" He snaps back.


"Would it change anything?" he adds, I suppose it wouldn't but from the notes this wasn't a decision T'sark made lightly, this could work given time.


Kaz lets out a great sigh knowing he won't be talking me out of this.


"You know how the emperors are Finn, with my new post I'll not play any part in this madness" he says as he walks away.


He pauses and looks me straight in the eyes "you have been my best friend for decades so I'll not tell anybody of this, but know that if I see you again... your actions WILL have consequences."




With that final warning the guard leaves the boy and I to begin perfecting my creation, I still struggle to comprehend how it all came to this. One day I'm an orokin toy maker the next I'm being drafted into making weapons of war.


"It all started with that woman Kaleen" I told Finn "I saw those poor children before and after the fall of the Zariman, according to her it wasn't good and it simply got worse."


They planned to use them as soldiers to fight in the near future and I was to engineer their cages, I was ashamed of myself but much like anybody else I didn't want to die or disappear like my peers.


"I wasn't aware" Finn says disheartened "Had I known the higher ups had such sinister intent I never would have agreed to spy on you, but maybe it was for the best."


After quite some time passed the ceremony drew close, I never could've prepared for what would come next.


"Finn I have something to tell you" I say waving him over.


"What is it T'sark?" he replies.


"I have a bad feeling about this ceremony" before I could finish two orokin guardsman enter the lab.


"You there you're coming with us, you're required at the ceremony" the first guard says without skipping a beat.


They meant business had he not gone willingly they would have dragged him away, I wasn't able to talk them down so all I could do was continue to make adjustments to my creation.


Suddenly the sound of drums rang throughout the halls and struck me with an overwhelming sense of fear, I ran as fast as I could to the ceremonial hall.


I was too late.


All the officials were dead, the once proud emperors now headless sitting atop their white gold thrones painted crimson with their blood. I sifted through the broken bodies and severed limbs in search of the boy, with no luck Finn was gone without a trace.


"At least now I can complete my work without fear of being interrupted" I said still shaking trying to find the light in this looming shadow, no matter what I thought they were all still people and now they're gone for good.


Audio log XII


"Its been so long now I've lost all track of time, still no closer to activating you than I was back then" I spoke to the ever still figure in the chair clutching my audio recorder.


"I'm sorry you could've ended this, It's all my fault." I said slowly pacing by the doorway.


As I turned to leave a light from behind me steadily grew until it was consuming the room, there right before my eyes it stood silently. It was my creation but this one was different, wartorn almost with many cuts and bullet holes, completely missing its right arm.


Suddenly with its one good arm it removed a strange object from its chest and handed it to me, as I looked down at the golden anomoly I was enthralled by the time I looked back it was gone.


"Sorry I ever doubted you, I know what I must do."


I plugged the key shaped device into my lifeless friend, at first nothing happened and then the sound of a clock pierced my very being, it slowly wound up into existence.



Edited by Robo-ron
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