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What Weapons Are Good For Conclave?



4 answers to this question

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I personally enjoy the latron prime and lex prime because of their accuracy and damages, but i recently got my &#! wooped by a guy using a braton prime, i had no idea someone could be this good with it. Sticking to my good ol latron tho.


The bows are good if you know how to use it, it's not as efficient as a sniper from a long range but definitely more than a shotgun at close range (which is kind of stupid but DE works in mysterious ways).


And my dex dakra allows me to have good mobility while being average when i need to melee.


Overall which weapon is good and which isn't is mostly up to the player using it i think, but since it's something you don't wanna hear, i'd say paris prime, braton prime and latron prime are the best for me (didn't get a chance to try the vectis prime yet i'm still trying to get my hands on it).


As for the weapons i hate, i'd say all the automatic guns like wraith vipers, dex furis, dual cestra etc. 

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To be honest all weapons are pretty balanced. I can get in a match with literally anything, just choosing some random stuff, and still at least be competitive against the best players i know. Each Weapon have their own advantages and disadvantages, i think the PvP is very balanced at the moment, there isn't anything too OP or too weak. It's up to you, play with what you are more comfortable.

The only weapon that i would absolutely recommend is the Bo Prime, which currently is the very best melee for mobility, it got the second fastest copter and the highest directional melee, but that's just my personal taste since i don't use melees for damage. Also that might change with Parkour 2.0 since coptering/directional will be nerfed.

About Primaries, i personally like the Automatic Rifles, i feel like the PvP rewards sustained fire more than accurate twitch shots now. The Boltors, the Bratons, the Grakatas. All variants. The Boltors kills armored frames very fast, the Bratons have the advantage of being Hitscan, and the Grakata have such a fast fire rate, that if you manage to hit a good burst of headshots, it kills very fast. If you have good aim enjoy hit-and-run and comboing with abilities you should try the Vectis/Prime and the Daikyu. About Shotguns, i would wait until the buff comes out, right now i feel like they are not in a good place, the Strun Wraith used to be overpowered and then got nerfed, and the Boar Prime is decent but i wouldn't choose it in the place of a Rifle.

For Secondaries, try the Furis and MK-1 Furis, they are pretty strong for a Automatic Machine-Pistol, they feel almost like a Braton with wider spread. Or the Lex Prime, it deals lots of damage, but if you don't have good aim, it can be very punishing to miss shots, because of the slow fire rate and reload speed. The AkLato and the AkMagnus have very high DPS if you use a macro to get the full fire rate, but the spread is quite bad for long ranges. 

As far as Melee... Like i said, personally i use the Bo Prime for mobility. But i am a big fan of the Glaive Prime, it have a faster copter than the Bo Prime but a worse Directional, but it deals lot of damage on the throw, you can combo it with abilities and shoot, its very effective but only if you are able to land those throw consistently. For regular attacks, the Prisma Skana have a good balance between mobility and damage. The Dex Dakra is also very good for regular attacks, with a slower copter and worse directional. And finally if you don't care too much about being in the ground, the Boltace is a destroyer of close-quarters, it kills so fast, and it got a giant range, all you have to do is press E and you kill everyone that is stupid enough to stand near you trying to shoot you. 

Now for the cheese... Kogake, all you have to do is literally spam spin-attacks, you can even stun-lock players with Handspring if you time well enough or use a macro for spin-attacks. And Furax, all you have to do is hold right click to block, farm some energy for channeling and spam E, you will do a combo with a forward momentum and stun, and also there is some kind of bug that will make you block shots while doing it. It need a nerf.

I hope i could help.

Edited by RexSol
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